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  Describe an interesting place in public

  You should say:

  what it is

学习啦在线学习网  how you can go there

  what people do there

  and explain why you think it is an interesting place.

学习啦在线学习网  雅思口语高分范文示例:


学习啦在线学习网  2.主题:家乡的火车站


  For my job I currently live in the capital city of our country which is ... (say the name of the capital city in your country...). It has been more than 5 years since I left my hometown and yet this is the town where my heart belongs to. I will always remember the days and places where I spent my childhood and teenage, the golden years of my life. The name of my hometown is (...say the name of your hometown...) and it is located in the northern part of the (... say the city/ district name where this town belongs to...). This town will always be special to me, no matter where I go, how far I go. There are many interesting places if I consider from different perspectives in my hometown that I can recall now. Out of these places, the rail station, which is located at the southern corner of our city is the one I would like to talk about.

  In my childhood, the rail station in my hometown was the most mysterious and interesting place for us. We, as children, were not allowed to enter the main premises where the train stopped and this prohibition made us more curious about this place. This is still a place which is quite interesting for me. This is possibly because this rail station is the entry and exit point for me- to and from my hometown. When the train drops me in this station, I feel a sensation of being home. On the contrary, during the time of my departure, I feel an acute melancholy that I won't be able to express in words. This place has always been a mystery to me and it is still a place full of happiness, sadness and enigma.

  From two other perspectives, this place is quite interesting to me. One- the surrounding view of this station is quite spectacular and would give someone an impression that he is standing on a tall mountain and can see the green fields below all around him. The view gives the first impression of the natural beauty this area has. In fact, I have never seen any other train station which is located in such a higher place and gives such a beautiful view. Second- the different types of people who come here each day is an interesting thing to observe. Some people come here to sell numerous products, some wait for their relatives or family members to arrive, some to see off their relatives or friends, and finally, some are part of the administrative office of the rail authority. In my opinion, this is an interesting hub for people of different ages, places and purposes.

  If I am to suggest a foreign tourist about the interesting places of my hometown, I would suggest him to start with this rail station. This rail station will give a very good idea of our town, people and places to be there. To me, this is the gateway to a beautiful town where my heart belongs to.

  雅思口语part2话题卡参考范文:听音乐的场所(Describe a place where people listen to music)

  Where is it?

  How do you know this place?

  How does it look like?

  And explain how do you feel about this place?



学习啦在线学习网  3.故事线:一家名为“vivaan”的餐厅,坐落在城市的中心地带。我经常和我亲近的人一起去这个地方。老实说,这个地方以食物和音乐而闻名。他们播放不同类型的音乐,例如不插电,声音特别柔和,舒缓的音乐。

  Well, I would like to start by saying that I dwell in a beautiful city _学习啦在线学习网X and there are various places which are crowd-puller. Here, I would like to talk about a place where individuals go to listen to music.

  It is a restaurant named “vivaan” which is housed in heart of the city. I visit this place frequently with my near and dear ones. Honestly speaking, this place is really famous for its food and music. They play different genres such as unplugged, acoustic especially they soft and soothing music. They invite various artists and music bands on weekends for live music. The most interesting thing is that local community people are also given chances to sing in front of others in order to demonstrate their talent. The restaurant is designed as per modern architecture and is very eye-catching. At night, it becomes a happening place because a lot people visit it for listening to music as well as for enjoying the delicious cuisines.

  I feel this place is awesome because of different reasons. first of all, as it is located in the center of the city, so it’s convenient for every person to commute there hassle-free. Apart from that, the sitting arrangement is in apple pie order which can accommodate numbers of individuals. At night, the restaurant shines like a pearl because of the decoration and the lightening.

学习啦在线学习网  All in all, it is an idyllic place and honestly, a flying visit to this place truly rejuvenates me.


  You should say

  Where the place is?

  How it looks like?

学习啦在线学习网  Why you like this place?

  Speaking of the best place to read or write, I would like to mention the library in our university. It is a small round building on the west side of tower building with four floors. Although it’s not that large, there is enough space for students to read. There are several reference book rooms, some reading rooms and a video room. On the first floor, there is a small snack shop. Every time I take a rest, i would like to order a cup of milk tea which is my favorite. Nothing can be better than it if I could hold a cup of iced milk tea and read a novel in the soft couch in reading room. Another important reason why I love to stay in that library is that it is quiet enough for me to get down to work. When I'm in dormitory, I can hardly concentrate on reading since I sit right beside my bed and I always want to sleep. Moreover, the noises made by my roommates and outside environment are annoying. Compared to my dormitory, library is a perfect place for reading alone. My thoughts would not be interrupted by some strange sounds. Besides, I can find a lot of academic books in the library. In China, it is difficult to log on many foreign websites, such as Google scholar, to get the data we need. So the most sufferable period is the essay season, because we need to find academic resources by all means. Thus, library provides us with plenty of books so that we can use as reference to finish our assessments. I like the phenomenon in the library since everyone studies so hard. All students around me are scribbling hard with their pencils. Every time I see them, I will be inspired by them and can speed up my writing.


学习啦在线学习网  要重点注意的几个礼仪如下:

学习啦在线学习网  1、动作:同学们的眼睛千万不要晃,不要老眨眼,这是消极的表现,要不时面带笑容,看考官的鼻子,不要看眼睛,这样你会很紧张,你看考官的鼻子的地方,从他的角度看你是看着他的眼睛的。男女生挺直不能依靠椅子,男生双手要分别放在大腿,女生双手放在左大腿上,身体稍微有点倾斜。

  2、手表:西方国家的人很看重“手表”,无论我在外交部,大使馆给国家领导人做翻译,还是跟外教一起聊英语教学,都发现他们很喜欢带表,他们称带表的人为“a man of time”(有时间观念的人),所以同学们考试时一定要带表。

  3、颜色:颜色会使一个人的感觉变动,而如果全部同学都是穿白色或浅色的衣服,而你穿了黑色,那你就会给人耳目一新的感觉。在所有我接触过的考官,都喜欢一种颜色,那就是绿色,那是代表“love ,hope ,life and energy",并且澳大利亚的国色是绿色。我推荐大家穿绿色,蓝色和黄色。这样会让所有的外国考官都会喜欢。

  4、结束:当考官最后说了一句:that's all。一般同学们都会说:thanks, goodbye. 这样的印象分也是很差的,一般第三部分的分数是等你出了门,考官才会写下去,所以最后的一句话往往是加分的。同学们牢记好三句话:thanks very much for your time ,and I enjoy taking with you . Have a good day ,__(加上考官的名字,并且握手)。 雅思口语的三部分,同学们都知道第一部分最简单,第二部分动用自己的想象力去描述,第三部分最难,但最关键的是第一部分,也就是从你进门那一刻开始。下面我与大家分享下外交级的礼仪,如何让考官非常喜欢你。下面的“T”代表考官,“S”代表你。 T:Come in please.(在门口叫你) S:thank you 后,轻声关门,马上走到考官前说:my name is _x.(一定要说中文名,不能说英文名),然后马上请问对方的名字:how do you like me to address you ,sir?(这句话是外交级的语言,对方肯定会告诉你名字),假设考官说的是Ken, 你马上微笑的回答:Oh, Ken, (惊讶的表情),nice name, glad to meet you.(伸出手,要有力) 。 T:说完后考官肯定说thanks, 然后说sit down ,please. S:同学们不要马上坐下,因为当时考官还是站着的,你要说:you please.(你先请) 。




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