精读意味着仔细读,认真读,读到骨头里,不要只查查词,看看句子意思。如果是这样, 这还没达到精读的深度。
举个例子 513
学习啦在线学习网For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse. They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are running out; that the population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that species are becoming extinct in vast numbers, and that the planet's air and water are becoming ever more polluted.
第一步 从词汇(单词, 短语)入手:把句子里的单词(主要是动词,形容词,副词)这三类词达到认知程度, 拓展同义词学习啦在线学习网,派生词等,因为根据雅思阅读考点的出现频率看,这三类词最容易被替换。如果时间允许,再看看名词里的抽象名词,物质名词采取猜词技巧可以解决。 例如以上的句子:
run out(拓展 exhaust/use up, 例如832 );
leave(拓展不仅表示“留下来,离开的意思,还可以表示使处于某种状态, 例如721);
学习啦在线学习网eat(拓展 feed, 例如412);
学习啦在线学习网extinct(拓展extinction/die out 例如513);
学习啦在线学习网pollute(拓展 pollution/pollutant 例如532);
形容词和副词:worse; main; natural; less; vast;
名词:environmentalist; fear; resource; population; species; planet;
学习啦在线学习网第二步 从语法结构入手:分清句子的主谓宾或主系表;如果是复合句或长难句,拆分成简单句;例如: They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that …..; that ……..; that…….., and that ……….. 此句后面的冒号是解释说明,后面有四个小分句;
第三步 从段落结构入手: 分析段落内的连贯和衔接关系,并分析段落中的句子是如何衔接的. 例如: 以上的段落是总分结构 总: For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse. 分: They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that …; that …..; that .,…., and that …..
学习啦在线学习网第四步 试着用不同的单词,不同的语法结构进行改写(paraphrase),这个步骤称为“二度创作” 。刚开始训练时比较痛苦,因为在脑海中要搜寻学过的东西加以整理,这本身就是一个需要思考的过程。等训练多了形成自己的思维体系及语言表达能力后,输出改写就会得心应手了。例如上一段的改写
A number of environmentalists hold a pessimistic view of the earth. They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are exhausted; that the number of people is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that a vast number of species are dying out, and that air and water are polluted more seriously.
re是前缀, 意思是重复. RE精读策略意味着反复精读. 根据人类大脑记忆规律, 刚刚记完的知识记住了100%, 过了20分之后剩下58.2%................我们要进行二次精读, 三次精读…….. 直到读透为止. 古人云: “温故而知新”, 读第一遍和读第二遍对文章的理解是不同的, 读第一遍时,有的学生可能只记得个别单词,短语等; 读第二遍可能对句子之间的关系, 段落结构, 篇章结构就有了更深层次的理解.
我们尽量利用”瞻前顾后”的方法把当前学到的单词,短语等与之前精读文章里的单词短语等联系起来, 达到融会贯通, 触类旁通. 学习是输入和输出并行的过程, 输入就是学习者由外到内获取语言知识,精读就是很好的输入方式;输出就是学习者将所学的知识由内而外的再现过程。精读这个过程是输入, 输入后要消化, 吸收, 然后输出,这样才是个完整的学习过程. 如果只有输入, 没有输出, 会影响学习效果.
学习啦在线学习网Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, China's largest e-commerce vendor, has officially confirmed it will hold an initial public offering in the United States, the company has announced.
The decision will "make [Alibaba] a more global company and enhance the company’s transparency, as well as allow the company to continue to pursue our long-term vision and ideals," according to a company statement sent on Sunday to China Daily.
It did not specify which bourse it will choose to float its shares, or give a detailed timetable.
学习啦在线学习网Alibaba said that, should circumstances permit in the future, it will work towards toward extending its public status in China’s capital market in order to share its growth with the Chinese people.
学习啦在线学习网The company also expressed gratitude towards those in Hong Kong who have supported Alibaba Group, including the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which shut the door on a potential listing last September.
"We respect the viewpoints and policies of Hong Kong and will continue to pay close attention to and support the process of innovation and development of Hong Kong," the statement added.
学习啦在线学习网Hong Kong regulators rejected Alibaba's IPO because of the firm's special request to keep a shareholder structure which would have allowed a group of top managers and founders to nominate and control the company's board of directors.
The unique requirement went against the exchange's one-share-one-vote principle.
The statement puts an end to rampant rumors about Alibaba’s choice of listing venue.
For example, the firm's recent purchase of a stake in a Hong Kong-listed company prompted speculation that Alibaba might use the deal to go public.
Analysts polled by Reuters have put Alibaba's market value at around 0 billion and the value of the IPO at billion. If successful, it will go public in the world's biggest listing since Facebook Inc's debut in 2012.
The announcement came just two days after micro-blogging service Sina Weibo filed to raise 0 million via a US IPO. Alibaba holds 18 percent of Sina Weibo's shares.
We’ve all gone through hard times. And we all get through them. However, some get through them better than others. So what is their secret? Most of it has to do with attitude. Here are 13 things to remember when life gets rough:
1. What is, is
Buddha’s famous saying tells us: “It is your resistance to ‘what is’ that causes your suffering.” Think about that for a minute. It means that our suffering only occurs when we resist how things are. If you can change something, then take action! Change it! But if you can’t change it, then you have two choices: (1) either accept it and let go of the negativity, or (2) make yourself miserable by obsessing over it.
2. It’s only a problem if you think it’s a problem
学习啦在线学习网Many times, we are our own worst enemy. Happiness is really dependent on perspective. If you think something is a problem, then your thoughts and emotions will be negative. But if you think it’s something you can learn from, then suddenly, it’s not a problem anymore.
3. If you want things to change, you need to start with changing yourself
Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. Don’t you know people whose lives are chaotic and stressful? And isn’t that largely because they feel chaotic inside? Yes, it is. We like to think that changing our circumstances will change us. But we have it backwards—we need to change ourselves first before our circumstances will change.
4. There is no such thing as failure—only learning opportunities
You should just wipe the word “failure” right out of your vocabulary. All great people who have ever achieved anything have “failed” over and over. In fact, I think it was Thomas Edison who said something like, “I did not fail at inventing the light bulb, I just first found 99 ways that it didn’t work.” Take your so-called “failures” and learn something from them. Learn how to do it better next time.
5. If you don’t get something you want, it just means something better is coming
学习啦在线学习网That’s hard to believe sometimes, I know. But it’s true. Usually, when you look back at your life, you will be able to see why it was actually a good thing that something didn’t work out. Maybe the job you didn’t get would have made you spend more time away from your family, but the job you did get was more flexible. Just have faith that everything happens exactly the way it’s supposed to.
学习啦在线学习网6. Appreciate the present moment
This moment will never come again. And there is always something precious about every moment. So don’t let it pass you by! Soon it will just be a memory. Even moments that don’t seem happy can be looked upon as something that you might miss someday. As the country song by Trace Adkins says, “You’re gonna miss this…you’re gonna want this back. You’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast….you may not know this now, but you’re gonna miss this…”
学习啦在线学习网正当时一去不复返。每个时刻都有宝贵的东西。所以不要让时间匆匆溜走!很快现在也会成为你回忆的一部分。每个你不快乐的时光在日后都会成为你去想念回忆的部分。就想Trace Adkin在乡村歌曲里唱的那般:”你会去怀念,会想重头再来。你会希望这些日子没有飞速流逝,也许现在你不知道,但你真的会去想念“
7. Let go of desire
Most people live with “attached mind.” What this means is that they attach themselves to a desire, and when they don’t get it, their emotions plummet into negativity. Instead, try to practice “detached mind.” That means that when you want something, you will still be happy whether you get it or not. Your emotions remain happy or neutral.
8. Understand and be grateful for your fears
Fear can be a great teacher. And overcoming fears can also make you feel victorious. For example, when I was in college, I feared public speaking (one of the top 3 fears of all humans). So I find it humorous now that not only do I speak in front of a group every day by being a college professor, I also teach public speaking! Overcoming fears just takes practice. Fear is really just an illusion. It’s optional.
学习啦在线学习网9. Allow yourself to experience joy
Believe it or not, I know way too many people who don’t allow themselves to have fun. And they don’t even know how to be happy. Some people are actually addicted to their problems and the chaos in them so much that they wouldn’t even know who they are without them. So try to allow yourself to be happy! Even if it’s just for a small moment, it’s important to focus on joy, not your hardships.
10. Don’t compare yourself to other people
学习啦在线学习网But if you do compare yourself, compare yourself with people who have it worse than you. Unemployed? Be grateful that you live in a country that gives unemployment compensation, because most people in the world live on less that 0 a year. So you don’t look like Angelina Jolie? Well, I bet there are more people who don’t than do. And you are probably way better looking than most people. Focus on that.
11. You are not a victim
You need to get out of your own way. You are only a “victim” of your own thoughts, words and actions. No one “does” something to you. You are the creator of your own experience. Take personal responsibility and realize that you can get out of your hard times. You just need to start with changing your thoughts and actions. Abandon your victim mentality and become victorious. From victim to VICTOR!
12. Things can—and do—change
学习啦在线学习网“And this too shall pass” is one of my favorite sayings. When we are stuck in a bad situation, we think that there is no way out. We think nothing will ever change. But guess what? It will! Nothing is permanent except death. So get out of the habit of thinking that things will always be this way. They won’t. But you do need to take some sort of action for things to change. It won’t magically happen all on its own.
学习啦在线学习网13. Anything is possible
Miracles happen every day. Really—they do. I wish I had enough space to write about all the miraculous things that have happened to people I know—from healing stage 4 cancer naturally to having their soul mate appear out of nowhere. Trust me: it happens all the time. You just need to believe it does. Once you do, you have won the battle.
