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学习啦在线学习网  如何写好托福独立写作主题句,这是一个需要技巧的事情,下面小编就和你聊聊。





学习啦在线学习网  在实际授课过程中,将这些要求通过课件例句和口头表达转述给学生的过程类似于将理工科公式介绍给学生一样简单,但是如何帮助学生有效地理解、吸收并运用这些“公式”则是一个比较耗时费力的过程。主题句没写好的结果绝对是灾难性的,一个主题句如果不能有效地表达文意,那么,我们在授课过程中所介绍的“理由段三成分”根本无法得到有效的落实,进而,整个理由段的布局和表述都会受到影响。所以,主题句的教学应当获得更大的关注度,从“逻辑”、“篇幅”和“表述”三个维度进行主题句的提炼应该是一个比较好的切入点。

学习啦在线学习网  【维度一:主题句的逻辑】

学习啦在线学习网  (1)学生目标:能够根据题干想出合适的理由,再把理由精准地表述成句,用理由当主题句;



学习啦在线学习网  可喜的是,现在机经预测的准确度已经非常之高,那些在真实考场中频现的真题也已经被我们解析完毕,相应的理由均已被整理、记录进了“理由库”。只要把这些理由融入到自己的教学过程当中,反复给学生进行讲解,带着他们去思考、理解和运用这些理由,即便他们考试的时候遇见的不是原题重现而是近义题重现,大多数学生也是能够保证自己使用的理由能够切题了。当然,有同学担心这样一个问题,写作题目可能会出现新题,这些理由对于新题会不会不适用。笔者认为,但凡能够跟着老师进度来认真思考“理由库”的同学,在考试日期到来之前,想理由的能力绝对是已经得到了大幅提升的,大可不必有这样的担心。因此,只要按照上述思路进行训练,想写出“及格”层次的主题句是没有问题了。


学习啦在线学习网  题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important investment for a big company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees.

学习啦在线学习网  A同学想表达的是“通过提升员工的效率和熟练度,公司利益会增加,进而实现员工的增收”,但是她的主题句却写成了“First, with the economic growth, the goods price increase sharply.”

  【参考例句:In the first place, employees’ working efficiency and proficiency can boost a company’s profits, thus increase employees’ income.】


  题目:It is impossible to succeed if one cannot accept criticism in teamwork.

学习啦在线学习网  (1)B同学的主题句是这么写的:In the first place, criticism in a team is unavoidable because everyone has his own opinion, it is normal to have some conflict.


  【参考例句:In the first place, hearing and accepting rational criticism helps colleagues to form team spirit.】

  (2)同样,还有一位C同学是这么写的:Last but not least, a team may get criticism from outside world. 这个主题句也没有把最核心的论据思想表达出来,?个团队可以从外部得到批评,那么,能够带来什么好处呢?C同学并没有说明。这句话,如果放到后面的解释环节来使用,也是可以的,但是,作为主题句,一定需要在“从外部接受批评”和“获得成功”之间搭建逻辑关系,整合出一个概括性较强的句子才行。

  【参考例句:Last but not least, a willingness to accept criticism enables people to obtain more useful information.】


学习啦在线学习网  (1)学生目标:提升概括能力,严格控制主题句的篇幅;

学习啦在线学习网  (2)学生普遍存在的问题:一个主题句写了两到三行(30~40个单词);

学习啦在线学习网  (3)教学重点:要提升学生的概括能力,用高端词汇来替代短语的做法绝非高效高质的做法,只会导致曲高和寡的结果。



学习啦在线学习网  题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important investment for a big company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees.

学习啦在线学习网  针对这道题目,D同学想出来的理由还是不错的,他想表达的是“一个公司员工的工作效率和熟练度对这个公司的产出和收益有很大的推动作用”,但是,具体转述为主题句之后,他写成了“How large the profit will be made by a company mostly depends on the output and the most significant method to enlarge the output is obviously to enhance the efficiency and proficiency of the workers.”(35个单词)

  分析:对D同学所表达的主题句进行二次分析,他很轻松地就找出了这个句子的核心词,即“efficiency and proficiency”和“output and profit”。通过不到三分钟的思考,他围绕这几个单词进行因果关系的转述,再度写出来的主题句如下:To begin with, efficiency and proficiency can improve a company’s output and profit.(13个单词,精简了22个单词,语义更加精炼。)


  题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s better to choose a university whose graduates have good job opportunities than a university who has famous professors.

  E同学的主题句是这样写的:One of the main reasons that I consider a university whose graduates have a good job opportunity is a better choice is that job can guarantee our future.(28个单词)

  分析:通过再次分析她的主题句,D同学进行了关键词的提取,即“good job opportunities”和“future”,其它的内容均可进行适当削减。经过思考,她通过因果关系进行转述,再次表达出的主题句如下:Firstly, good job opportunities usually guarantee a promising future.(9个单词,精简了19个单词,主题句更加开门见山。)


学习啦在线学习网  (1)学生目标:通过主题句体现句式多样性;

学习啦在线学习网  (2)学生普遍存在的问题:

学习啦在线学习网  (3)教学重点:授课老师需要结合近年来的所有机经真题进行主题句练习的设计,在课程内容进入到主题句讲解之后,分批次将这些题目布置给学生操练,一个月的练习时间为宜。

学习啦在线学习网  题目:It’s better to choose a university whose graduates have good job opportunities than a university who has famous professors.

  分析:E同学的主题句是这么写的,“In the first place, famous professors can provide students with a better education.”就这个句子本身而言,已经合格,但是,考虑到托福独立写作的评分标准之一“Sentence Variety”,我们完全有理由教会学生在主题句上做足“句式多样性”的文章。将上述主题句发给另外一个经过近一个月写作训练的同学进行词句提升,一分钟即写了三个相关主题句出来,如下:

  1. It is illustrious professors that provide students with better education;

  2. Illustrious professors are so decisive when they come to providing students with better education;

  3. Hardly can students expect to obtain better education without illustrious professors. 这已完全符合“逻辑严谨”、“言简意赅”和“句式多样”的要求。


  托福写作之如何写一个topic sentence(主题句)

  所谓主题句(topic sentence, 也有人叫它中心句),就是独立写作主体段中统领全文的那个句子,也就是表述在独立写作头脑风暴和谋篇布局时候想到的“主要理由”或者“论点”的那个句子。通常一篇独立写作有三个主题句。

学习啦在线学习网  例如在题目“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is betterto work in large companies than in small ones.”,选择agree,三个主题句可以是:

学习啦在线学习网  The first reason is that a large company can provide more opportunities to develop one’s ability

学习啦在线学习网  Another reason for choosing a big company involves welfare.

学习啦在线学习网  A third reason is that one who appreciates the unique culture of abig enterprise will become a more responsible person to the society.



学习啦在线学习网  首先,每段主题句通常都位于段首,紧跟于“first, second, third”这些“信号词”之后。除此之外还需要注意以下几点。




  “First and foremost, television, invented in the last century, withits wide availability and increasingly prosperous programs ,becomes one of the most powerful means of communication in history, and is more and more difficult to ignore”

  这个主题句涵盖的内容太多,读完这个句子,读者根本不明白本段是要陈述电视节目蓬勃发展(increasingly prosperous program), 要强调电视是最强力的交流工具(the most powerful means of communication in history),还是要论证电视不可被忽视(difficult to ignore),这就是一个典型的内容太复杂的主题句。


学习啦在线学习网  “First of all, following the new customs can show a sense of respect,which can allow a better and faster adaption inside the local population so that they make more friends.”

学习啦在线学习网  这个句子也有两个论点:表示尊重(show a sense of respect),扩大社交(make more friends),同样也使读者不能抓住本段的主要内容。

  如何避免这种错误,使主题句内容简单呢?很简单,首先做到每个主题句有且只有一个论点。论点就是指我们头脑风暴时候想到的那些“key words”,比如健康,安全,情感等等,每段写一个,不要把健康和安全放在同一个段落,也不要把情感和成功放在同一个段落。


学习啦在线学习网  “To start with, accepting cultures in the foreign country is an indispensable element that contributes to the expansion of social circle.”这是一个简洁的主题句,只有扩大社交(contributes to the expansion of social circle)这一个论点。

学习啦在线学习网  论点唯一还不一定能完全做到简洁,来看另一个反例:

  “The first reason why letting children care for animals isnot the best way to teach them about responsibility is that it could negatively impact a child’s health.”

  这句话虽然只有一个论点,可是用语太繁杂,让人头晕。主题句的语法不建议太复杂,建议大家把花式操作留到其他部分去秀,在主题句,只要写一些简单句,例如:“First, raising pets will exert a negative impact on a child’shealth.”就行了。


学习啦在线学习网  来看下面两个句子:

  A: “First, some children might be infected by feeding animals.”

学习啦在线学习网  B: “First, raising pets could negatively impact a child’s health.”



  因为A句的内容是一个“纯粹的事实”,而B句则是“抽象的概念”(exert negative impact),换言之,A句可以作为B句的例子,但B句不能作为A句的例子。

学习啦在线学习网  陈述事实的句子是不能作为主题句的,事实是不言自明的。不言自明,也就不需要后面的文字来“论证”了。主题句需要写“a sentence that you could give examples for”,而不能写一个 “example”。


  A: “Second, the academic performance of some children becomes poor after they are responsible for caring for a pet.”

  B:“Second, caring for a pet could disrupt a child’s regular studies.”

  A: “First, people could learn how to communicate with eachother through participating in community activities”

学习啦在线学习网  B: “First, participating in community activities is apractical and effective approach to enhance their social skills.”

学习啦在线学习网  A: “First, letting children take care of animal is a good suggestion for the reason that kids like animals.”

学习啦在线学习网  B: “To start with, raising pets fill friendship vacuums and satisfy people’s need to nurture"




学习啦在线学习网  “First, go to museums can teach people different kinds of knowledge”

学习啦在线学习网  → “First, visiting museums provide people with an opportunity to comprehend a vast amount of knowledge”

  想想看,如果原本句子中只会写“good”之处,替换为“advantageous, beneficial, effective, efficacious, favorable,invaluable, rewarding, unparalleled, unprecedented”等等词汇,效果是不是更好呢?如果多次出现“important”的地方,改写为“central, critical ,crucial, decisive, essential, pivotal, primary,principal, vital,a key to, an indispensable part, play a pivotal role, attach great importance to”会不会增加可读性呢?



  1、简单说明文 Explanation


  首段:背景介绍(Back Information),引出话题,提出主旨,即主题句(Thesis Statement)




学习啦在线学习网  In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.





  Among various factors that …… are A, B and C.

学习啦在线学习网  A is a very important factor.

学习啦在线学习网  Equally important is the ……

学习啦在线学习网  Matching A and B is another essential factor ,C.


学习啦在线学习网  主题句要注意尽量不要只使用抽象名词,而且用词、时态要注意,主题句应该值得解释、值得证明。

学习啦在线学习网  2、对比对照说明文 Compare and Contrast:



  主体段则是进行对比对照(Compare and Contrast),同一事物的不同方面或者是同一方面的不同事物等。注意条例一定要清楚。



学习啦在线学习网  Somebody assert that B is better than A. However, I want to reason that A is better than B.


学习啦在线学习网  a) A三对一错,B三错一对

  b) A三对B一对,B三错A一错



  3 立论文 Argumentation


学习啦在线学习网  要注意的一点是,这类作文的立场可能不只一个,不能以对错来判断。

学习啦在线学习网  首段:介绍文章的背景信息,提出自己的观点和看法。

学习啦在线学习网  第二段,具体阐述自己的观点,通过一些事例的引用和论证。


学习啦在线学习网  结尾,做出总结,重述自己的立场。




  Do you agree or disagree:All university students should be required to take basic science courses even if they are not in the career goal.

学习啦在线学习网  题型分类:绝对题+应不应该题




学习啦在线学习网  In general, all university courses can be divided into two kinds: liberal arts and science, which both serve as an impetus to the development of society. Lately, an interesting discussion has arisen about whether all university students should be required to take basic science courses even if they are not in the career goal. From my perspective, I am a big fan of science and I fully advocate that basic science courses are a necessity for every university student. My reasons and examples are as follows. (86 words)


  Firstly, it is no denying that science is the primary productive force. From the past to present, numerous cases have proved that our world’s rapid development is based on the remarkable progress of science and technology. University students, whatever their majors are, will benefit a lot from the basic science courses they have taken. Students of science can certainly enhance their foundation of scientific knowledge and those who study liberal arts will be advantageous in job market if they also have a basic understanding of science. In modern society, almost all individuals who change the world have been under the influence of science and technology in university, such as Steve jobs, Zuckerberg and Jack Ma. (115 words)

学习啦在线学习网  中间段2:在基础科学课上所培养的逻辑思维、实验精神对今后工作有重要的影响。(主题句+说理论证+细节例子)

学习啦在线学习网  Besides, what students learned in basic science courses will exert positive influence on their future careers. These valuable assets they can amass in science courses are logical thinking, analytical skills, the spirit to question authority and the emphasis on experiments. In fact, these qualities are an essential guarantee of high working efficiency, whatever the work is. Look at this counter example. If one has never been exposed to any science courses, he must lack the awareness of doing experiments. Thus, in the work, he is likely to put any idea he thinks of into practice without testing its feasibility, which will obviously bring harms to his work. (107 words)


学习啦在线学习网  Admittedly, the statement that all students should be required to study basic science courses appears arbitrary and unilateral, because it is not appropriate to make basic science courses mandatory for some liberal-arts students who even have difficulties in their own majors. However, in light of the significance of scientific literacy, school authorities can add a proper number of basic science courses into the teaching schedule and make them optional for those weak in study. (74)


  In conclusion, basic science courses are the foundation of anyone who wants to survive in this highly competitive modern world. If you do not want to regret in the future, seize the present and participate in some basic science courses in university because you never know something you have learnt in the course will be a great helper to your future career. (62 words)










