I've played several games, both indoor and outdoor games, and still try to play whenever I get time. Among those games, I enjoyed playing chess more than others. Chess is an indoor game where two players participate. This game does not involve any major physical movements like other outdoor games but a chess player has to use his/her brain and make game plans to defeat the opponent.
I mostly play this game with my friends and cousins. Sometimes I play it with my father and senior relatives. Since playing chess requires only placing the board on a surface and sitting position of the two participating players, it is convenient to play chess almost anywhere. I mostly play it at our veranda, garden or bed room. I enjoy this game because I have a fascination about this game from my childhood and I really like the overall theme and barnstorming involved in this game. It's a thought provoking game that gives the participating players to use their brains. A player can apply his/her strategy, and then allure the opponent to fall in trap which is much like a real battle field.
It's not a game where someone would only use the physical movements rather the game requires perfect game plan, finding weakness of the opponent and a battle strategy. This game gives you a feel of being the King of a regime where you decide your country men's fate. For all those reasons this is a very interesting and enjoyable game to me.
Tips for answering this Cue Card Topic:
Since the cue card is about your favourite game or sports, you can talk about any indoor or outdoor game or sport you you play or know about. Alternatively you can talk about the computer games as well. If this is an indoor game you want to talk about pick chess, card, table tennis, bowling, karom, computer game, gaming device game or any other game you prefer. For the indoor games you can mention that you regularly play it with your family members or friends and enjoy it a lot. Generally physical exercise is not involved in indoor games except table tennis and you should focus on the mental improvement and enjoyment the indoor games offer. Indoor games are usually played inside homes and you should mention that you play it in your house, veranda, drawing room or in guest room. You should also mention that you play it in your relatives' houses or friends' houses as well.
学习啦在线学习网If you pick an outdoor games like cricket, football, badminton, rugby you should mention that you play it with your friends and some of the neibours. Sometimes unknown people join in such games where more than 7-8 players are needed. Mention that these games are refreshing and a good way of keeping your health fit.
For the question why do you enjoy playing this game, you should mention that you have a great passion about this game or sport and you have been playing it for a long time. You can also mention that you are usually good at it and your percentage of winning the game is very good. If you talk about indoor game, mention the excitement and brainstorming it offers and the way you enjoy playing it with your family members and friends. For the outdoor games mention the health benefits it offer and the way you enjoy playing it.
The follow-up question of this cue card might ask you the most common types of games and sports played in your country so you should prepare for that as well.
Being able to answer this question would help you answering the following cue card topics also:
1. Talk about something you enjoy doing at home.
2. Describe something you do often.
学习啦在线学习网3. Talk about an outdoor activity you have.
4. Describe a healthy habit you have.
学习啦在线学习网5. Describe a game or sports you often play.
6. Describe something you do with your friends or family members.
7. Talk about a national sport or game in your country.
8. Describe something you enjoy doing.
1. 找中心思想
学习啦在线学习网2. 分析范例的答题思路以及主要内容结构
3. 记录地道词汇和高分句型
学习啦在线学习网4. 按照笔记(记忆)复述,巩固记忆
摘选了卡片题Positive change in your life中的一道提高题来和大家举个例子:
How has modern technology changed people's lives?
Technological advances have done a lot of good to work and life.
学习啦在线学习网As far as work is concerned, well, the invention of the internet has managed to connect people from around the world, allowing us to tap into resources and talents in a way we had never had before. And more advanced public transport means that more deals and transactions could be made in a shorter span of time. So that’s why working people are more productive and businesses are thriving.
学习啦在线学习网And our life has been made easier thanks to the fast-developing technology. Airplane and high-speed rail enable us to travel long distances within one single day. And home appliances have shared much of our domestic duties, from cooking, sweeping to laundry.
Step 1 中心思想,native speakers 习惯把重点的points放在话的前面来说,因此口语救生圈中的范例也一样,重点的points很明显就可以找到:Technological advances have done a lot of good to work and life. 所以我们清楚,这个范例中主要是会将科技发展带来的益处。
Step 2 内容结构,虽然说文章很长,但是毕竟是高分范例!因此结构十分清晰!先谈工作,比如说资源更容易寻找,而且交通便利也方便商务合作等等;再聊生活,比如搭飞机能让我们一天之内就达到目的地,而且家用电器也能分担家务,让人轻松不少。
学习啦在线学习网Step 3 词句积累,在这段话中很多词语和句式都是十分经典的高分口语表达,比如说As far as work is concerned,in a shorter span of time,domestic duties 等等。
Step 4 复述文章,到了这一步的时候,烤鸭就可以根据自己的笔记来进行复述了。要做一篇original 的文章,烤鸭们可以自行发挥,添加或更改自己的内容和信息。比如说聊到对生活的益处,可以不说airplane或home appliances, 而是聊一聊socials network 和 movie entertainment。
【雅思口语Part 2&3话题】锻炼身体
1. How important is physical exercise in people’s lives?
学习啦在线学习网2. What kinds of physical exercise do you think are the best for health?
3. Do people take much physical exercise in your country?
4. Are there any disadvantages of doing physical exercise
1. How important is physical exercise in people’s lives?
Physical benefits:
To keep fit 保持健康
To keep healthy 保持健康
To keep in shape 保持体型
学习啦在线学习网To boost the immune system 增强免疫力
Muscle building 塑造肌肉
Mental benefits:
学习啦在线学习网To forget about everything else and just enjoy oneself 忘记一切,享受时光
To improve mental health 改善心理健康
学习啦在线学习网To help prevent depression 帮助防止失落
To bring mental wellbeing 带来心理健康
To promote self-esteem 提升自尊
学习啦在线学习网To reduce pressure 减轻压力
To provide a balance between work and play 提供工作和娱乐之间的平衡
To make someone refreshed 使振作精神
学习啦在线学习网Social benefits:
学习啦在线学习网A good way to socialize and make friends 一个很好的方式去交朋友
学习啦在线学习网To increase social stability 增强社会稳定性
To enrich leisure time 丰富闲暇时光
学习啦在线学习网To take physical exercise 从事体育锻炼
To be engaged in some activities 从事体育锻炼
To contribute to 有助于
To play an important role in 起到重要作用
在回答的的过程当中,考生还需要注意,题目问的不是体育锻炼对你个人的好处,而是对普遍大众的好处,因此在组织语言的时候,尽量不要出现I can do something; it can help me等类似的表述。
In my opinion, physical exercise plays a vital role in our life, mainly because it could help us keep healthy and fit. For example, regular and frequent exercise boosts our immune system and makes us look and feel better. As well as this, it may bring people mental wellbeing through reducing pressure and promoting self-esteem. And doing exercise is also a good way to make friends and enrich our leisure time. So the stability of the society could be increased.2. What kinds of physical exercise do you think are the best for health?
学习啦在线学习网depend on 取决于
jogging 跑步
学习啦在线学习网hiking 徒步旅行
学习啦在线学习网going to the gym 去健身
学习啦在线学习网raising the heart rate 提高心率
regular exercise 定期运动
学习啦在线学习网on a daily basis 每天
学习啦在线学习网on a regular basis 定期
学习啦在线学习网I’m not really sure but I guess it depends on the situation and individual. For example, young people could do some activates that raises the heart rate, like jogging, hiking or something. However, for the elderly, I don’t think doing some exciting exercise is a good idea, but swimming or walking sound better. In addition to this, I believe no matter what kinds of sports we do, we should exercise on a regular basis, because only in this way, all those benefits from the exercise could be achieved.
学习啦在线学习网3. Do people take much physical exercise in your country?
in my opinion
to my mind
as far as I know
I mean
学习啦在线学习网What I’m trying to say is
in addition
as well as this
so that’s basically why…
tend to do something 倾向做某事
spend some time or money in doing something 花费时间或金钱做某事
学习啦在线学习网electronic inventions 电子发明
electronic device 电子设备
在稍后的范例答案当中,我们使用了‘否定前置’的概念,也就是用‘I don’t think + 肯定结构’来表达否定的意思。举例来讲,我们将I think people don’t spend much time in doing exercise.换成I don’t think people spend much time in doing exercise.希望考生在遇到类似的语法点时,能够灵活的转换。
People like to do some physical exercise.(人们喜欢从事体育锻炼。)
学习啦在线学习网Generally, people like to do some physical exercise.(总的来说,人们喜欢从事体育锻炼。)
学习啦在线学习网Well I’d say generally people like to do some physical exercise because they may feel it is something they should do in order to keep fit or anything, but I don’t think people in my country especially in the city really spend much time in doing exercise for several reasons, one of which would probably be that people today are busier. For example, office employees have always worked sitting down and many of them have to work late. So after work, they are usually just too tired to take any physical exercise. In addition, with some modern electronic inventions, people tend to spend many hours looking at the screens of a variety of electronic devices such as laptops or mobile phones. So that’s basically why I guess people haven’t taken much physical exercise in China.
学习啦在线学习网4. Are there any disadvantages of doing physical exercise?
学习啦在线学习网be overindulged in something 过度沉溺
neglect 忽略
harmful 有害的
cause 引起
risk health by doing something 做某事对健康有风险
exhausted 精疲力尽的
学习啦在线学习网digestion 消化
indigestion 消化不良
根据我们刚才的分析,这道题目当中会使用if引导的条件句,那么该条件句分两种:真实条件句;非真实条件句。具体用哪一种,是情况而定。比如,若是表达‘如果我们过度沉溺于此,就会有危害’则可用非真实条件句 ‘If we overindulged in it, it would be harmful.’因为我们不希望这种现象发生。
In my opinion, although there are many advantages of taking exercise, it would be harmful if we overindulged in it. For instance, if we spent too much time in doing some intensive and massive sports, we could feel extremely exhausted, then our muscles might hurt. Meanwhile, working out in a wrong time may also cause some problems. As I’m sure you know, running just after dinner may be responsible for indigestion. All in all, a moderate amount of exercise in a proper time is vital.
