雅思口语话题库之Describe a piece of equipment in your home
学习啦在线学习网 Describe a piece of equipment in your home
学习啦在线学习网 You should say:
what it is;
how often you use it;
who you usually use it with;
and explain why this item is important to you
学习啦在线学习网 In my daily life, I consider the refrigerator to be the most important machine among other equipment Since i live alone and I have to maintain all of my tasks by myself. I really can’t imagine living without a refrigerator.
学习啦在线学习网 I use it every single day, for instance, I usually drink milk in the morning thus i have to take milk out from refrigerator every morning. 1 don’t have to share it with others since i live alone. Well, sometimes my parents will come visit me and bring some food to me, they would store the food in the fridge for me.
A refrigerator is important for me. I can store all my foods, water and cooked food inside of it .It is quite difficult for me to cook 2-3 times a day and to do grocery (食品杂物)shopping very often, because I need to work. Whereas my refrigerator save me from doing so. Moreover, in the summertime, the temperature is high, the food is easy to be spoilage (腐坏).However, the refrigerator is able to remain cool to a temperature below the room temperature and keep all the foods fresh. As a result, the refrigerator also reduce the rate of spoilage of foods as well as prevent wasting of foods.
学习啦在线学习网 In my daily life, I consider the refrigerator to be the most important machine among other equipment. Since I live alone and I have to maintain all of my tasks by myself. I really can’t imagine living without a refrigerator.
学习啦在线学习网 I use it every single day, for instance, I usually drink milk in the morning thus I have to take milk out from refrigerator every morning. I don’t have to share it with others since I live alone. Well, sometimes my parents will come visit me and bring some food to me, they would store the food in the fridge for me.
A refrigerator is important for me. I can store all my foods, water and cooked food inside of it. It is quite difficult for me to cook 2-3 times a day and to do grocery shopping very often, because I need to work. Whereas my refrigerator save me from doing so. Moreover, in the summertime, the temperature is high, the food is easy to be spoilage. However, the refrigerator is able to remain cool to a temperature below the room temperature and keep all the foods fresh. As a result, the rator also reduce the rate of spoilage of foods as well as prevent wasting of foods.
学习啦在线学习网 Refrigerator有两个词义:中文和英语。
学习啦在线学习网 见到英语refrigerator你“说”英语,你发现你不仅是在说英语口语,你也是在把学过的英语用起来(高中英语),温故而知新。
学习啦在线学习网 你会用下面的高中英语记英语refrigerator吗?有你没学过(学过但不会用)的英语吗?
1.Well, a refrigerator is also called an icebox(American English),or a fridge(British English).
2.A refrigerator is a machine we use to store and keep food cold and fresh at low temperatures.
3. We store food in our refrigerator to prevent it from going bad(重复from going bad,from going bad).
学习啦在线学习网 为什么不“用”这些、“说”这些学过的英语记refrigerator,却偏偏“说”中文“冰箱”呢?
学习啦在线学习网 Q1: Did you like studying science subjects when you were younger?
Q2: Do you think studying science subjects is important?
学习啦在线学习网 “科学是人类文明进步的推动器”
了解一下Native Speakers 受到过的教育和培训你就知道,为什么考试的时候考官会经常不动声色地流露出悲伤和绝望的气息?
学习啦在线学习网 比如这样一位同学的答案:
Q: Do you think studying science subjects is important?
A: Yes, absolutely. I think science is really important because it's relevant to our daily life .
For the public,Science is included the nature、 the world also ourselves, even the universe.
学习啦在线学习网 So if we want to know the world well, we must study some basic Science.
Also Science is the key of develop human civilization.
①此回答的第一处问题是把 science subjects 一步登天直接抽象到 science (even the universe)
②第二个问题,没有站得住脚的论证过程:原因1息息相关囊括万物+原因2人类文明推动器,没有例子证实息息相关,如果我不想know the world well我也可以不学科学对吧,做个无知的人也挺快乐的;人类文明进步只能证明科学的重要性不能证明“理化生还是要好好学的”,而且也没有例子。
Science is included ... 常见动词误用,include就是包括了,不需要被动
the key of develop 介词的宾语:名词(development)动名词(developing)
学习啦在线学习网 再来看,答案方向与上文相似,但有一定进步的:
学习啦在线学习网 比如下面这位同学:
学习啦在线学习网 Q: Do you think studying science subjects is important?
A: Yes,definitely. Because in my opinion,science plays a vital role even just in our daily life.
For instance,without basic knowledge of it we would never tell the weather for the next day, no mention of the appropriate clothes to wear.
学习啦在线学习网 so only when we study science,can we have the chance to keep the close tie with the world.
学习啦在线学习网 不过U1S1,预测天气这事情,大家已经脱离了看云看草看燕子低飞的低级趣味了,天气预报挺好用的,可以换一个例子,比如生物学知识让我知道综合维生素都是智商税。
学习啦在线学习网 no mention of 是“未提及”,
not to mention to 才是“更不必说”
学习啦在线学习网 Q: Did you like studying science subjects when you were younger?
A: Yes,when I was in primary school, Science is one of my favourite subject.
学习啦在线学习网 这是比较极端的一种情况,接下来考生肯定会因为考官——连环追问why?why?why?而陷入被动的。P1答题的长度是用时间来衡量的,一道P1平均20~25s。
与之相对的,就是有的同学知道该讲 事实型细节并且努力呈现的:
Absolutely yes. I studied a lot of science subjects when I was in school, like observing the plant cellular structure which is so interesting.
It will open the new world for you through studying a variety of things about the nature you ever know before.
学习啦在线学习网 Anyway, Science is amazing!
U1S1 长度还是有点短,不过讲到植物细胞结构,已经是非常直接扣题的例子了。
学习啦在线学习网 很多同学会在这里吐槽,雅思口语不是不考专业知识么?
studying the interesting changes happening inside a tube化学实验
observing cells of plants and animals under the microscope生物实验
verifying Galileo’s theory by repeating his famous experiment物理实验。
雅思口语话题库之Describe a piece of equipment in your home(冰箱篇)相关文章:
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