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  雅思口语Part 2&3范文汇总去哪里找?不要急,学习啦为大家整理了雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:喜欢的国外文化。希望以下内容可以为你的雅思口语考试提供帮助。

  雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:喜欢的国外文化

  Describe a foreign culture that you like

  You should say

  1.what culture it is and how you know about it

  2.what differences there are between that culture and your own and why you like that foreign culture.


  1. Which culture and how I know about it

  I'm going to talk about France and French culture. I know France quite well because it was the first foreign country that I visited as a child. I've been on several family holidays there, and I lived and worked in Paris for a while after finishing university.

  2. Cultural differences

  The first thing that comes to mind when I think about France is the bread! I love the fact that French people buy fresh baguettes every morning, usually from small local bakeries or 'patisseries'; it makes a change from the loaves of sliced bread that most of us buy from the supermarket here in the UK. One slightly negative difference I noticed in Paris is that Parisians don't seem to make friends with their work colleagues to the same extent as we do here.

学习啦在线学习网  3. What I like about it

学习啦在线学习网  I really like the café culture in France. You can always find somewhere interesting to sit and have a coffee and chat to friends or just watch the world go by. I actually put on a bit of weight when I lived in France because I got into a habit of having a croissant or a cake in every nice café that I found. Another thing I could mention is that the last time I went to France on holiday, I played a game called ‘boules’ every day. The game consists in throwing metal balls as close to a target ball as possible. It’s the perfect game for a relaxing afternoon when the weather’s hot.


  Notice that I included personal examples or experiences in my answers. It's easy to talk for 2 minutes if


  对于回答的具体内容更是干涩乏味,比如描述Chinese New Year时,常听到考生众多且雷同的回答:We usually have a good time during the festival. The whole family members have a delicious dinner, and friends and relatives come together to have fun. Parents usually give money to children, so they can buy many things they want. 又或者是:On that day, we usually eat moon cakes and watch the round moon in the sky. It is very beautiful, and the story behind it is more beautiful. 我想任何一个来中国呆过两年的老外都应该早已熟悉了这样的模式,对文化背后的故事可能比我们自己的学生还要清楚;而且,在这样的内容中,其实根本没有体现出中国的春节文化到底是如何表现的。那可想而知,最后的结果轻则无新颖内容,重则没有回答题目的核心内容。

  如果调整一下回答关于“Chinese New Year”的内容,也许会让考官有“耳目一新”的感觉。

学习啦在线学习网  The Chinese are very superstitious and that means they take symbolism seriously. Locals come to market to buy good luck charms. Customers at snack are scooping up all sorts of New Year's treats. 这段话总述了中国人过年的表现,在后面的内容中将具体讲述如何过年和特殊的习俗。

  It's a tradition for all of us Chinese to get these sesame balls during Chinese New Year. We use them to worship our ancestors and we say if we have more sesame balls at home then more gold and silver will come into our house. It's really to bring us more wealth in the New Year. Roasted melon seeds symbolize coins, so this means scooping up lots of money. Rice cakes in the shape of fish are big sellers too.

  In Cantonese the word for fish sounds the same as the word for savings. 这段话从传统的饮食细节上进行描述,这一点是很多同学所忽视的。朗阁海外考试研究中心分析发现,大部分同学仅仅告诉考官我们有delicious food,但忽视了和文化有关的饮食习惯;换句话说delicious food可以放在任何一个场合,而非是针对该题目的描述。

  Another item that locals want to buy for the New Year for good luck is red underwear. Red symbolizes wealth and prosperity and the Chinese want new clothes for the New Year from head to toe and underneath. My aunt buys three lingerie sets every New Year, believing red will bring her good luck. Lunar New Year is the most profitable time of year for this lingerie store.

  The banks are also very busy with customers ordering brand-new bills to give away as New Year's gifts to younger relatives or junior colleagues. It's considered good luck for the giver and recipient. 除了饮食习俗外,春节中还有很多其他的风俗,所以这个部分的内容最好要比饮食多一些,来突出更多新颖的内容,如传统的红色和压岁钱。这样做的目的也是为了增加回答内容的丰富性和多样性。


  雅思 考试是测试考生的英语应用水平,但中国文化的话题也是雅思 口语的重点话题。 中国文化在历年一直是雅思 口语关注的热点学习啦在线学习网,尤其是在近年出现的Describe an interesting culture的问题中会出现很多的问题。

  雅思 口语在中国文化的运用方面的话题有四类:

学习啦在线学习网  一是Talk about favorite clothing, 建议考生谈谈traditional Chinese clothing, 谈中国唐装是个很好的机会,可以让考官了解中国的文化,并对考生产生很好的印象。

  二是Talk about a kind of traditional building in your country,或者是Describe the emblematic building in your town,这两道题的高分几率一向较低,主要是考生真正能描述成功一个独立中国式建筑的非常少,而描述中国特色的建筑往往是很大概得高分的答题思路。

  第三类是关于reading的。很多考生在讲述Describe your favorite book的时候,他们都倾向于描述西方的名著,但是如果能够换个角度考虑到雅思 口语考官作为外国人对中国文化的兴趣,就能够在内容上出奇制胜,比如可以谈谈中国古典四大名著the four traditional Chinese classical novels。

学习啦在线学习网  第四类是中国本土食品,如Describe your favorite kind of dish等,这类题目可以描述中国名菜,考官会非常想去尝试,一旦在描述是能够让雅思 口语考官体会到这种菜肴的特色,调动其感官,使人体会到色、香、味的中国菜烹饪方式,那么这类题目的得分就会一路上扬了。


学习啦在线学习网  Describe a foreign culture that you are interested in.

学习啦在线学习网  what this culture is

学习啦在线学习网  what you know about this culture

  how you learned about this culture

学习啦在线学习网  and explain why you feel this culture is interesting.


学习啦在线学习网  Ok, well one of the foreign cultures I’m most interested in at the moment is American culture, so that’s what I’ve decided to talk about.

  And as for what I know about it, well if I’m gonna be totally honest with you, I really don’t know that much, mainly because I haven’t yet been to the States, so I’m no expert in any sense of the word, but one thing I think is fair to say is that Americans really love sports, especially basketball and baseball. And I’ve also heard that, apparently, universities in America offer a lot of sports scholarships, so I think this goes to show that being good at sport is pretty highly-regarded over there, and is a strong part of their culture.

学习啦在线学习网  So that’s one thing, and I think I’m also right in saying that rap and hip hop are very popular kinds of music in the States, because I’ve noticed that in a lot of Hollywood films I’ve watched, this type of music seems to appear quite a lot, although I have to admit that I find it really difficult to understand what exactly is being said or sung in the songs!

  But anyway, with regard to why I find the American culture interesting, well firstly, I guess one reason would be that it’s completely different to our culture over here, and that’s kind of what makes it so appealing to know more about. I mean, just to give you one example, the way food’s cooked in America, on the whole, is a lot different to here, as over there they tend to use an oven for most of their cooking, whereas here in China, we tend to fry most of our food. And as well as this, I think another thing that makes the American culture interesting is the fact that it encompasses so many things that I wasn’t aware of before, so learning about it has really broadened my mind.

  And this, I would say, is the beauty of learning other cultures, because for me at least, making an effort to understand a little bit about U.S. culture has definitely given me a wider perspective on life.

  So yeah, that’s pretty much all I’ve got to say, so thanks for listening.

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