Kick your memory power into high gear with savvy ways to boost your brain. Click through for 9 ways you can boost your memory power now。用聪明的方法让记忆力高速运转起来,提升你的脑力吧。下面介绍9种促进记忆力的方法。
学习啦在线学习网 Staying fit physically keeps the brain in shape too. From maintaining balance to improving coordination, your brain fires while you're moving your body, keeping it in tip-top form。经常做运动也能让大脑保持灵活。通过保持平衡来增强自己的协调能力,你的大脑将会在身体运动的同时达到最佳状态。
学习啦在线学习网 2.Be Creative
Your brain has two halves: the right and the left. While they both work together harmoniously, each hemisphere has special areas of expertise. Creativity and intuition come from the right side, while logical and critical thinking dominate the left. The majority of people rely heavily on the left side of the brain, leaving the creative right in need of a kick start when wanting to boost memory skills. Challenge yourself to keep a sketchbook for a month without being critical of your skills。大脑分为左脑和右脑,当它们和谐工作时,将会发挥各自的优势。右脑负责创造力和直觉,左脑提供逻辑性和批判性思考。大多数人过分使用左脑,而在提高记忆力时,你就需要激发右脑。挑战下自己,带个随想本将一个月内的点滴记录下来,不要总挑剔自己的能力。
学习啦在线学习网 3.Eat Your Antioxidants
学习啦在线学习网 3.多吃抗氧化食物
学习啦在线学习网 Blueberries are packed with antioxidants, which protects brain cells from damage. Colorful fruits and vegetables, such as leafy greens, apricots, and strawberries are also good sources of antioxidants。蓝莓富含抗氧化物质,保护你的脑细胞不致坏死。有色水果和蔬菜,比如绿叶蔬菜、杏仁、草莓也是抗氧化的不错选择。
4.Solve Puzzles
Put your brain to the test by solving puzzles. Even if you're not the game-playing type, trying your hand at Soduko, solving a crossword, or enjoying a challenging board game with friends encourages your brain's memory skills。多用脑来解猜谜游戏。即使你不擅长游戏,可以试试解数独、填字游戏(纵横字谜),或者和朋友来局有难度的棋盘游戏,都能提高记忆力。
学习啦在线学习网 Giving your brain a break allows it to recharge and be ready to tackle new challenges. Even two minutes of quiet meditation refreshes your most important muscle。让你的大脑休息片刻,让大脑重新充满能量解决新的难题。两分钟的安静冥想就能使你身体最重要的肌肉焕然一新。
6.Eat More Omega-3
Fresh salmon is packed with brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids, which are extremely beneficial to building memory. If you don't feel like splurging on salmon, then other fatty fish, including tuna, halibut, trout, mackerel, and sardines, are also good choices。新鲜鲑鱼富含提高脑力所需的欧米茄-3脂肪酸,对提高记忆非常有益。如果你觉得浪费鲑鱼不太好,可以尝试其他富含脂肪的鱼类:金枪鱼、大比目鱼、马鲛鱼和沙丁鱼都是不错的选择。
7.Learn How to Knit
Knitting takes focus and fine motor control, which seriously keeps your brain active. And mastering any new skill encourages memory and learning skills in your brain。编织衣物需要专注力和良好的控制力,这些都能让大脑处于兴奋状态。掌握一门新技巧也能促进大脑的记忆力和学习能力。
学习啦在线学习网 8.Learn a New Language
Our brains get lazy when dealing with the same daily challenges over and over. Switch things up by learning a new language, which builds memory skills in your brain. Along with challenging your brain, you'll be able to sweet-talk someone special with your new skills。再三地解决一尘不变的日常事务会使我们的大脑产生惰性。来学习一门新的语言转换一下吧。这也能培养记忆能力。在你挑战自己大脑的同时,你也将可以用新学的语言和某些特别的人甜言蜜语了。
9.Sleep Tight
学习啦在线学习网 9.保持良好睡眠
The brain gets tuckered out with all the information it's constantly bombarded with. Hard work and serious problem solving requires downtime, so hit the sheets early to ensure your brain will be ready to recall and memorize。大脑会在信息连续轰炸之后变得疲惫不堪。解决大量而困难的工作也需要休整时间,所以早点休息以确保你的大脑能准备好恢复和更好地记忆。
