学习啦在线学习网 担心自己表示不同意见会被别人认为是好斗?其实是你担心过头了。只要你是礼貌的方式,就不必要担心这个。接下来,小编给大家准备了如何克服好斗的恐惧,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。
学习啦在线学习网 要记住,人们是以你一贯的处事之道来解读你的,而不是仅凭一次不同意见。
学习啦在线学习网 3: Because I am nervous about appearing aggressive I may be too passive in my interactions.
学习啦在线学习网 因为我担心自己会表现出“好斗”,所以在交往中,我可能会过于被动
Addresses the fear of being seen as aggressive
学习啦在线学习网 如何克服对被视作“好斗”的恐惧
学习啦在线学习网 In my research I’ve found that many people who lack assertiveness2 are afraid of being seen as aggressive or arrogant3. They overcompensate and end up on the passive end of the spectrum4. We want you to be assertive1, which is in the middle and is very different from being aggressive. 在我的研究中,我发现许多缺乏主张力的人都是因为害怕被人们认为“好斗”或“高傲”。为了避免让自己表现得如此,结果他们走向了另一个极端。我们想让你具有主张力,这是中性的,和“好斗”非常地不同。
Remember that the majority of the impact of communication is how you say it not what you say. If you project a calm and friendly demeanor5 it is unlikely that you will be seen as aggressive. Remember also that people interpret you in relation to the image they already have of you. If you are typically friendly and thoughtful people will interpret your behaviors in line with this view. 记住沟通的主要影响力在于说话方式而不是内容。如果你的举止镇定、友好,那么就不可能被视为“好斗”。 还要记住,人们是通过他们对你已有的形象来解读你。如果你通常都是一个友好、处事周道的人,那么人们会用和这一观念一致的方式来解释你的行为。
You can assertively6 make requests and deliver negative feedback, without being aggressive. When you’re aggressive you disrespect others’ communication by interrupting, demeaning, or criticizing them. When you are assertive you give your opinion and make your request in a way that everyone benefits. 你可以果断地提出请求、给出消极的反馈,而不表现得“好斗”。在“好斗”时,你会去打断对话、贬低或批评对方,表现得不尊重对方;在你表现主张时,你表达的是你的观点,提出的是人人都受益的请求。
We spend so much of our careers doing good work, meeting interesting people, and learning new skills. But it really all starts with one moment: the interview. 在人们的职业生涯中要花很多时间去做好工作、结识有趣的人和学习新技能。 但是这一切都是以“面试”开始的。
Once you get there, you need to be able to package everything together for a nice, neat presentation that's memorable1 in exactly the right way. 一旦要进行面试,你需要能够将自己的一切本领进行包装,以给人们一次干净漂亮、能留下一个自己所希望的印象的展示。
Here are five mistakes a lot of people make -- even people who are great at doing interviews:
学习啦在线学习网 下面是五个许多人们会犯的错误--其中不乏那些擅长面试的人们。
1. Not preparing for a phone interview
Most hiring managers screen candidates on the phone before they bring the candidate in for an interview. This is to make sure there aren't any glaring2 problems. 大部分负责招聘的人员在邀请面试前会通过电话进行预筛选来确保不会出现突出问题。
A phone interview saves time. If you can't get the answers to basic questions right on the phone, there's no point in interviewers watching you botch those questions in person. Also, the hiring manager is looking for you to make a mistake that would rule you out. For example, not knowing that you shouldn't take a call with a screaming baby in the background. So instead of thinking of the phone interview as a precursor3 to the real thing, think of it as something you can prepare for. 电话面试节约了时间。如果在电话里你都不能把一些基本问题讲清除,那么就没有当面让你回答它们的必要。同样,招聘人员还在挑你的毛病来把你剔除。例如,(你)不懂得不该在有孩子大吵大闹的时候打电话。所以,你不要把电话面试当成是重头戏的“插曲前奏”(因此不重视它),而应该认为它是可以准备的东西。
