By Dr. Annette Colby, RD, the Official Guide To Energy Healing
学习啦在线学习网 It happens to all of us at some stage - you want to achieve change in your life, but just cannot motivate yourself to do it. You really want to reach success, lose weight, or eat differently, but just do not have the push or willingness to take action. Every time you think about getting started on your desire to change, something more important comes up, like washing the dog or running your mom's errands. 我们每个人在某个阶段都会发现自己想改变生活,但是却找不到动力。你很希望成功、希望减肥、或改变饮食,可就是没有采取行动的动力或积极性。 每次当想要改变时,就会有更重要的事情出现,比如给狗洗澡或给母亲跑腿。
The good news is that every person, including you, has the amazing potential to turn his or her desires into reality. You can achieve your dreams! However, to do so, you have to know how. It is easy to reach a high level of motivation once you know the few important areas to focus on. To increase your motivation, follow the simple steps outlined below: 好消息是包括你在内的每个人都有将愿望实现的惊人潜力。你是能够实现梦想的!不过,你必须知道如何来实现。 一旦你知道了几个需要关注的方面,那么获得动力就是很容易的事情。要提高动力,可以按以下方法来做:
学习啦在线学习网 1. Motivation and Goal Setting
学习啦在线学习网 When it comes to living a healthy and confident life, real goal achievement involves much more than good intentions. For example, it is not enough to know you want to eat differently or that you want to lose weight. Motivation can be defined as an impulse to channel energy and action toward a specific goal. This means, 1) you have to know what you want and be passionate1 about it, and, 2) you have to know how to set a goal. Goal setting is a powerful skill to learn because you give yourself a specific direction and you give your energy a precise focus. 要过上健康自信的生活,仅有好的意愿是不行的。例如,光知道你想改变饮食或减肥是不够的。所谓动力就是引导你为一个目标投入精力和行动的冲动。这就是说,1)你得知道自己想要什么,并对此有激情;2)你得知道如何设定目标。设定目标是一种需要学习的重要技巧,因为你得给自己一个明确的方向,为你的精力找一个精确的焦点。
2. Manage Agreements
In business management circles, there is a saying that you cannot manage people you can only manage agreements. Indeed, great leaders are compassionate1 and attempt to understand the feelings of their employees, but they do not try to manage other people's emotions and personalities2. Instead, great leaders get great results from their people by managing agreements. This is also true for self-motivation. Learn to make adult, respectful decisions about the direction you are moving toward. Make specific agreements about your responsibility and commitment to precise actions. Then ask yourself, "Can I count on myself to follow through with this commitment, with 100-percent compliance3? Can I count on myself for that?" If the answer is "Yes" then you have an agreement. Now, as you move forward and encounter inner resistance or emotional obstacles, you can manage your agreements without becoming trapped in sticky emotions. Agreements maintain motivation and action. 企业管理学习啦在线学习网界中有一个说法:你管不了人,只能管理协定。的确,伟大的领导有亲和力,想要了解员工的感受,可是他们不会去管理人们的情绪和个性。相反,他们通过管理协定来从手下那里获得极好的结果。对于自我激励来说也是一样。学会就你前进的方向做出成熟的、尊重自己的决定。对每一个行为都制定出责任和投入上的明确约定。然后问自己:“我能指望自己对这个承诺有始有终,100%的遵守吗?我能做到吗?”如果答案是肯定的,那么你就制定了一个协定。之后,当你前进的时候遇到内部阻力或情绪障碍,你就能管理这些协定而不会困在情绪当中。协定能维护动力和行为。
3. Imagine Success
Instead of constantly worrying and stressing, set aside time each day to envision a new life. Imagine clearly, and with all your internal senses, what it will be like to live your goal. Relish1 the physical sensations of the anticipation2 of your exciting dream. For example, the idea of losing weight is not very exciting; however, visualizing3 a new life of your choosing is exciting. Imagine yourself in your ideal life. Touch your body lovingly, breathe in the love for yourself, and feel the safety and comfort of living inside your body. Imagine your body as healthy and active. Whatever your goal, every day, make the choice to bring your dream front and center. Most of all, feel the excitement your dream generates. Allow that excitement to saturate4 your body to such an extent that you feel more alive and ready to take the next step of your journey. 不要不停地担心、为压力而焦虑,每天抽空来想象新的生活。调用全部感官清晰地想象目标实现后的生活。享受期待激动人心的梦想时的振奋。例如,减肥这个主意并不非常令人兴奋,不过,想象一下你选择的新生活则是令人振奋的。想象一下理想生活中的自己。抚爱自己的身体,充满爱意地呼吸,感受体内的安全和舒适。想象你的身体健康、有活力。不论你的目标是什么,每天选择把你的梦想“搬出来”。最重要的是感受梦想产生的激动感觉。让这种激动的感觉充满全身,直至你感到自己活跃起来,准备好为目标迈出下一步为止。
学习啦在线学习网 4. Take Action Daily
Your goals need to move from the idea state into the physical state and the only way this can happen is when you take action. Action on a daily basis is necessary to make your dream come true. Your daily actions do not have to be big; they just have to be consistent1. Follow your heart and choose the steps that you know in advance are the right actions for the amount of energy you have right now. Then follow through. Motivation increases as you become actively2 dedicated3 to the process of making your dreams come true. 你的目标需要从“想法”状态改变至“现实”状态。而实现的唯一途径便是采取行动。要让梦想实现,每天都得行动。每天的行动不必轰轰烈烈;但是一定要坚持。跟着感觉走,选择那些你知道的、当前精力可以做到的行动。然后贯彻始终。在你致力于把梦想实现的过程中,你会越来越有动力。
5. Repeated Success Leads to Increased Motivation!
Helen Keller wrote, "Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." Every day, take a couple of minutes to list all your accomplishments1 for the day. Develop a tracking system for every effort and success, no matter how tiny. Each step toward your goal deserves recognition2 or some type of reward system. A checkmark on your calendar, congratulations from your loved ones, a hug from your partner, or money in your success jar all count. Document and celebrate often as you get in the habit of acknowledging3 what you have done right. Feeling the satisfaction of having achieved something has a snowball effect. With each success your confidence shoots up, you realize your limitless potential, and you gain more energy to take your next step. Repeated success in a particular activity motivates you to want to do that activity often. 海伦•凯勒曾写道:“没有希望和自信,就会一事无成”。每天,用几分钟列出一天要做的事情。 记录你的成功和努力--不论它们多么渺小。为实现目标所取得的每一步成功都应得到认可和某种形式的奖励。在日历上打一个勾,所爱的人的祝贺,伴侣的拥抱,还有金钱——都是认可。常常记录和庆祝让你养成认可自己的习惯。 成就所带来的满足感会带来雪球效应。每一次成功会让你的自信增加,你意识到了自己无限的潜力,你也有了更多动力进行下一步。在某一活动中不断获得成功会让你经常做那件事。
6. Practice Kindness
Replace self-criticism with encouragement and motivating inspiration. You easily encourage everyone else in your life with praise and uplifting sentiments. Why not do the same for yourself? Imagine seeing a child looking forlorn because she cannot figure out the puzzle she is working on. You are not going to go over and verbally smack1 the frustration2 out of her, are you? Instead, you will probably talk compassionately4 to her, put an arm around her, see what is so upsetting, and inspire her with words that will keep her optimistic and inspired. Instead of punishing yourself when things do not work out right, begin cultivating compassion3 for yourself. You must feel deserving and worthy5 to sustain the motivation needed to achieve your desired outcome. 用鼓励和激励取代自我批评。在生活中,你会很容易地用赞美和激励人心的感情去鼓励别人。为何不为自己做同样的事情?想象一下一个因不能解答谜题而难过的孩子。你不会走上前,给她打击,让她感到沮丧,对吗?相反,你很可能会同情地和她交谈,用手臂拥着她,看看是什么如此令人心烦,用语言激励她,使她保持乐观,受到鼓舞。因此,当事情不顺利时,不要惩罚自己,要培养对自己的同情心。为了实现你的期望结果,就必须认同自己应得、值得受到鼓舞。
学习啦在线学习网 7. Believe in Yourself
学习啦在线学习网 Being motivated is all about knowing what you want and believing in your ability to achieve it. Belief is a feeling of certainty. It is like knowing the sun will rise tomorrow morning. You do not question whether the sun will rise, spend time worrying that it might not, or imagine the worst-case outcome. Believing in yourself requires that you focus energy and excitement on what you want. You form a loving partnership1 with your dream, even though the dream does not exist yet in your physical reality. You assume your desire will manifest, just as surely as the sun will rise again tomorrow. Believing in yourself requires spending time with what is important to you, and what feels good to you. 有动力就是知道自己想要什么同时相信自己有能力获得。信仰就是一种确定的感觉。就好像你知道明天太阳会升起。你不会怀疑、不会花时间担心太阳会不会升起,也不会想象那最糟糕的结果。相信自己要求你把精力和兴奋集中在想要的东西上。和你的梦想建立一种钟爱关系,即使在现实中这个梦想还不存在。你要假定你的梦想会实现,就好像太阳明天会升起一样。相信自己要求做到把时间花在对你重要的事情上,花在让你感觉良好的事情上。