学习啦在线学习网 If you exhibit positive traits such as honesty and helpfulness, the chances are that you will be perceived as a good looking person, for a new study has found that the perception of physical attractiveness is influenced by a person's personality.
The study, led by Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr, found that people who exhibit negative traits, such as unfairness and rudeness, appear to be less physically attractive to observers.
In the study, the participants viewed photographs of opposite-sex individuals and rated them for attractiveness before and after being provided with information on personality traits.
After personality information was received, participants also rated the desirability of each individual as a friend and as a dating partner.
学习啦在线学习网 Information on personality was found to significantly alter perceived desirability, showing that cognitive processes modify judgments of attractiveness.
"Perceiving a person as having a desirable personality makes the person more suitable in general as a close relationship partner of any kind," said Lewandowski.
学习啦在线学习网 The findings show that a positive personality leads to greater desirability as a friend, which leads to greater desirability as a romantic partner and, ultimately, to being viewed as more physically attractive.
The findings remained consistent regardless of how "attractive" the individual was initially perceived to be, or of the participants' current relationship status or commitment level with a partner.
学习啦在线学习网 What would you think of this lady's physical attractiveness if she exhibited bad personal traits?
学习啦在线学习网 "This research provides a more positive alternative by reminding people that personality goes a long way toward determining your attractiveness; it can even change people's impressions of how good looking you are," said Lewandowski.
学习啦在线学习网 如果你表现出诚实和乐于助人等美好品质,那么别人会觉得你的外表也很迷人。一项最新研究发现,一个人的性格会影响别人对他或她的外表吸引力的看法。
学习啦在线学习网 该项由盖里·W·勒万多维斯基负责的研究发现,人们认为,表现出不诚实和粗鲁等恶劣品质的人外表也不够吸引人。
学习啦在线学习网 研究人员发现,有关人物性格特点的信息大大改变了之前的喜好度评分,研究对象的认知过程改变了他们对照片中人物外表的评价。
学习啦在线学习网 勒万多维斯基说:“总的来说,如果人们认为一个人的性格较好,那么他们会觉得无论与这个人做朋友还是做恋人都更合适。”
学习啦在线学习网 勒万多维斯基说:“该研究提出了一个更为积极的观点,它提醒人们,性格在很大程度上能决定你的吸引力;性格甚至能够改变人们对于你外表的印象。”
学习啦在线学习网 开车慢点就一定安全么?答案是不一定。今天的新托福阅读特训资料我们就来聊聊慢速开车的危害。
Slow drivers 'are among most dangerous on roads' and cause crashe.
学习啦在线学习网 慢速前行的司机是道路上最危险的因素之一并且会容易引发撞车事故。
Slow drivers are one of the biggest dangers on the road and should be treated like speeders, a report says.
Nearly a third of motorists have had a 'near miss' caused by someone travelling slowly.
学习啦在线学习网 These drivers create such frustration that six out of ten motorists feel stress rise and about half are tempted to 'undertake'.
学习啦在线学习网 这些司机会产生这样的沮丧感,十分之六的司机会感到压力上升,有一半司机试图尝试去“接受”。
It has led to calls for a crackdown on slow drivers including the setting of minimum limits or even ‘slow speed’ cameras.
学习啦在线学习网 Transport Department figures show 143 accidents a year are caused directly by slow drivers.
The report notes: ’In reaction to these slow drivers, almost half (45%) of motorists risk overtaking, thus increasing the chances of an accident.
'Although minimum speed limits are enforced on some UK motorways, there are few preventative measures that are used widely.'
In 2011 the government introduced a scheme which allows for £100 on-the-spot fine for careless driving-including those that drive too slow, though there is little evidence of this being taken seriously by the authorities.
学习啦在线学习网 在2011年,政府出台了一个计划,对不小心驾驶的司机允许收取100英镑的罚款,这其中也包括驾驶速度过慢的司机,尽管有很小的迹象表示当局会正式的执行这个计划。
学习啦在线学习网 More than a quarter (27 per cent) of drivers questioned want an explicit ‘ slow lane’ on roads to combat slow drivers.
学习啦在线学习网 超过四分之一(27%)的司机质问需要一个明确的慢车道来打击这些慢行司机。
学习啦在线学习网 Hot-spots for low middle lane hogs include the main A3 road between Surrey and Hampshire and the capital.
学习啦在线学习网 Vicky Tuck: 'I believe women should only go to university if they have a genuine interest in learning'.
Young women are losing faith in the university system with nearly half believing it is not worth getting a degree.
学习啦在线学习网 Tuition fees and little chance of landinga good job make higher education an unattractive prospect for them, a study suggests.
It found that nearly half of female graduates would not go to university if they had the chance again.
The research will cause concern because it was carried out before the Government announced that fees will almost treble to ā9,000 in 2012.
The findings have prompted warnings that a generation of ambitious young women will miss out on a high-flyingcareer and the opportunity to continue their education.
Louise Court, editor of Cosmopolitan magazine, which conducted the survey, said young women seem to think university ‘a waste of time’.
‘It’s never been harder to be a young woman with ambition,’ she said. ‘Understandably, women are angry and frustrated about their future and this is having a damaging affect on their self-esteem.
The survey of 1,353 women also looked at the career prospects and financial outlook for women in 2011.
Two thirds of those questioned said they thought it would be ‘almost impossible’ to get their dream job and a quarter were unable to follow their preferred career.
学习啦在线学习网 Only 14 per cent said they felt safe from the sack.
And the financial situation for graduates was especially bad, with half saying they had so much student debt they could not save.
学习啦在线学习网 The same proportion believed they faced worse financial hardship than their parents.
学习啦在线学习网 One in seven women said they had been forced to postpone getting married because a wedding would be too expensive.
学习啦在线学习网 And more than one in six admitted that financial constraints had made them postpone trying to start a family.
学习啦在线学习网 Vicky Tuck, a campaigner for women’s education and former head of Cheltenham Ladies College, said: ‘The rise in fees is going to make a lot of people reflect on why they are going to university.
学习啦在线学习网 ‘Before the introduction of fees it was not an automatic assumption that a degree would lead to a good job. It is only recently that we have seen that relationship.
‘I believe that women should only go to university if they have a genuine interest in learning, a precious opportunity. If they go purely to get a job, many will be disappointed.’
托福阅读资料 Music and Verbal Memory
学习啦在线学习网 Even if you haven’t touched a piano in years, if you suffered through music lessons as a kid you may have benefited from those lessons in ways you wouldn’t expect. When you train on a musical instrument your brain is stimulated and changes and develops as a result. Because the parts of the brain are interconnected this stimulation doesn’t affect musical ability only.
学习啦在线学习网 Psychologists have discovered that the stimulation musical training enacts on the left temporal region of your brain enhances verbal memory. People with musical training are significantly better at recalling words from a list and learning new words. What’s more, the longer the duration of musical training, the better the verbal memory.
学习啦在线学习网 So while children who study music for two years demonstrate better verbal memory than children who have not studied music, children who continue to study music
学习啦在线学习网 continue to improve their verbal memory. The good news for those of us who trained on musical instruments but quit at some point is that we don’t seem to lose the verbal benefits we gain from this training.
Scientists are particularly interested in what this suggests about the interconnectedness of the brain and thus the predictability of the effects of stimulation to a brain area on cognitive functions located in that area. Further research may lead to developments in cognitive rehabilitation for people with brain injuries. For example, in order to rebuild verbal memory in patients with injury to that part of the brain, doctors may prescribe music lessons.
托福阅读资料 Exercise keeps you younger
Exercise may hold the key to youth, according to a study published on Monday which showed people who keep fit are up to nine years biologically younger than those who do not.
The findings are the first to show in humans how keeping fit affects the ageing process.
学习啦在线学习网 The study of 2,401 twins found that a sedentary lifestyle raises the risk of a range of problems from heart disease to cancer and appears to play a key role in the ageing process.
学习啦在线学习网 It all appears to boil down to the length of structures called telomeres -- which protect the DNA on the chromosomes, the researchers from King's College London wrote in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
Many studies have shown telomeres get shorter over time, suggesting the cells are ageing or dying. The study, which extracted a DNA sample from their volunteers, found people who exercised more each week had longer telomeres.
Exercise lowers the risk of a range of problems such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, the researchers said.
"It is not just walking around the block. It is really working up a sweat," said Tim Spector, a genetic epidemiologist who led the study, in a telephone interview.
The study found people who exercised vigorously 3 hours each week had longer telomeres and they were 9 years biologically younger than people who did under 15 minutes.
学习啦在线学习网 Spector's team, who also adjusted for body weight, smoking, economic status and physical activity at work, also said moderate exercise for 1-1/2 hours each week provided a four-year advantage.
学习啦在线学习网 Studying twins also provided a unique opportunity to gauge the effects of exercise on people with the same or similar genetic make-up, the researchers said.
The reason why exercise has this effect is not clear but the researchers said they believe physical activity somehow defends against the natural process called oxidative stress, which damages and kills cells.
