Who you are with
And explain why it is impressive
学习啦在线学习网Follow-up Questions
学习啦在线学习网Do you think its important t What kind of transportation do you chose when you go out?
学习啦在线学习网Do people like to travel by bike in your hometown? Why?
学习啦在线学习网What kind of transportation are good for environmental protection? Why?
学习啦在线学习网Do you think travel by bicycle is better for traffic? Why?
Do you like to travel on your own or with your family?
I’d like to describe a travelling idea that I think would make an awesome experience. It’s a motorbike trip to Tam Dao, a town of Vinh Phu province, which has become an attractive place for Hanoi residents to visit at weekends and during holidays. Tam Dao, also known as Da Lat of the North due to its cool weather around the year, is not far from Hanoi. It’s just 70 kilometers away from our capital city, so I think it’d be sensible to travel there by motorbike.
I think it’d be an ideal trip if we had a small group of 4 or 5 members, who all knew each other well, as travelling companions. We would need to share a lot of common interests as well as characteristics, you know, so the experience would be more laidback, fun and memorable, in my opinion.
学习啦在线学习网There are several reasons why I prefer travelling by motorbike rather than by car, but most of all, I wouldn’t want to miss the breathtaking scenery along the way. Moreover, my travelling timeline would be more flexible if I went there by motorbike, as I wouldn’t have to worry about being stuck in traffic jams. Last but not least, I think it would be a way to make the trip somehow more challenging and interesting, so we would have more things to recall afterwards
Tips for answering this Cue card question:
You are free to talk about any journey you are comfortable to talk about. It can be journey to another city of your country, to a historic or tourist place, a foreign country or to a relative or friend's house to a different location. While talking about this cue card, take some notes about a journey you remember particularly where you went, what was the purpose of going there, how you travelled there, what you saw on your way and at the place, what you did, how long you stayed, whom you met there, who you went there with.
If you liked the journey tell about some exciting things you watched and did there than the usual things you do. For instance: you can mention some of the great places you visited there, the sightseeing of the journey. Do not focus too much on the place you went rather emphasize what happened on the way. This cue card is bit different that 'Describe a place you have visited' where you would mostly describe things you watched and did on the place but for this cue card you should mostly tell about your experience during the journey.
学习啦在线学习网Some key points to mention for this cue card:
学习啦在线学习网You had a plan to visit this place for a long time and when you had the journey, you had been excited about the whole thing.
学习啦在线学习网You would meet a friend or relative after a long and that made you feel good.
You have some memories related to this place and visiting there was a good experience for you.
If this is a foreign country, say that you had a longing to visit this country.
学习啦在线学习网The weather was comfortable and there was no interruption on the way.
You had friends with you and you enjoyed their company as well as the vehicles.
学习啦在线学习网This was not a typical journey that you usually take.
The natural beauty surrounding the roads was charming.
You observed some different custom and culture there.
If you plan to say that you did not enjoy the journey focus on the following points:
You did not intend to go there but you had no other choice.
学习啦在线学习网The weather was not good and that made the journey difficult.
You did not like the vehicles that you took for the journey.
It took a very long time which was tiresome.
You got sick during the journey.
There was no interesting thing to do or watch.
学习啦在线学习网The vehicle was a public transport and stopped several times.
学习啦在线学习网Some other cue cards that you should be able to answer if you prepare for this cue card:
学习啦在线学习网1. Talk about an interesting journey you took recently.
2. Describe a visit to one of your relative's house.
学习啦在线学习网3. Describe your journey to your home town.
4. Describe a journey you took to a foreign city.
5. Talk about a journey you disliked.
6. Describe a journey you remember.
7. Describe one of your memorable journeys.
I like visiting famous places and whenever I get vacation, I try to visit new places or places that I have heard about. One such trip that I took with one of my friends was a journey to Holland. I would like to talk about this tour to Holland that we took 2 years age.
学习啦在线学习网Both of us (me and my friend) wanted to visit Holland and specifically Amsterdam, Hague and Rotterdam very much because we saw pictures and heard stories from friends about how beautiful and wonderful the place is. So finally we applied for visa, bought plane tickets, booked a hotel, packed our bags and our trip began.
学习啦在线学习网We spent a lot of time before our holiday, researching of all the interesting places to visit and all the sights to see. So we went to Rijks museum, Van Gogh museum, Amstell Beer museum, took a romantic sunset cruise in the water channels, drove to Volendam, a small prettiest fisherman village, visited a cheese farm. We went to Rotterdam, which is the architecture city of Holland that stimulates innovation. We enjoyed the architectures and building there as much as we did walking in the neat roads and besides the beaches. Visiting the famous Anne Frank house was an exciting moment for me. I've read the Anne Frank's Diary in my early childhood and witnessing the place was very much exciting.
Every evening we took long walks along the channels, resting in small gardens, which Amsterdam has a lot of. Street artists were performing everywhere and a lot of people came to watch their show.
We enjoyed very much everything we did and especially in such a beautiful country. Having my friend by my side on this trip made it even more fun. Since we have never been to Holland, everything we saw and did seemed interesting and completely new to us. The people, their way to interpretation their culture attracted us very much. Before leaving the place, both of us agreed that the place is worth visiting and someday we would come back to re-explore it.
学习啦在线学习网简单还原下考场。考试时房间门口有一个小门,同学们在门口坐着,考官会把考生领进去到座位上。在这过程中,考官可能会和学生随便说点什么,这是个warm up的过程。同学们注意进去千万别紧张,有的同学听到考官说话,就瞪着眼睛,没背过这题的感觉。做完这些问题,考官会把录音笔打开,然后开始进入正式环节,大家平时准备的Part1、2、3三部分。Part1一个话题中高频的有三个。每个话题延展四个小问题,一共12次,一问一答,将在4-5分钟之内完成。第一部分考的是快速反应,除了说之外,还考察听力能力。Part2和part3要听懂考官问题,避免所答非所问。如果怕听不懂,考前看机经准备一下。机经不用把每个问题都写出答案,但要保证浏览所有问题,保证现场问的题目自己见过回答有的放矢。
这个视频的解释过程非常非常像一篇雅思大作文。考生们可以试着学一学考官们认为的正确回应一个争论话题的方法。既然是Killing IELTS Rumours, 就证明此江湖传说所言不实啊。
现如今, 很多人讨论在不同城市考雅思,写作与口语分数会不会有变化。
实际这位前辈参加完每一场口语与写作考试后,都会按照雅思官方的评分标准回顾一下自己的表现。考官给得高,那真的是她那场发挥得好,P3部分和考官来了场小辩论学习啦在线学习网,考官最后来了一句brilliant point, well done。她那场的口语分数是历史最高的,而考点则是大家敬而远之的某一线大城市。