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  托福独立写作题目:在外就餐和在家吃饭 范文分享

学习啦在线学习网  新托福独立写作题目及解析:

学习啦在线学习网  eat meals in restaurants or at home?Some people prefer cooking and eating at home, while others like eating in the restaurant. Which one do you prefer and why?





学习啦在线学习网  1)家中的食物更健康


学习啦在线学习网  新托福独立写作范文:

  Sometimes, a taste may surprise us suddenly, as it is so familiar with the food cooked by mum in childhood and hence reminds us a lovely memory. However, children today may not share the same experience with us when they grow up, because modern parents usually spare less time to prepare food at home and choose to dine out. In my mind, this is a tragic trend that should be reversed timely.

  Admittedly, it is convenient and enjoyable to have dinners in a restaurant. The restaurant not only helps us save much time on purchasing and preparing food, but also offers many options on delicious and nutritious dishes. Especially for people busy with work or study, dining in restaurants is the most efficient choice. Take students’ exam weeks as an instance. With much time spent on preparing exams and finishing assignments, students can hardly spare extra time to cook. During this periods, various local restaurants are most busy, as they successfully cater students’ needs.  However, no matter how reasonable it seems to dine out when one has no time to cook, the role of homemade foods is irreplaceable. In the first place, homemade foods are much healthier than those offered in restaurants. From the very beginning, people are able to select the most fresh vegetable and meat in the supermarket, and than cook in a healthy way. Even better, if one has some general knowledge of nutrition, he can design and prepare a balanced diet for the whole family. It is controllable that how much calorie, protein and carbohydrate the family takes in. On the contrary, in restuarants, we usually have no idea about the condition of foods before they are served. In addition, the chef in restaurants often adds too many various seasonings to improvetastes, such as oil, pepper and salt. If people dine out frequently, the absorption of excessive fat and salt may gradually lead to chronic diseases.

  In the second place, cooking at home not only provides family members with ideal opportunities to communicate with each other, but also is important for the pass on of dietary culture. As people are usually busy with their work and study, it seems they have less time to sit down and talk together. But, the process of cooking and cleaning dishes requires family members to cooperate. While washing vegetable and preparing bread dough, people naturally share anecdotes and give opinions. To prepare dinner is also a perfect way to express love and care. In a word, cooking at home effectively strengthens bonds between family members. Moreover, as children learn cooking skills from parents, a nation’s valuable cooking culture is handed down from generation to generation. For instance, it is cool to treat friends at home with spaghetti serving with the secret sauce learnt from grandma.

学习啦在线学习网  To sum up, compared to dinning out, cooking and eating at home is a better option for people to keep healthy, strengthen family ties and hand down family catering culture.


  In my opinion, I definitely prefer to eat out. After a hard day’s work I have no mood cooking for myself, and eating out with my boy friend is a good choice for us. We need not care where to buy the groceries and who should do the clean up. And the second reason may be more important. I am a picky gourmet, and the restaurant can provide a wide variety of food choices for me which will definitely meet my demand. So that’s why I like it.


学习啦在线学习网  1、尽量按照总分的结构进行叙述,单刀直入,这也是西方人习惯的表达方式。由一句主题句引出观点与中心,让考官能够清晰地得知叙述的主题,从而打下良好的基础。如果在考题中出现了问题,则应该开门见山地回答问题,切入主题,阐明自己的观点,从而为接下来的详细叙述理清层次以及节约时间,如果有多余的时间,则可以再增添一句总结的话语,使叙述详尽完整。

学习啦在线学习网  2、在叙述的过程中应该合理地利用逻辑词汇,这样使文章的逻辑顺畅,条理清晰。中国人说话习惯靠上下文去分析句与句的关系,但是西方人不同,他们习惯用逻辑连接词来表达句子关系,如果按照中国人的思维去说英语,在外国人看来就是一堆杂乱无章的句子罗列,这样的分数常常会十分的不好看。论点的叙述,则应该尽量在草稿上简单罗列,讲述时由浅至深,增强逻辑性与条理性。所以,在练习口语的过程中,最好请一位外教跟踪辅导,为学生纠正口音以及语言习惯等问题。

  3、在描述时,应该尽量将抽象的话语具体化,不能很空泛地喊口号做呼吁,这样常常收效甚微。西方人习惯十分具体生动的描述,如描述环境很优美,不应该仅仅说“it's beautiful outside”,而可以去描述flower,tree,bird等细节,增强生动性。





学习啦在线学习网  3、他们在考场上表现的自信和大方



学习啦在线学习网  1、段子的难度要适中!比如,你不要拿GRE阅读来练发音朗读。要想清楚,你要做的朗读段子练发音,而不是练阅读理解。

学习啦在线学习网  2、这个阅读材料要有一个漂亮的音频跟它相匹配,这样你跟着音频去跟读,去朗读。





学习啦在线学习网  采用“语段朗读法”来备考托福口语,可以纠正你的语音和语调,增强英语表达的连贯性,增加自信。当你有了和托福口语高分考生同样的优点,托福口语高分也就唾手可得了。

学习啦在线学习网托福独立写作题目:在外就餐和在家吃饭 范文分享相关文章:









