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学习啦在线学习网   这次肺炎疫情给每一个人都留下了深刻的印象,抗击疫情一刻也不能容缓。关于抗击疫情的英语作文怎么写?以下是小编为大家准备的有关抗击新型肺炎的英语作文带翻译,欢迎大家前来参阅。




学习啦在线学习网   The Spring Festival is supposed to be a time of family reunion and national celebration, but this year's Spring Festival is a bit heavy for everyone. All these are caused by pneumonia caused by new coronavirus infection which broke out recently in Wuhan and even all over the country!

学习啦在线学习网   目前,疫情防控形势非常严峻。但是,有一些人(尤其是中老年人)认为自己的身体很棒,或是自己不会接触身在武汉的人,所以并不重视这次病毒感染引起的疫情,没有一点防范意识,还像平常一样爱串门,而且出门不戴口罩。但事实告诉我们,新型冠状病毒并不仅仅是人传人,也可能具有动物传人的特点。武汉的疫情就是由某个野味市场中的“野味”引起的,所以并不是不接触外来人口就一定不会感染新型冠状病毒那么简单。

学习啦在线学习网   At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control is very serious. However, some people (especially the middle-aged and elderly) think that they are in good health, or they won't touch people in Wuhan, so they don't pay attention to the epidemic caused by the virus infection, have no awareness of prevention, love visiting as usual, and don't wear a mask when going out. But the fact tells us that the new coronavirus is not only human to human, but also animal to human. The epidemic situation in Wuhan is caused by "wild game" in a game market, so it is not as simple as not contacting with the foreign population to be sure not to be infected with the new coronavirus.


  Friends and relatives, we can let Wuhan close the city; all temple fairs in Beijing are cancelled; all new year's movies are off the shelves; Wuhan has established a hospital in the form of "Xiaotangshan mountain"; the whole country is on alert, and the epidemic situation in 100 cities and empty lanes must be more serious than we think. Data shows that by 13:26 on January 25, 2020, 1336 cases have been confirmed, 1965 suspected, 38 cured and 41 died. In Fujian Province, 10 cases have been confirmed and 4 cases are suspected.


  At 9:12 a.m. on January 25, 2020, Liang Wudong, the head of Otolaryngology Department of Hebei integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine hospital, also died in Wuhan Jinyintan hospital due to the infection of new coronavirus pneumonia. How sad that he was 62 years old! www.zuowenla.cn

学习啦在线学习网   亲朋好友们,就连全副武装的医生都会感染的病毒,我们这样的普通人又怎能不多加防护呢?

  Friends and relatives, even doctors with full arms will be infected with the virus. How can ordinary people like us not protect more?


学习啦在线学习网   As the poem of fighting against pneumonia in the Spring Festival Gala says, "keeping yourself free from infection is your greatest contribution to fighting the epidemic. You are safe, 1.4 billion people are safe, and the epidemic will be destroyed! "


学习啦在线学习网   Family, friends, let's go out less, wear masks, take good care of our bodies, cheer for Wuhan, cheer for China!








学习啦在线学习网   Year after year, day after day, the Spring Festival is coming. But this Spring Festival is unforgettable!

学习啦在线学习网   最近武汉出现新型冠状病毒如瘟疫一般暴发至全国,感染速度极快,有很多专家正在病毒,也取得了重大的进步。如今我们只能躲在家里,以免被染上病毒,我回想起往年的春节大家热热闹闹的,红红火火的,亲戚朋友们欢聚一堂,一起过大年,看春晚,但现在所有人只能待在家里。尽量少出门,为了更好的防止病毒出现交叉感染。

  Recently, a new type of coronavirus has emerged in Wuhan, which has spread to the whole country like plague. The infection speed is very fast. Many experts are cracking the virus, and great progress has been made. Now we can only hide at home so as not to be infected with the virus. I think back to the previous Spring Festival, when everyone was bustling, red and fiery, and relatives and friends gathered together for the Spring Festival Gala, but now everyone can only stay at home. Try to go out less, in order to better prevent cross infection of the virus.


  A few days later, more and more people were killed by the virus, but fortunately, those doctors who were unknown and devoted to the motherland. Finally, we quickly developed a method to identify the new coronavirus. We hope that they can quickly develop drugs that can cure the disease, so that people can return to work, life and study, and people in foreign countries can return home and gather with their relatives and friends. I want to say to the doctors, "thank you for your hard work!" As a teenager, I try my best to help them when the motherland is in danger. I use my new year's money to buy some masks, goggles, alcohol medical supplies. Donate to hospitals or those in need.

学习啦在线学习网   “水滴石穿非一日之功。”我相信全国人民一定永不放弃,坚持到底战胜病魔的那一刻。我希望下一个春节祖国能国泰民安,万事大吉。

学习啦在线学习网   "It's not a day's work." I believe that the people of the whole country will never give up and persist in fighting the disease. I hope that the next spring festival will bring peace and prosperity to the motherland.



学习啦在线学习网   Because of the sudden outbreak of the epidemic, our Spring Festival Gala ushered in the first program without rehearsal for the first time. Six hosts wrote a manuscript temporarily and contributed their own strength to the war without gunpowder smoke with their own actions, and sent encouragement and blessings to people running in the front line


学习啦在线学习网   Not only medical staff, but also people from all walks of life have contributed their little to the fight against the epidemic: even though it is inconvenient to travel now, no one has complained about it. Many entrepreneurs, stars and overseas Chinese are donating money to some serious epidemic areas. They have donated materials and materials, which are then transported to the serious epidemic areas by specially assigned trucks.


  For example, in Wuhan, the trucks transporting goods and materials are boxes of goods and materials. On each truck, a banner is hung with the words "Wuhan refuels".

学习啦在线学习网   一些口罩的生产工厂,加班加点,紧急召回所有员工开始生产一次性的口罩,甚至因为是过年期间,企业提出发双倍工资,为的就是多赶制出一些口罩,可以多给我们,给医护人员提供一份保障。

学习啦在线学习网   Some mask factories work overtime and recall all employees in an emergency to produce disposable masks. Even during the new year, the enterprise proposed to pay double wages, so as to make more masks, which can provide us more and provide medical staff with a guarantee.


  Only in the face of disaster can we show the true character of Chinese people: no fear of sacrifice, go forward bravely, unite and unite as one. We express our determination with actions. No matter how big the difficulties and challenges, we will do it! China will do it!



学习啦在线学习网   The Spring Festival is a festival that everyone loves. The whole country is very busy. Every family is busy, buying new year's products, making dumplings, pasting couplets, etc. And in the happy atmosphere of this family, the virus takes advantage of the situation.


学习啦在线学习网   The novel coronavirus was the most serious virus found at the end of 2019. But its arrival, let us greatly disappointed, the bustling new year did not have the past bustling, should have reunited the family member to be broken by it.www.zuowenla.cn

学习啦在线学习网   现在,这种新型病毒处于高发期,主要发生地为武汉。并涉及到周边省市,现有病例上万,死亡上百。新型病毒不仅存在于我国,还涉及到了其他二十三个国家。

  Now, the new virus is in a high incidence period, mainly in Wuhan. And related to the surrounding provinces and cities, there are tens of thousands of cases and hundreds of deaths. The new virus exists not only in China, but also in 23 other countries.


学习啦在线学习网   The novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV is the name of the virus. The virus can spread through respiratory droplets. The infection of the elderly will be more serious. According to experts, the main source of infection is a contact with a wild animal, the Chinese chrysanthemum bat. The virus has a latent period of about 14 days, and there is still contagion in the incubation period.


学习啦在线学习网   Human viruses are infectious diseases caused by viruses that can parasitize and reproduce in human body and cause disease. In order to prevent us from being infected by the virus, we should pay attention to the following items: 1. Open doors and windows regularly for ventilation. 2. vaccination. 3. Develop good hygiene habits. 4. Exercise more. 5. Life should be regular. 6. Pay attention to the details of clothes and food. 7. Don't shy away from medical treatment. 8. Don't go out. Wear a mask.

学习啦在线学习网   1月28日,中国工程院院士、国家卫健委高级别专家组成员李兰娟透露,她所在国家重点实验室已经成功分离出了新型冠状病毒的毒株,而这就意味着我们离拥有疫苗就更近了一步,意味着我们将赢得这场病毒阻击战的胜利。

学习啦在线学习网   Novel coronavirus strain was successfully isolated from the Key Laboratory of the National Key Laboratory of the national health and Health Committee of China, Li Lanjuan, member of the Chinese Academy of engineering and National Health Protection Committee of the high level expert group in January 28th.


  So, we should stay away from the virus now. I don't know that our delicate action will make the staff on the front line fall short. But in recent days, I found that there are many more cases in China, which makes me very upset. I'm afraid the staff on the front line can't tell.


  Fight against the virus, from me. The fight against the virus is not about one person, or two people, but about all of us. On the contrary, we should be more like ourselves and let everyone look like me.

学习啦在线学习网   我相信,我们一定会赢得这次病毒所基站的胜利。加油!

  I believe that we will win the victory of the base station of the virus. Come on!



学习啦在线学习网   In 2020, we have officially entered the 1920s of the 21st century. We have undoubtedly grown up since we bid farewell to the decade. But the new year has arrived, and the days when the relatives had a happy party and were full of laughter and laughter are full of haze.

学习啦在线学习网   2020年的开头似乎在与我们大家开玩笑,新型冠状病毒搞的人心惶惶,篮球巨星科比及其爱女的意外去世则雪上加霜,让人们逐渐失去了对2020年的期待值。

学习啦在线学习网   Novel coronavirus is jittery in the beginning of 2020. The unexpected death of basketball superstar Kobe and her beloved daughter is one disaster after another, which makes people lose their expectation for 2020.www.zuowenla.cn


  Many people have written "2020, but the year I dreamed many years ago" on social networking sites, which shows that everyone has been disappointed in 2020, which seems to be quite different from their ideal 2020.


学习啦在线学习网   But... There is disappointment, there will be greater hope.

学习啦在线学习网   这个春节让我认识了钟南山院士,让我看到了他的学术精神,了解到了他对中国的伟大贡献,2003的非典他在抗疫第一线,现在84岁高龄的他,也依旧在抗疫的第一线,这让我明白了“老骥伏枥,志在千里”的深刻含义,这个春节,钟南山爷爷教会了我很多很多……

  This Spring Festival let me know academician Zhong Nanshan, let me see his academic spirit, understand his great contribution to China, he was in the first line of anti SARS in 2003, and now he is 84 years old, he is still in the first line of anti SARS, which let me understand the profound meaning of "the old hero is in the limelight, ambitious". This Spring Festival, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan taught me a lot


  This spring festival also made me feel the solidarity and friendship of the Chinese people. On many social software, under the real-time situation of the epidemic from the official account, someone will always comment: "come on, Wuhan, China." Maybe it's just a small move by commentators, but it's enough to move people's hearts. Every day, there will be a lot of news about donations and materials, which shows that the Chinese people are trying to make the most contribution to the country, pay attention to the epidemic situation all the time, and hope that their mother's health can be restored as soon as possible.


  This Spring Festival made me understand that the dedication to the country doesn't care about the size, but the intention. I saw the notice posted by each village, asking people not to eat together and not to go out. I saw the circle of friends sent by relatives, all of which were helpless to squat at home, but also included the hope of the country to control the epidemic. See, how can the people have no effect if they follow the direction of the state, don't eat together, don't go out and unite as one?


  This year's winter vacation is not as cold as the previous two years, there is no snow, it is a warm winter, but the rainy days are very long, but finally it turns back to a sunny day, sunny, so that the earth is full of life.

学习啦在线学习网   相信这一次疫情也会像天气一样,雨过天晴,最终见到阳光。再者说万事开头难,2020年的开头虽然并没有那么美好,但2020年接下去的日子一定会充满欢乐的气息,人人被幸福围绕。

学习啦在线学习网   It is believed that this epidemic will be like the weather, sunny after rain and finally sunny. What's more, it's hard to start everything. Although the beginning of 2020 is not so beautiful, the next days in 2020 will be full of joy and everyone will be surrounded by happiness.

学习啦在线学习网   最后,希望武汉加油,中国加油

学习啦在线学习网   Finally, I hope you can come to Wuhan and China





