学习啦在线学习网英文复杂句的本质其实就是这么简单,当然我们还能写出更加困难的复杂句,但从ets给出的满分范文可以看出,真正确保了核心结构才能写出满分的句子。相反的,我们在写托福作文的时候一定要避免为了写难句而写难句(being difficult just for difficulty’s sake).很多同学一相情愿的写出很多的“难句”,却忽视了ets对托福作文实用加准确的要求,从而拿了出乎本人意料的低分。
1, While; whereas; whilst:用在句首或是句中都是可以的,表示主句和从句的对比,也就是说这三个词均用来表示句中对比,是不能当成句首副词来用的。
This is based on the belief that identical twins share all the same genes whereas all the fraternal twins share only half the same genes.
While environmentalists are quick to blame the increased carbon dioxide emissions for the global warming, the truth is that nobody knows whether a similar warming-and the later cooling-occurred before the advent of temperature-related technology in the 1900s.
2, by/in contrast:用在句首,表示它之前的一个句子和它后面引导的句子之间的对比,也就是表示句间对比。
学习啦在线学习网3, on the contrary:这个词考生们都很喜欢用,但是错误率很高。需要注意的是这个词和in contrast弄混了,但其实这个此更接近instead,…的意思。它后面的内容是否定前面的陈述的。
学习啦在线学习网It should be noted that not all school kids love to study. On the contrary, they love to explore the world around them, paying little attention to their academic work.
Contrary to all the experts’ expectation, the American economy took a nosedive.
4, rather than/instead of: 而不是,这两词是高分范文中的常见词汇,虽然也很为我们所熟悉,但是我们可以在不产生审美疲劳的情况下多使用几次。
学习啦在线学习网At work, we should try to be ourselves rather than to be someone who we think others expect us to be.
Instead of making further requests, pessimistic customers tend to lodge complaints.
5, Conversely:这货十分难写,跟在它后面的内容一般是把它前面的一句话的意思完全镜像。虽然它在美式议论文还算比较常见的一个单词,但是因为其用法确实让人头痛。具体请看例句:
Studies have shown, for example, that reading aloud to children helps them become better readers. Conversely, children who do not have others reading aloud to them generally find it difficult to learn how to read.
1. Despite; In spite of; Notwithstanding: 后面跟名词或者代词。
Despite considerable public popularity, many of JFK’s social and civil rights programs had made little progress in a Democrat-controlled but conservative Congress.
学习啦在线学习网2. Nonetheless; Nevertheless: 后面直接跟完整的句子。
Nevertheless, people have been harmed, hurt or even killed by them.
3. Even though:很多时候可以代替although,后面跟从句,表示对已经存在的状况进行让步。
学习啦在线学习网4. Even if:后面跟从句,表示对没有发生的情况进行让步。
学习啦在线学习网5. Albeit:一般用在句子中间,后面跟形容词。
学习啦在线学习网6. As long as:只要,用在句子中间,不仅写作很常用,口语也很常用,比如那句有名的歌词:I don’t care who you are, where you from , what you did as long as you love me.
学习啦在线学习网7. ….,however +adj.+n.,…: 这个句型也可以表示让步,它的有趣的之处就是名词后面可以省略动词。
Most couples, however fossilized their relationship, they always share some interests in common.
8. Admittedly: 他后面的句子一般都会加个“however”“but”之类的转折词汇。
学习啦在线学习网1. In terms of: 从。。。意义上来讲;后面跟名词或者名词短语,用在句首或者句中都可以。
We all differ in terms of what we find funny, but we’re all the same in terms our interests to listen to amusing things.
学习啦在线学习网These children are often spoiled, not in terms of love and attention because working parents do not have time for this, but in more material ways.
学习啦在线学习网2. As for:后面可跟名词或者名词短语都可以,用在句首
学习啦在线学习网3. When it comes to:后面跟名词或者名词短语,用在句首,有时候根据上下意思不同还可以再前面加上一个but
学习啦在线学习网4. Regarding; concerning; with regard to; with respect to:关于。。。后面跟名词或者名词短语,用在句首或者句中都可以
学习啦在线学习网1. Similarly:“类似地”一般情况下用在句首
Similarly, students who have to cope with intense peer pressure may have a hard time concentrating on their academic subjects.
2. Likewise:同上
Some people have little power to do good, and to have little strength to resist evil.-------Samuel Johnson.
学习啦在线学习网3. By the same token::“同理”
学习啦在线学习网The pressure didn’t present any fresh ideas, bun y the same token(=similarly), we didn’t expect any from him.
4. The same is true of:“这对于。。。也适用”,句首,后面跟名词或者名词短语
学习啦在线学习网1. As; Since:后面跟从句而不能只跟一个名词
学习啦在线学习网Since we cannot experience everything all by ourselves, we also acquire knowledge by reading books, magazines and newspapers.
2. Due to :后面只能跟从句而不能跟从句。
3. Owing to:同上
4. For the sake of,相当于英文中的for the purpose of helping/improving
学习啦在线学习网My father kept saving his money for the sake of building a house for me.
学习啦在线学习网5. By virtue of:意识是“通过。。。来。。。”
She succeed by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent.
6. Given that; In view of, in light of“考虑到,鉴于。。。”
Given the mounting pressure at work, he would sacrifice his high-paying job in exchange for the leisure time.
1. Hence; Thus; Therefore:因此; 用在句中或者句首都可以,如果用在句中的话,则句中用分号,后面跟他们引导的从句。
学习啦在线学习网2. As a consequence; Consequently;as a result: 作为结果,用在句首比较多,后面用逗号。
学习啦在线学习网3. So that:因此,用在句中。
学习啦在线学习网“言简朴实原则”意思是行文主张不写噜苏或绚丽的字眼(flowery or wordy),句子应该越短越好,一句能用两个字,绝不多加一个。例如:
学习啦在线学习网At this point in time, we should pull together for our goal. (现在我们应该为我们的目标团结一致)这句话中“At this point in time”表示“现在”,我们完全可以用now来代替。
学习啦在线学习网Despite the fact that my English is not very good, I am not discouraged。(虽然我的英语不好,但我不灰心。) 这句话中despite the fact tha t= although = though,因此我们完全可以改成Although my English is not very good, I am not discouraged。
In the majority of cases, he likes to ride bike to the office. (他通常喜欢骑单车到办公室)。很简单的一句话,完全可以写成 He usually likes to ride bike to the office。
学习啦在线学习网Original: Solving trivial problems in the dorm will add your social experience and help you to understand other people’s feelings and learn to be kind。
学习啦在线学习网Revised: Solving trivial problems in the dorm will enrich your social experience and help you to understand other people’s feelings and learn to be considerate。
学习啦在线学习网He has had many years of (actual) experience in business. (他有多年经商的经验) actual是多余的,因为experience已经有actual的意味了。
We assembled (together) all the parts for our radio. (我们装好收音机的零件)assemble本身就有together的意思,因此together是多余的。
此外还有,in reference to=about; draw to close=end; at an early date=soon等。
学习啦在线学习网Many businessmen(businesswomen) feel their jobs are very stressful. (许多商人觉得工作压力很大)这句话写businessmen或是businesswomen都是不妥当的,可以改为business people或business executives或business managers就可以包括男女了。
Policemen (policewomen) should treat citizens with courtesy。(警察对人民应该有礼貌)假如把 policemen 或 policewomen 改为 police officers 就可避免男女性别
Stewardesses for international regions may get jet lag sometimes。(国际航线的空中小姐有时会有时差疲惫的现象)如把 stewardess 改为 flight attendant,就能包括男女空中服务员。
其他的如把salesman或saleswoman改为salesperson;把mailman改为mail carrier或postal worker;把foreman改为supervisor等等。
学习啦在线学习网当然,一些带有种族偏见的字眼,甚至有侮辱的味道(insulting words 或 slur),也要尽量避免使用,以免闹出麻烦。例如:
对黑人不要用 Negro,更不能用 Nigger(用 Black 还可以),礼貌的说法是Afro-American 或 African-American;
对白人不要用 Honky(这是黑人骂白人的用字),正确用法是 Caucasian,或 white people;
学习啦在线学习网对犹太人不要用 Hymies,应该叫 Jewish 或 Jewish people;
对越南人不要用 Gook,要用 Vietnamese;
学习啦在线学习网至于墨西哥人、西班牙人及中、南美洲人,包括 Puerto Rico,正确的用法多是 Hispanics 或 Latins,不过据说西班牙人为了维护自己的文化,倒喜欢别人称为 Spaniard。
学习啦在线学习网还有黑白结婚的孩子,也不可称为 Oreo(Oreo 饼干外面是巧克力,里面是白奶油)。
学习啦在线学习网当然对于一些很不礼貌的老外叫我们中国人Chink 或 Chinaman,而不是Chinese的时候,话说“君子不与小人斗”,我们可以不理(ignore)或是走开(walk away),尽量避免冲突。
托福写作范文:The Nobel Academy
The Nobel Academy
学习啦在线学习网For the last 82years, Sweden’s Nobel Academy has decided who will receive the Nobel Prize in Literature, thereby determining who will be elevated from the great and the near great to the immortal. But today the Academy is coming under heavy criticism both from the without and from within. Critics contend that the selection of the winners often has less to do with true writing ability than with the peculiar internal politics of the Academy and of Sweden itself. According to Ingmar Bjorksten, the cultural editor for one of the country’s two major newspapers, the prize continues to represent "what people call a very Swedish exercise: reflecting Swedish tastes."
The Academy has defended itself against such charges of provincialism in its selection by asserting that its physical distance from the great literary capitals of the world actually serves to protect the Academy from outside influences. This may well be true, but critics respond that this very distance may also be responsible for the Academy’s inability to perceive accurately authentic trends in the literary world.
Regardless of concerns over the selection process, however, it seems that the prize will continue to survive both as an indicator of the literature that we most highly praise, and as an elusive goal that writers seek. If for no other reason, the prize will continue to be desirable for the financial rewards that accompany it; not only is the cash prize itself considerable, but it also dramatically increases sales of an author’s books.
托福写作范文:The war between Britain and France
学习啦在线学习网The war between Britain and France
学习啦在线学习网In the late eighteenth century, battles raged in almost every corner of Europe, as well as in the Middle East, South Africa, the West Indies, and Latin America. In reality, however, there was only one major war during this time, the war between Britain and France. All other battles were ancillary to this larger conflict, and were often at least partially related to its antagonist’ goals and strategies. France sought total domination of Europe. This goal was obstructed by British independence and Britain’s efforts throughout the continent to thwart Napoleon; through treaties. Britain built coalitions (not dissimilar in concept to today’s NATO) guaranteeing British participation in all major European conflicts. These two antagonists were poorly matched, insofar as they had very unequal strengths; France was predominant on land, Britain at sea. The French knew that, short of defeating the British navy, their only hope of victory was to close all the ports of Europe to British ships. Accordingly, France set out to overcome Britain by extending its military domination from Moscow t Lisbon, from Jutland to Caldaria. All of this entailed tremendous risk, because France did not have the military resources to control this much territory and still protect itself and maintain order at home.
French strategists calculated that a navy of 150 ships would provide the force necessary to defeat the British navy. Such a force would give France a three-to-two advantage over Britain. This advantage was deemed necessary because of Britain’s superior sea skills and technology because of Britain’s superior sea skills and technology, and also because Britain would be fighting a defensive war, allowing it to win with fewer forces. Napoleon never lost substantial impediment to his control of Europe. As his force neared that goal, Napoleon grew increasingly impatient and began planning an immediate attack.