The news about violent crimes may frighten people or, on contrary, encourage them to commit a crime. Therefore, some believe that these types of news should not be reported in newspapers or on TV. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. What are the causes? How should these young criminals be punished?
学习啦在线学习网In many countries crime is increasing. What are the main reasons for this? What can be done to improve the situation?
1. 先来说说犯罪份子该如何表达
criminals 名词,罪犯(值得注意的是,该词有形容词性)。
学习啦在线学习网offenders 名词,罪犯,违法者。
convicts 名词,罪犯,囚徒(前段时间很红的一套书《囚徒健身》,"Convict Conditioning")。
culprits 名词,犯人。同时,本词可以指的是被指控犯罪的人。
outlaws 名词,罪犯。也有动词词性,并且为及物动词,译为宣布某事为不合法。
学习啦在线学习网suspect (criminal suspect)名词,犯罪嫌疑人。其实,在法庭最终宣判之前,我们口中的罪犯多数情况下应该用这个词表达,更为严谨。
学习啦在线学习网prisoner 名词,犯人,囚犯。
juvenile criminals 名词,青少年罪犯。
学习啦在线学习网minor criminals 名词,未成年罪犯。
juvenile delinquent / juvenile offender 名词,少年犯,或行为不端的青少年
2. 来说说犯罪这件事该如何表达,要注意词性标注
commit a crime ( commit crimes ) 动宾,犯罪
violate the law / break the law 动宾,犯罪,违法
offend against the law 动宾,违法
violent crimes / non-violent crimes 形容词 + 名词,暴力犯罪 / 非暴力犯罪
学习啦在线学习网delinquent behaviors / illegal acts / lawless behaviors 形容词 + 名词,不法的行为
学习啦在线学习网juvenile delinquency 名词,特指青少年的不法行为
illegality 名词,泛指所有违法行为。此外,immorality 名词,指的是不道德的行为,其实近似于违法行为,但是略有区别。同理,副词 illegally 和 immorally 也是类似的区别
学习啦在线学习网wrongdoing / misconduct / delinquency 名词,都是指的是行为不端
学习啦在线学习网There is no denying that everyone should be punished due to his/her illegality, no matter how old he/she is. Notwithstanding, this does not imply that juvenile culprits should be treated as equally as adult prisoners. Juvenile detentions ought to be the place for those minor offenders instead of common jails, and besides juvenile suspects should be on trial in juvenile court where their right can be protected much better.
Juvenile convicts with violent crimes should be detained in juvenile detentions as they might be potential threats to our society, and on the other hand minor culprits with non-violent crimes can be punished with more flexibility such as being forced to do social work.
PS: Juvenile detentions 名词,少管所
学习啦在线学习网juvenile court 名词,未成年人法庭
detain 及物动词,羁押
学习啦在线学习网3. 犯罪率的表达方式
学习啦在线学习网Crime rate / incident of crime
Unbelievably high juvenile crime rate is plaguing many countries all over the world, and how to reduce it has become prime task for those governments for a long time.
4.rehabilitate criminals / reform criminals 动宾,改造罪犯
学习啦在线学习网Main function of prisons is not only punishing culprits with locking them up but also rehabilitating them as everyone no matter what he/she has done deserves a second chance. 监狱的功能不仅是限制犯人的自由,还要给这些犯人提供一个改过自新的机会。
5. 几个导致青少年犯罪的原因如下:
Lack of moral education 名词性,缺少德育教育(lack 一词在实际写作中是考生们常犯错误的地方,请看后面的注解。)
Inappropriate parenting 名词性,不恰当的家庭教育
Being exposed to misleading information from media 动名词性质,暴露于媒体的诱导性信息
Lack of ability of telling right from wrong 名词性,缺少辨别是非的能力
Blindly imitate what they often see or read in media 动宾结构,盲目模仿在媒体中看到的或者听到的事物
PS: 关于 lack
首先,可以是及物动词。例如:With stress from exams, students lack enthusiasm on learning any kind of art.
学习啦在线学习网其次,名词,多用于词组 be lack of / be lack in = be short of 例如:Generally speaking, high crime rate, to a great extent, can be attributed to lack of law enforcement capacity of police.
学习啦在线学习网再次,lacking 形容词,常用词组 be lacking of / be lacking in 例如: Fresh graduates are usually lacking in working experience that is required badly on majority of job positions.
雅思写作范文学习啦在线学习网:犯罪审判该不该在电视上播放。In some countries, some criminal trials are shown on the television and the general public can watch them. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.
优点:1. 公众教育(降低犯罪率);2.法制监督(公正,用语);3. 司法公信力(信任与安全感;鼓励法律途径)
学习啦在线学习网缺点:1. 嫌疑人安全;2. 隐私;
学习啦在线学习网The mass media of some nations including mine has entitled to access some court trials so that the public can watch and review law suits on TV, internet and newspaper. Although the privacy or even security of suspects may be invaded or threatened in certain cases, this progressive policy definitively benefits more not only for the persons on trial but for normal ones in the national context.
学习啦在线学习网The drawbacks of the enforcement mainly focus on men in court. Apparently, suspects’ privacy is to be respected before the sentence which means the deprivation of its political rights and even some victims are unwilling to expose their tragedy to the public, toughening the aftermath and rehabilitation. What is more, it is easy to assume that the vindicated sometimes get hurt out of court when he or she is innocent but the public believe him or her guilty.
Despite the previous two factors, the progress this decision has made is prominent in three aspects. The first comes from the easier access of law issues and the public learn the principle and details about laws and decrees, knowing the legal limits and thus bringing down the crime rate. Another profit for both the public and suspects is that this performance online is a kind of supervision in a much larger scale incomparison with the jury, which enhance judge’s level like expertise and language. Last but not least, this implement gain much public trust so citizens feel secured and would turn to lawyers and courts for help when necessary.
In conclusion, this action educates the public, monitor the legal system and win the trust. The merits obviously outweigh the demerits and it could be better when the will and privacy of interested parties like juveniles can be considered and protected.
学习啦在线学习网Writing Task 2
In many countries, the amount of crime is increasing. What do you think are the main causes of crime? How can we deal with those causes?
In this essay, I will explore the causes of crime and how we can go about eliminating crime from our society by tackling the causes.
As we know, crime has become a hot issue in today’s society. It seems that not a day goes by without newspaper headlines such as “15 dead in gangland murder spree” and “Bankers steal 90 million from children’s charity” . The question is why? What drives people to do such I terrible things? I believe the cause of most, if not all, crime comes down to opportunity and education. Simply put, if a person has few options in life, he may become desperate for the things most of us take for granted (food, clothing etc) and steal them. On the other hand, if a I person has the opportunity to break the law for his own benefit and figures that the odds are I against them being caught, he is fairly likely to do so (banking fraud, confidence schemes and I such). In terms of education, either a person is unaware of the damage he causes, or he simply sees no other way to get what he wants. Both of these causes must be tackled if we wish to reduce crime in our societies.
I would recommend improving basic living standards to solve the problem of opportunistic crime. If the government provides all citizens with a house, food, clothing and health care, then there should be no reason for a person to steal. Further, an ethic of hard work should also be instilled in the citizenry - the idea that some people get more because they deserve it, either they work harder or are simply better at their job than other people, and therefore they should be rewarded for this. This should be indoctrinated in a person from birth. In this way, we would see people become more productive and less willing to cheat their way to their goals.
(328 words)
