Chen Chen, 22, had her graduation farewell dinner weeks ago. But the law graduate of Shandong University still remembers the embarrassing moment when she proposed a toast to her professor and he couldn’t remember her name.
学习啦在线学习网 今年22岁的陈辰来自山东大学法学院,这个22岁的姑娘几周前刚和老师同学一起吃了散伙饭。但是,至今她还记得自己在饭桌上向导师敬酒时,导师却不记得她名字的尴尬时刻。
“I immediately blushed,” Chen says. “I wasn’t close to my professor, but I didn’t expect our relation to be so tenuous.”
Different from teacher-student relations at high school, professor-student relations in college are not so close. According to a recent survey of 2,230 students and 270 professors by Beijing Normal University, 32 percent of students rarely communicate directly with their professors.
学习啦在线学习网 Professors believe students should take the initiative in tackling this problem.
学习啦在线学习网 导师则认为,解决这一问题,学生应该更主动一些。
Emotional bond
学习啦在线学习网 Zhang Tingting, 19, a Chinese language and literature major at Jinan University, is sitting in the staff office watching a Korean soap opera with her professor. They’ve been good friends since Zhang’s freshman year, when she went through a bad breakup.
学习啦在线学习网 来自暨南大学汉语言文学专业的19岁姑娘,张婷婷,正坐在导师的办公室里和导师一起看韩剧。自从张婷婷经历了大一那场痛苦的失恋之后,她就和导师成为了好朋友。
“I was alone in the classroom and crying when my professor saw me. She comforted me and straightening me out,” Zhang says. After that, they talked about their personal lives and discovered their shared interest in Korean dramas.
学习啦在线学习网 她说,“当时导师看到我一个人在教室里哭,她就过来安慰我,让我渐渐恢复平静,振作起来。”自此之后,她们就常常聊起私人生活,然后就发现两人都对韩剧情有独钟。
学习啦在线学习网 “That made her amicable and accessible to me,” Zhang says. She now visits her professor’s office on a monthly basis to discuss her academic problems and future plans. Zhang is glad that she had the opportunity to form a close relation with her professor.
学习啦在线学习网 Pragmatic approach
Approaching professors requires a proper reason and good manners. Li Hongyan, professor of communication at China Agricultural University, checks her phone for new messages after every class. One day, she received several WeChat messages, one of which said: “Professor Li, I want to study abroad. Could you please increase my score to meet the foreign university’s requirements?” Li sighed - this was the last message she wanted to receive.
学习啦在线学习网 Li has been using WeChat to facilitate communication with her students. “Those who are afraid to talk face to face with professors can always find me on WeChat,” she says. In recent years, however, she has noticed that students are becoming increasingly pragmatic.
It’s common for today’s young people to focus on their personal interests, according to Li. “But when students expect tangible benefits from us, there’s not much we can do,” she says.
学习啦在线学习网 她觉得现在的年轻人只关注自己的利益,而这已经成为一种普遍现象。她说,“当学生想要从我们这里获得实际的利益之时,我们往往都无能为力。”
学习啦在线学习网 Chen Yongmei, associate professor of Japanese at Beijing Forestry University, believes such students are not representative of the mainstream. Whether students approach professors largely depends on their personality.
“Some of them are very outgoing and more than willing to share their thoughts with us. But if they’re not, we don’t force them to,” she says.
Another factor that affects professor-student relations is the professors’ way of teaching. Chen says she teaches both a compulsory and a selective course. In the selective course she tends to deliver classes in a more entertaining way, using cartoons and funny videos.
“Students in this course are more willing to communicate with me than students in the compulsory course,” she says.
