学习啦在线学习网 有时候,人生就如同一场不知何时打响的战争,生活的困境就如同一场又一场的战役,你不知怎的就参与其中,也不知道该如何应对,你害怕失败,总是犹豫不决,敌人便一次次将你打倒。即便你幸运地打赢了今天的战役,明天、后天、接下来的日日月月、年年岁岁又会有新的战斗在等待着你。何时才能了结?没有人能给你答案。但是只要我们坚持抗争,理智应对,终有一天能凯旋而归。
Being still, staring at me, he wonders how much longer till I 1)break. My opponent thinks I am weaker now and for good reason, I have shown too much weakness already and I am weary from the battle. Still I continue, but often wonder if I am fighting a war that cannot be won.
学习啦在线学习网 我的敌人一动不动地站在那里,死死盯着我,琢磨着还要多久我才会屈服。我的敌人有理由相信现在的我比以前更加虚弱,我已暴露出太多弱点,也被战斗折磨得身心俱疲。然而,我仍然继续抗争,只是常常纳闷自己是否正在打一场永远都不可能打赢的战争。
I have heard the stories of my opponent over and over, how he is cunning, 2)baffling and powerful. I see the signs as I sit with the other soldiers discussing strategies, the signs that say “Take it slow” and “Don't give up.”
学习啦在线学习网 我一遍又一遍地听着我的敌人的故事,说他多么奸诈狡猾、难以对付而且孔武有力。和其他士兵坐下来谈论作战计划时,我看到了那些标志,上面写着“从容应战”和“永不言败”。
As I watch my opponent, I think about my training with the other soldiers, the 3)pep talks and the heartfelt conversation over endless pots of coffee. The 4)long hours studying our manuals and preparing for battle. I think about the ones that didn't make it, the ones that trained so hard and yet somehow 5)fell prey to the enemy.
学习啦在线学习网 我看着我的敌人,回想起和其他士兵一起接受训练,听取动员演讲,喝着一壶壶的咖啡敞开心扉聊天的时光。我们一起研读作战指南,为战斗做好准备,度过漫漫长夜。我想起那些牺牲了的战友们,那些刻苦训练却最终还是沦为敌人猎物的战友们。
The questions start, they seem to have no end. How did this war ever start? Why am I in this battle? Why was I chosen? What are my family and friends on the outside doing? Why are they not here with me? Do they even realize this is war?
接着, 问题陆续出现了,似乎无穷无尽。这场战争是怎么打响的?为什么我会参与这场战争?为什么会挑选了我?我那远在战场之外的家人和朋友正在做着什么?为什么他们没有陪在我身边?他们到底懂不懂这是在打仗呢?
学习啦在线学习网 My enemy has allies. Sometimes they do not even realize they are allies. Sometimes my enemy 6)turns on his allies and they find themselves right beside me in the 7)trenches. As the battle carries on, I start to understand more and more about my 8)worthy opponent. I learn his many strengths and his few weaknesses.
学习啦在线学习网 The battle continues and I finally start to realize how much my enemy has gotten inside my head, how he has 9)infiltrated me and broke through my defenses. Before long I find myself 10)overpowered, weak and scared. I start to question my decisions for choosing the side I am on. I consider 11)defecting and joining my enemy, still knowing he will eventually turn on me just as he always has in the past. I start to look around, getting lost in my own thoughts and 12)delusions.
学习啦在线学习网 I turn to my team but quickly realize I am all alone. At first I thought they had turned back and left me, but the truth is I am the one who took the wrong turn. While sinking down into my fears and insecurities I look up to see my enemy standing in front of me, staring me down. This is it, 13)moment of truth! I know he is more powerful than me and I know I cannot beat him on my own.
学习啦在线学习网 Do I surrender? Do I call for 14)backup and risk others getting hurt? I hesitate as I have so many times, wondering if I will lose again because of my hesitation.
学习啦在线学习网 As I see the sweat rolling down my enemy's neck, I slowly reach to draw my weapons, but I have no defense left for this opponent. In a moment of clarity, I realize what I must do.
学习啦在线学习网 With my eyes closed tight and fist 15)clinched I call for my leader and ask for help. I stand there shaking, confused and scared, wondering if he will send rescue one more time.
学习啦在线学习网 我紧闭双眼,握紧拳头,我呼叫队长,请求支援。我站在那里,浑身发抖,困惑又害怕,担心队长是否会再次派来援兵。
学习啦在线学习网 With uncertainty overwhelming me and fear drowning out all other emotions, I see them out of the corner of my eye. They stand strong beside me and tell me my enemy will not win today. With the strength of the army that stands beside me, I reach for my enemy and in an instant 16)slam him against the wall! Still shaken by fear I watch my 17)shattered opponent 18)pour out onto the floor.
学习啦在线学习网 我满心忐忑,恐惧淹没并麻痹了其他所有情绪,这时,他们从我的眼角处闪现出来。他们坚定地站在我身旁,告诉我,敌人今天不可能会赢。有了身边这支军队的支持,我向前攻击敌人,猛地一下把他打到墙上!尽管我仍因害怕而颤抖着,但是我看到被我打倒的敌人吐了一地。
学习啦在线学习网 I felt a chill as I 19)savor the sweet taste of victory, yet I also feel humbled when my more experienced teammates remind me that the war is not over, nor will it ever be. As I meet with my leader to discuss my mistakes and his plan to help me avoid making them again, he reminds me not to 20)stray from the team, the enemy will always find me.
学习啦在线学习网 在享受胜利之蜜时,我感觉到了一股寒意,也倍感卑微。我那些久经沙场的队友们提醒我,战争尚未结束,也永远不会完结。当我去见队长、检讨我犯下的错误并与他讨论关于帮助我避免再次犯下同样错误的计划时,他告诫我不要离开队伍,敌人总有办法找到我。
With my hurt pride, tired soul and scattered mind, I thank him for his guidance and I vow to try harder. As I am reminded by one of the senior soldier that the battle will resume tomorrow and my enemy is now inside me, I realize once again I have found my 21)serenity, just for today.