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学习啦在线学习网   每到六月,牛津就会出现一种奇怪的现象——事实上它发生在大部分的英国大学。接下来,编给大家准备了,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。



  Something odd happens mid-June in Oford – and indeed, at most British universities. Suddenly, it transpires that at least half of your friends turn 21 in eactly the same week – more specifically, eactly two days after their last eam finishes. Rather peculiar, as you’re sure that last year their birthday fell in late April, or May, or early June… Welcome to the “Finalist Birthday”.

学习啦在线学习网   对于所有不幸出生在夏季学期的可怜人来说,想要在真实生日当天庆祝二十一岁是不大可能的。就算他们自己有足够信心,不用花时间为考试复习,他们也没法说服那些埋头苦学的朋友们抽空来派对。因此,许多四月出生的学生神奇地暂时“忘记”了自己的二十一岁生日,直到期末考试全部结束——然后就是真正的派对时间!


学习啦在线学习网   For all those poor souls unfortunate enough to be born in summer term, celebrating a 21st birthday on the actual anniversary of their birth is out of the question. Even if they feel confident enough about eams themselves to take time off revising, they’re unlikely to convince many friends to emerge from their studying caves for a party. Thus many spring-born finalists magically “forget” to turn 21 until all their eams are out of the way – and it’s time for a real party.

  But how do you convincingly have a “Finalist Birthday”? As someone whose birthday fell on May 6th – eactly 13 days before my final eams started – let me tell you, it’s not easy…


学习啦在线学习网   首先,一定要选择你所有朋友都能来的一天作为自己的“生日”。我的考试比我最好的朋友的考试早三周结束,但我在决定派对时间时并没有考虑到这一点。结果就是,我的生日派对正好在她第一场考试的前一天!当然最终她还是原谅我了……

学习啦在线学习网   ... pick a “birthday” that all your friends can come to. My eams finished three weeks before my best friend’s did – something I hadn’t bargained on when I announced my party. It turned out to be the night before her first eam. She forgave me – eventually…



  ... coincide your “birthday” with a big event like a ball. It seems like a good idea – everyone will be dressed up, have paid for their own food and drink, and there’ll be lots of entertainment – but you won’t be the centre of attention. And what else are birthdays for?


学习啦在线学习网   接受一个残酷的现实吧,那就是扫兴的家伙们不会安分待着,他们会不停地戳穿你的假生日派对。在我的生日派对上,一个平时就不怎么受欢迎的熟人固执地不断提醒我:“这并不是你真正的二十一岁生日吧??是吗??”遇上这种悲剧,你只能试着无视,别管他们怎么说。。。

  ... accept that party poopers will try to ruin your fake birthday by refusing to play along. A slightly obnoious acquaintance persistently reminded me at my own party that, “of course, it’s not actually your 21st birthday, is it?” Such miseries should be ignored. And whatever happens…



  ... refrain from having an etravagant “birthday”. By which I mean, do get a cake with 21 candles, do insist on wearing a party hat or giant 21 badge all night, and definitely insist on everyone singing Happy Birthday to you. At least twice.



  ... ask your close friends to leave present giving until the party, especially if you want a thoughtful gift, rather than a voucher hastily purchased in a five-minute library break.



  ... however, epect your parents to also leave any presents or general well wishing until your “Finalist Birthday”. Even if you change your birthday on Facebook, you will not convince the people present on your actual day of birth to ‘forget’ when you turn 21.



  ... acknowledge that a successful delay of your birthday sets a precedent. Become an epert at ‘forgetting’ when you become a year older, and you will never have to admit to being 30. Eternal youth is at your fingertips…


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每到六月,牛津就会出现一种奇怪的现象事实上它发生在大部分的英国大学。接下来,编给大家准备了,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 奇葩习惯之21岁生日季双语 每到六月,牛津就会出现一种奇怪的现象事实上它发生在大部分的英国大学。突然间,你至少


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