Here are the top 10 examples of bad bus manners according to the association's online survey, with responses from about 4,200 people:
1. Noisy conversation, horsing around 大声交谈,瞎闹
2. Music from headphones 耳机中传出的音乐
3. The way passengers sit 坐姿
4. Cellphone ringtones and talking on phones 手机铃声,打电话
学习啦在线学习网 5. Pushing, shoving when getting on and off buses 上下车时推推搡搡
学习啦在线学习网 6. Applying make-up 化妆
7. Littering 乱扔垃圾
8. Sitting on the floor of the bus 坐在车厢地板上
学习啦在线学习网 9. Riding the bus drunk 醉酒上车
学习啦在线学习网 10. Riding a crowded bus with a child in a stroller 用婴儿车推着孩子乘坐拥挤的公交
学习啦在线学习网 Taking the bus in Japan and want to avoid annoying fellow passengers? Keep conversation to a whisper, turn down your iPod and put your cellphone on vibration mode, a recent survey by the bus association showed.
Many foreigners who ride on Japan's vast network of subways and commuter buses complain about the pushing and shoving that accompanies getting into the bus and the reluctance to give up seats for senior citizens and pregnant women.
学习啦在线学习网 很多乘坐日本地铁和公交的外国人抱怨人们在上车时总是推推搡搡,而且很少有人主动给老年人和孕妇让座。
But for Japanese commuters, noise is the biggest issue, with loud conversation and music from headphones the top two offenders and cellphone ringtones in fourth place, the survey by the Association of Japanese Private Bus showed.
学习啦在线学习网 Applying make-up ranked as the sixth-biggest breach of bus etiquette, worse than being drunken, which at number 9 just edged out bringing strollers onto crowded buses.
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