在打草稿时,你可以开始写第一段的introduction(实际上就是paraphrase题目),写下body paragraph会用到的ideas,conclusion倒可以先不写。有了草稿作为指导方针,写作时你就不会像我第一次写作一样,写到哪里算哪里,整篇文章零零散散,没有框架,这是很致命。
学习啦在线学习网In some countries, young people are not only richer but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are less happy. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? 在一些国家,年轻人更加富有,安全,健康,但是,他们还是不快乐,原因何在,如何解决?
1. 做自己喜欢的事情
2. 学习的乐趣
3. 朋友带来的乐趣
4. 生活的简单轻松
5. 梦想的实现
1. 有些青少年来自单亲家庭,或者是暴力家庭,缺乏温暖和关爱,很难快乐。
2. 应试教育和填鸭教学使很多成长中的年轻人不堪重负,更谈不上发展自己的兴趣爱好,放松休闲,因此,很多年轻人不快乐。
学习啦在线学习网1. 幸福感其实和自我的期待值有关,欲望好像是盐水,越喝越渴。有时候,年轻人想要提升自我,但是,又缺乏力量,想要后退,又不甘心,欲求不得的焦虑正是不快乐的根源之一。
2. 罗素在论及快乐的时候提及朋友和爱好可以是快乐的重要源泉,因此,个人爱好很少以及交际圈很小的人,很难获得更多快乐。
1. numerous youngsters = a great many teenagers = a number of young people n很多年轻人
2. youngsters = teenagers = adolescents = the young = young adults = those who are in the formative years n年轻人
3. acquire = attain = obtain v获得……
学习啦在线学习网4. well-being = pleasure = happiness n幸福
学习啦在线学习网5. feel cheerful = feel delighted = feel happy v 感到快乐
学习啦在线学习网拓展:remain cheerful in times of adversity v逆境中保持乐观
拓展:see the sunny side v看到积极的一面
学习啦在线学习网6. feel gloomy = feel depressed = feel morose v 感到很郁闷
7. as for sb = on the part of sb = on the side of sb v对于……来说
8. such is human nature to do sth 去做 …… 是人之常情
学习啦在线学习网9. enlarge one’s circle of friends v扩大交友圈
10. meet and make bunches of new friends v结识新朋友
11. exam-oriented education n 应试教育
12. exercise-stuffed teaching method n 填鸭教学方法
13. efforts should be made by educators to do sth 教育者应该做出努力去……
学习啦在线学习网14. it is imperative for sb to do sth 去做 …… 对于某人来说是势在必行
学习啦在线学习网15. adjust one’s mentality to do sth v调整心态
学习啦在线学习网16. have a good state of mind v拥有良好心态
学习啦在线学习网17. get a clear perspective of oneself v对于自己有清晰的认知
18. foster a variety of new hobbies v培养新的爱好
学习啦在线学习网19. declined sense of happiness n下降的幸福感
20. improve one’s happiness index v提高幸福指数
21. help students reduce the academic burden 帮助学生缓解学习压力
学习啦在线学习网22. confronted with the exam-oriented education, the young live under a pool of pressure in many countries 面对着应试教育,很多年轻人承载着巨大的压力
23. The measures to reduce both educational and social pressure should be given to the young. 我们应该采取措施,帮助年轻人缓解来自教育和社会的压力
学习啦在线学习网24. add color to one’s dull routine of everyday life 给单调的生活增添乐趣
25. It is up to us to find the ways and means to achieve that happiness each of us seek and desire 我们要自己寻找实现我们追求和渴望的幸福的方式。
With the increase in the use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people are writing letters. Some people think that the traditional writing letters will disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 随着手机和电脑用户的增加,很少有人再写信,有认为传统书信会消失,你在多大程度上同意这个观点?
1. 书信是文学作品:傅雷家书;曾国藩教子书;徐志摩情书学习啦在线学习网;一个父亲的札记(周国平)
学习啦在线学习网2. 温家宝爷爷:给灾区的小朋友写了回信,表达了重视以及尊敬。
3. 我的表妹刘璐:在日本早稻田大学留学期间,给姥爷写了很多长信件,姥爷一直珍藏并且时常阅读。
1. 写信对于很多人是根深蒂固的习惯,老年人对于写作家书有感情上的依恋。
2. 密封在信封里的真诚的感情,期待,悬念是人类最值得珍惜的感情之一。
学习啦在线学习网3. 写信可以锻炼一个人的书法,写作能力,思考能力,并且,信件可以被永远珍藏。相反,人们使用手机更多是交流生活信息,手机短信内容很少会被永久珍存。
1. the mobile phone = the cell phone n手机
2. traditional letter writing n传统的书信
学习啦在线学习网3. to write letters v写信
4. bring huge convenience to communication v给交流带来巨大便利
学习啦在线学习网5. communication = intercourse n交流
6. warm and amiable feeling n温暖的亲切的感情
学习啦在线学习网7. provide sb with emotional support and spiritual comfort v 给某人提供情感支持以及精神安慰
8. sincere feeling n真诚的感情
9. expectation and suspense sealed in the envelop n密封在信封里的期待以及悬念
学习啦在线学习网10. have a sentimental attachment to……,v对于……有情感上的依恋
学习啦在线学习网11. …… is a deeply rooted habit …… v是一种根深蒂固的习惯
12. …… is indispensable to …… A对于B是不可缺少的
学习啦在线学习网13. …… and …… is not mutually exclusive A和B不是互相排斥的
学习啦在线学习网14. I have to concede that = I have to confess that = I have to acknowledge that 我承认
学习啦在线学习网15. The contrivance of …… has made people’s life more convenient than ever before. ……的发明使得生活更加方便
学习啦在线学习网16. A short message sent via a mobile phone can let our friends know anything we want them to know all in no time 手机短信可以让我们的朋友第一时间知道我们想告知他们的信息。
17. make an emergency phone call v打紧急电话
18. perfect one’s calligraphy v完善书法
学习啦在线学习网19. polish up one’s writing skill v提高写作技能
学习啦在线学习网20. disseminate information = pass on information = convey information v传递信息
21. senior citizens = the elderly = the aged = the old = old people n老年人
22. can be stored for good = can be stored for ever ……可以被永远地保存
23. multiply friendship v增进友谊
24. Communication through writing letters are more formal and respectful 写信交流信息显得更加正式,尊敬他人。
25. On no account can we ignore the immense value of the traditional letter writing 任何情况下我们不能忽视传统书信的巨大价值。
Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success .Others argue that happiness depends on other factors. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 有人认为幸福来着经济成功,有人认为幸福来之其他源泉,讨论两种观点再给出你的意见?(2009年12月12日)
Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others argue that happiness depends on health. Discuss both of the views and give your own opinion.幸福和经济成功关联,幸福来自健康,讨论再结论?(2012年10月11日)
1. 财富可以使人的生活自由,舒适以及帮助人去实现诸多的梦想,例如:环游世界旅行,接受最好的教育,享受世间美食。
2. 财富是社会资源的象征,可以赢得别人的尊敬以及羡慕,可以带来成就感。
1. 健康是幸福生活的源泉,失去健康,拥有再多的财富,名声和地位都是没有任何意义的。生活中例证很多,企业家富可敌国,但是,健康却每况愈下,身体的负担带来心灵的压力,他们很难幸福。
2. 有了健康的保障,人会更加容易事业成功,家庭幸福,因为健康可以使人精力充沛地应对事业的挑战,乐观地实现家庭的和谐。
3. 一个身心健康的人一定是一个乐观自信的人,他开朗的性格会帮助他扩大交友圈,好友的增加自然带来生活的乐趣。
学习啦在线学习网1. happiness = sense of happiness n 幸福
2. happiness = well-being = pleasure n快乐
3. happiness index n幸福指数
4. economic success = economic achievement n经济成就
学习啦在线学习网5. have large sums of money = own a great deal of wealth v 拥有财富
6. have deep pockets = have money to burn v 财力雄厚
7. wholesome physique and mentality n健康的身心
8. is closely related to = is associated with 和……相关
学习啦在线学习网9. have little correlation to …… v和……不相关联
学习啦在线学习网10. …… is a more essential factor in achieving happiness …… 是获得幸福更加重要的因素
11. strengthen one’s sense of fulfillment v增强人的成就感
学习啦在线学习网12. earn respect and admiration from others v赢得别人的尊敬和羡慕
13. fulfill one’s many wonderful dreams v实现诸多的美丽梦想
14. travel all around the globe v环球旅行
15. enjoy the delicious / delectable/ tasty foods in the world v享受世界美食
1. Perhaps no issue has led to such an endless debate as to whether or not …… 也许没有什么像 …… 一样引起无休止的争论。
2. Standards towards happiness differ widely from person to person .人们对于幸福的标准是仁者见仁智者见智。
学习啦在线学习网3. Happiness lies, first of all, in health. 健康是幸福生活的本源。
学习啦在线学习网4. Under no circumstances can ignore the immense value of health management. 任何情况下不能忽视健康管理的巨大价值。
学习啦在线学习网5. Health enables one to brave the career challenges energetically and harmonize the family life optimistically 健康可以使人精力充沛地应对事业的挑战以及乐观地实现家庭的和谐。
学习啦在线学习网解析:brave = face up to v 勇敢面对……
学习啦在线学习网首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 +作家立场
People have been pondering for years the connotation of true happiness. Perhaps no issue has led to such an end less debate as to whether or not large sums of money could directly bring people well-being. Standards towards happiness differ widely from person to person. My view is that the sense of well-being could derive from wealth, however, other more significant factors have more indispensable roles to play in improve one’s sense of happiness.
学习啦在线学习网翻译: 关于幸福的内涵,人们一直在思考,也许没有什么话题像是否财富可以带来幸福一样引起人们的争议。关于幸福,仁者见仁智者见智。我认为,财富可以带来幸福,但是,其他因素在提高幸福指数方面可以发挥更加重要的作用。
Indeed, happiness do,to some extent , closely relate to economic achievement because a great amount of wealth can make people’s life more enjoyable, comfortable and free. To be more specific, one can fulfill his many dreams such as receiving fine education and traveling around the globe if he or she has deep pocket. Still, economic success implies high social status, which can bring people the sense of happiness and even earn respect from others.
Notwithstanding all that, there is no definite correlation between the amount of one’s wealth and his or her happiness index. Happiness,sometimes, does not depend on economic success but completely on wholesome physique and mentality. First, happiness lies in health. More precisely, wealth, fame, or status will be of little meaning if one fails to ensure his health. To illustrate, some affluent enterprisers have money to burn, yet, they are basically unhappy due to the deteriorating health condition and huge mental pressure. Further, health ensures career success and family harmony. In other words, health enables one to brave the career challenges energetically and harmonize the family life optimistically. Ultimately, those who enjoy good health must be confident and optimistic, their pleasant characters can help them enlarge circle of friends. The multiplication of close friends will brighten their spirit and sweeten their lives.
In the final analysis, I re-affirm my conviction that happiness is not only related to economic success but also links to health, which is more significant. Only by means of owing desirable health condition can we enjoy the lifelong sense of pleasure although wealth sometimes indicates the source of happiness.