1. 概述:虽然鸟类都会唱歌,但它们唱歌的旋律、调调是各有差异的。为了研究它们唱歌的技能是a先天遗传(基因)?b还是后天习得(外界因素)的?researchers 做了很多实验。
学习啦在线学习网2. 试验一中研究人员如何对待小chaffinch?Researchers 首先把刚出生的一只小chaffinch 带离_,放在另外一个地方单独养,与其他大chaffinch 隔离isolate,不让它听到大鸟唱歌song。
3. 试验一的结果如何?结果显示该chaffinch 还是会唱这种歌,只是调子有方言(variation)、很简单、不连续(disconnected)。这就证明了chaffinch 先天就有唱歌的本领的。
4. 试验二中white necked crow是否被隔离?Researchers 首先把刚出生的一只小white necked crow与其它大鸟隔离,不让它听到大鸟的歌。
学习啦在线学习网5. White necked crow学习唱歌的过程?在刚开始的3 个月,还没有形成自己的歌声前,给小鸟听其它鸟唱歌的磁带recording。它很快就学会了recording 里的鸟的叫声(dialect)。
6. 试验二的结果是?White necked crow的dialect 不是由基因决定,而是与环境有很大关系。研究还发现4 个月以后,它都只会唱自己的调调,再给它听别的recording,它也学不会了。说明后天学习也有时间限制.
7. 词汇:unreceptive无法接受的
8. 试验三的内容?另一种鸟,F 开头的。说这种鸟如果不让它们听到自己的声音,它们就只能形成破碎的音节而已,连不成歌。一定要让它们听见自己在发什么音,才能让它们唱好。
9. 词汇:ultimately最后 最终—finally
学习啦在线学习网10. 词汇:reinforce增强加强—intensify strengthen
学习啦在线学习网11. 词汇:proliferate激增 迅速繁殖-reproduce rapidly
学习啦在线学习网12. 词汇:superb出色的极好的—excellent grandiose
13. 词汇:optimal最佳的 最优的—best
14. 词汇:blur模糊,使。。。变模糊—cloud dim
学习啦在线学习网虽然鸟类都会唱歌,但它们唱歌的旋律、调调是各有差异的。为了研究它们唱歌的技能是先天遗传(基因)的还是后天习得(外界因素)的,researchers 做了很多实验。Chaffinch 和北美的white X crow (X可能=necked,winged,billed 等)的幼鸟是如何学会唱歌的。
试验一、Researchers 首先把刚出生的一只小chaffinch 带离鸟巢,放在另外一个地方单独养,与其他大chaffinch 隔isolate,不让它听到大鸟唱歌song。在三个月以后,到雄性该求爱时放回自然,听它的song是怎样的。结果显示该chaffinch 还是会唱这种歌,只是调子有方言variation、很简单、不连续disconnected。这就证明了chaffinch 先天就有唱歌的本领。
试验二、Researchers 首先把刚出生的一只小white X crow/sparrow 带离鸟巢,放在另外一个地方单独养,与其它大white X crow 隔离,不让它听到大鸟的歌。在刚开始的3 个月,还没有形成自己的歌声前,给小鸟听其它鸟唱歌的磁带recording。它很快就学会了recording 里的鸟的叫声(dialect),它的调子很快就和那些鸟的调子一样了。此研究显示:它的dialect 不是由基因决定,而是与环境有很大关系。研究还发现4个月以后,它都只会唱自己的调调,再给它听别的recording,它也学不会了unreceptive(考了这个词的意思)。说明后天学习也有时间限制。
学习啦在线学习网试验三、另一种鸟,F 开头的。说这种鸟如果不让它们听到自己的声音,它们就只能形成破碎的音节而已,连不成歌。一定要让它们听见自己在发什么音,才能让它们唱好。
学习啦在线学习网单词题:ultimately, reinforce, proliferate/proliferation, superb, optimal, blur。
最后大题相当变态啊!分三栏。分别是①chaffinch能做的但Sparrow不能做的 ②Sparrow能chaffinch不能的 ③它们都不能的
学习啦在线学习网If you exhibit positive traits such as honesty and helpfulness, the chances are that you will be perceived as a good looking person, for a new study has found that the perception of physical attractiveness is influenced by a person's personality.
The study, led by Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr, found that people who exhibit negative traits, such as unfairness and rudeness, appear to be less physically attractive to observers.
学习啦在线学习网In the study, the participants viewed photographs of opposite-sex individuals and rated them for attractiveness before and after being provided with information on personality traits.
学习啦在线学习网After personality information was received, participants also rated the desirability of each individual as a friend and as a dating partner.
学习啦在线学习网Information on personality was found to significantly alter perceived desirability, showing that cognitive processes modify judgments of attractiveness.
"Perceiving a person as having a desirable personality makes the person more suitable in general as a close relationship partner of any kind," said Lewandowski.
学习啦在线学习网The findings show that a positive personality leads to greater desirability as a friend, which leads to greater desirability as a romantic partner and, ultimately, to being viewed as more physically attractive.
The findings remained consistent regardless of how "attractive" the individual was initially perceived to be, or of the participants' current relationship status or commitment level with a partner.
What would you think of this lady's physical attractiveness if she exhibited bad personal traits?
"This research provides a more positive alternative by reminding people that personality goes a long way toward determining your attractiveness; it can even change people's impressions of how good looking you are," said Lewandowski.
Being in a good mood decreases the brain's working memory, US researchers say.
“This explains why you might not be able to remember a phone number you get at a party when you are having a good time,” Elizabeth Martin, a doctoral student of psychology at the University of Missouri, says in a statement. “This research is the first to show that positive mood can negatively impact working memory storage capacity.”
The researchers gauged study participants’ mood before and after showing them a video clip - some saw a bit of a stand-up comedy routine, while others saw a video on how to install flooring.
Those who viewed the comedy routine were in significantly better moods after viewing the video, while the mood of flooring group had not changed. Both groups were then given a memory test.
学习啦在线学习网The study, published in the journal Cognition and Emotion, found those who watched the comedy routine performed significantly worse on the task.
