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学习啦在线学习网Describe a plan in your life that is not relevant with your work or study.

What it is

When you have the plan

Who you have told the plan to

学习啦在线学习网And explain why you want to do this.


Let me talk about my plans for this upcoming Christmas holiday.

Just a few weeks ago, my friend in Argentina contacted me and told me that he and his family are planning to visit the San Francisco Bay Area during the holidays. Since he is one of my best childhood friends and I've been living in the area for several years, I didn't hesitate and offered to be their tour guide.

学习啦在线学习网They plan to stay here for only a week, and my plan is to drive my SUV and take them to some of the most popular tourist spots within the city of San Francisco, which includes the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street, and the Coit Tower. I'm also thinking to spend a day to tour some of the most famous wineries in the Napa Valley. And if they are up for longer drives, I'm also willing to take them to Lake Tahoe and the Yosemite National Park.

学习啦在线学习网I've always been good at making travel arrangements. As soon as my friend can confirm their dates, I will start doing research on hotels and restaurants, and try to come up with a detailed itinerary so that they can know what to expect during their stay.

Oh, since they will be here during the winter, which tends to be rainy and snowy, I will also have to constantly check on the weather forecast and make changes if necessary. The point is to be safe throughout the entire trip and find alternatives if the weather doesn't cooperate.


学习啦在线学习网Can you explain why some people always have their plans but some are not?

Well, the reasons may vary between different people but mainly I believe it is their personality. Some people are very organized. Generally, they won’t rush into anything until they figure the whole thing out. But there are also some people who are really impatient. Once there is something happens they just kind of get into it right away. For example, I am not a really patient person so that my planning skills are horrible. My girlfriend on the other hand, she is perfect in planning and organizing. So we just… hit you know. Like our holiday plan she did the most of it and I just contributed a few ideas.

Do you have any study plan? Why?

学习啦在线学习网Well… yeah, kind of. I wanted to learn Japanese for a long time but I won’t call it exactly a plan because I didn’t plan any details regards on when I will start or which institution I am going to sign up. Actually, you know what, since you mentioned about it I really do think I need to enter a plan and get it started. I will do some research after I get back home this afternoon.

Someone says you cannot success without a plan, what do you think?

学习啦在线学习网Well, I think it is understandable but not necessarily to be accurate. In fact, there are lots of examples people get successful overnight or by some incidents. For example, there is an actor in china named chen bing qiang, who was an assistant in a movie shooting set. There was one opportunity presented that one of the actor got sick and the director choose him to cover for the actor. To everyone’s surprise he became famous overnight and lots of offer arrived. As a normal assistant, he become really successful compared with others and this was definitely not a plan. So …

How teenager do their career plan? Why?

Well, in china, generally adolescents would consult with their parents or teachers in terms of their future career. In fact, it is also common that some parents make those decisions for their children’s career because in their mind, their children are still too immature to make big decisions. Kids on the other hand, can be really irresponsible most of the time and their minds shifts all the time. So I suppose it is a good idea to get the parents involved in making career plans for the future.


学习啦在线学习网Describe something you plan to learn in the future

what you plan to learn in the future

学习啦在线学习网why you want to learn it

where and how you will learn it





学习啦在线学习网I have a long desire to learn how to play the piano. Even after my desire and passion, I have not been able to learn it. If I ever get the time and opportunity to learn it, I would grab the chance.

I am not sure exactly when this passion grew in me, but I can guess it was something that came in my mind after I saw a foreign movie where an actor played this instrument. The movie was related to a musician's life and he mostly played the piano and sang songs.

In the movie, the actor played the piano 3-4 times and the quality of the music was really good. Possibly from that time, the passion started to grow in my mind. I work as a computer programmer and have no intention to do any serious type music, but I want to learn to play the piano. If I get spare time and my schedule allows me, I will get admitted in a piano lesson in my city. Not many opportunities are there but I heard that there are 2/3 musicians who teach enthusiast people the piano for a high payment. I will probably get admitted in such a program and would keep learning.

I will need to save around 00 to get admitted into the piano lesson and hopefully will have this amount at the end of next year. Then I will talk to the musicians who offer the lesson and would pick one to learn from. I'll allow me to be free at least 2 days in a week to participate in the lesson and I would practice at least for an hour daily.

I know it takes a great determination, passion and talent to learn a creative thing like piano, but I believe, I will be able to achieve it.


学习啦在线学习网Describe a future plan which is not related to work or study. You should say

学习啦在线学习网- what the plan is

- when you thought of the plan

- who is involved in the plan

学习啦在线学习网- and say how you think you will achieve the plan.


It's interesting that the question tells you not to talk about work or study. However, we can use other easy topics that we have already prepared. For example:

学习啦在线学习网A plan to go on holiday or visit another city / country

A plan to buy a present for someone

学习啦在线学习网A plan to start a new hobby


I’d like to share with you my plan, it's is a small online business in which i intend to sell some cute items and baby clothes throughout social network like Facebook. It will be running in the beginning of the summer this year. However, I will prepare carefully all necessary things before. I will do the plan with my close friend. While I take responsibility for advertising and decorating a small stall, my friend look for some of providing companies and new types of clothes that will attract more customers.

There are a lot works we will have to do but I feel so excited and these works will not be too difficult. Furthermore, I also think I will have a little bit nervous because it will be the first time I bravely open a business. But I believe that it will be successful because online business is a new trend around the world and many people in my country enjoy shopping online usually. Moreover, I think the online babies -clothed market will be took a lot of attention from office- women who do not have a lot of time going around and searching something for their babies.













有计划的生活即使紧张,但却井然有序;有计划的工作即使繁忙,但也会变得充实而有效率;有计划的人生即使艰辛,但也能处之泰然。计划让你的思维清晰,能创造出事半功倍的效果。下面是雅思口语话题:一个计划,一起来了解下吧!雅思口语话题:一个计划Describe a plan in your life that is not relevant with your work or study.What it isWhen you have the planWho you have told the plan t




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