“husband chair老公椅”
man chair, also known as husband chair, is the chair that men sit in while their partner is shopping for long periods of time. They can be found in almost any clothing or shoe store, some even provide waiting men with newspapers or hi-tech products diaplay.
For example:
学习啦在线学习网 Honey, I'll go over here and sit in a man chair. You can come and meet me here when you're done.
学习啦在线学习网 亲爱的,我在这边的男士椅坐会儿,你买完东西来这里找我吧。
“silver consumer银发消费族”
学习啦在线学习网 这几年出门旅行时发现,不少退休的叔叔阿姨都会结伴出行,四处游历,欢乐无比。连旅游市场都开始关注到这一点,并将这一新的消费群体成为silver consumers(银发消费族)。在国外,银发族们都开始像大学生一样过gap year了。
学习啦在线学习网 The newly coined term ‘Grey Gapper' describes people who are 55 and over, and who have decided to take a gap year. Gap years are normally associated with young people and students, who are taking a break from education to backpack around the world, staying in hostels and partying a lot. However, according to a survey by the Post Office, ‘grey gappers' are now on the increase, with 25% of people aged 55 and over taking a long break to travel the world.
学习啦在线学习网 Grey Gapper这个新创的词指55岁以上、决定进行一次间隔年旅行的人,我们可以称为“银发gap族”或者“银发空档族”。通常来说,间隔年都跟年轻人和学生族有关,他们会在上学期间暂停学业,背包周游世界、住青年旅馆,四处狂欢。不过,一项调查显示,“银发gap族”的人数在持续增加,55岁以上的人群中有25%会暂别常规生活,周游世界。
学习啦在线学习网 This age group is typically in an extremely comfortable position to partake in an extended adventure. They are mature people with savings, grown up children and empty nests, years of hard work, stress and pressure behind them; so why not shed some responsibility and indulge?
学习啦在线学习网 这个年龄段的人正处于生活最舒适的阶段,可以参加时间较长的出游。他们成熟有积蓄,孩子已成年离家,努力工作多年,压力不再,所以为什么不卸下责任,放肆欢乐呢?
Some empty nesters set off, iPads in hand, to faithfully tick sights and destinations off a long-held travel bucket-list. Others look for work or voluntary placements overseas; one third of globalvounteers.org participants are now over 55. The baby boomer generation have a love of travel, backed up with money and ambition, and many refuse to take retirement sitting down.
学习啦在线学习网 有些空巢族手里拿着iPad出发,按照计划许久的旅游清单一一造访那些景点。有些则会寻找海外的工作或志愿服务机会,globalvounteers.org网站三分之一的志愿者都是55岁以上的。婴儿潮一代喜爱旅行,有足够的资金和雄心,很多人并不愿意把退休作为安享晚年的终点。
学习啦在线学习网 Kangaroo Mother Care袋鼠式护理法”
学习啦在线学习网 "Kangaroo Mother Care" (KMC) involves skin-to-skin contact between the baby's front and the "mother's" chest. This contact has improved the survival rate of premature babies. KMC has been widely used in the US, Japan and Europe, yet in China premature infants are often put in incubators from birth.
To mimic the atmosphere of the womb, "kangaroo mothers" must sit still for a whole hour without going to the bathroom or breathing heavily.
学习啦在线学习网 It's a 24-7 job, but night shifts are the most energy-consuming. Some babies can die of respiratory arrest in their sleep, so staff must be alert to give emergency treatment or go to the hospital.
Moaning about one's schedule has become, for some, a mark of social status. We're not speaking here about the kind of busyness associated with scraping by near the poverty line, of course, but rather the kind associated with lives of material privilege. For instance, when you ask a colleague for assistance, he/she may reply like this:"I would like to help but cannot. I am desperately trying to finish a screenplay and a talk I need to give in Milan." Let's call this phenomenon 'busy-bragging'.
The interesting but thorny thing about busy-bragging is that most of us who engage in it aren't doing it consciously to impress others. Those busy feelings are absolutely real. That's why it is also known as busyness epidemic.
学习啦在线学习网 而“炫忙”这件事很有意思又颇具讽刺意味的地方在于,我们绝大多数说忙的人并不是为了让别人重视自己而故意说忙的。我们忙碌的感觉是很真实的。因此,这种现象也被称为“忙症”。
Data on leisure time suggests we’re not much busier than we were, yet we feel busier, partly because – for “knowledge workers”, anyway – there’s no limit to the number of emails we can get, the demands that can be made of us, or the hours of the day we can be in touch with the office. Work feels infinite, but our capacities are finite, therefore overwhelm is inevitable.
“CEO fraud”
学习啦在线学习网 For the last decade, a new type of fraud is particularly expanding amongst major size companies: the so called CEO impersonation fraud or CEO fraud.
过去十年,一种新型的诈骗在大公司中特别猖獗,也就是冒充老板进行诈骗(CEO fraud)。
CEO impersonation fraud is an organized scam which purpose is to fraudulently impersonate a CEO who orders an employee to transfer consequent amounts of money to a third party bank account.
学习啦在线学习网 冒充老板进行诈骗是一种有组织的诈骗行为。诈骗者冒充公司领导,以要求职员向第三方银行账户转账。
学习啦在线学习网 除了冒充老板的诈骗电话,还有类似的诈骗电邮,称为“bogus boss”email scam。下面给大家列出几种常见的骗术:
1. Someone poses as a boss of a company instructing staff to make a wire transfer into the fraudster's account
学习啦在线学习网 2. Fraudsters pose as the IT services department of a bank saying they want to make a test transfer - but it's not a test
3. Fraudsters claim to be a supplier and ask for outstanding invoices to be paid into a new bank account
学习啦在线学习网 假装供应商,要求将未付发票支付到新的银行账户。
学习啦在线学习网 4. Employees click on links within phishing emails containing malware which authorises many small payments to the fraudster's account
