Describe an activity you do to keep fit.
You should say:
学习啦在线学习网what you do
学习啦在线学习网when you started doing it
how much time you spend doing it
学习啦在线学习网and explain how this activity helps you keep fit.
Well, I’m sure I’m not the only one guilty of owning a gym membership that sits gathering dust in a drawer somewhere. I get my exercise mainly from cycling.
I can’t remember exactly when I started cycling, but it was when I was around 5 or 6 years old. My dad taught me by pushing me down a hill and wishing me luck! There were a few bumps and bruises to begin with, but eventually I was riding all by myself and you know what they say, 'you never forget how to ride a bike'.
I lack the motivation to go to the gym regularly, but I can fit cycling into my daily routine seamlessly. What’s more, I never get bored of being in the saddle. I ride to and from work and sometimes go out for longer rides on my days off. In fact, it’s not unheard of for me to slip on a pair of Lycra shorts and take a 50 or 60 mile jaunt on a weekend.
Cycling is a great way to keep fit as it burns calories and there is less impact on your joints than other sports, such as running. As well as my body, cycling could help my mind. Some people say it helps you sleep longer and more deeply, in addition to reducing stress, all of which can only be a good thing.
The first avtivity that comes to mind is swimming
I swam since a very young age
My parents enrolled me a swimming lesson at the age of three, I believe.
学习啦在线学习网I’m very lucky because I’m a swimming teacher and I have a lot of access to swmming pool
Normally, I swim after my shift is finished, so after my last swimming class and the pool is closed to the public for the night
keep my fitness level up
it’s also good if you are recovering from injuries
there’s not a lot of pressure on your joints, on your arms, on your knees, on your ankles
Aerobics exercise
an activity I try to incorporate into my daily life
运动健康类话题是雅思口语的一个必考话题。比如2019年1到4月份 part1 题目swimming; running; sports games; part 2 话题 a lifestyle that helps you stay healthy. 这类题目的难点在于有的学生本身不喜欢运动,因此很难进行思路的拓展。还有一部分学生本身是很喜欢运动哒,可是运动类的词汇过于专业,对于学生来说有很难记忆。如何把运动类话题化繁为简呢,请听北京环球教育焦海云老师来进行part1running 话题讲解。
part 1 running
学习啦在线学习网1.Do you like running?
2.How often do you run?
3.Do you think running is a good exercise?
第一题:Do you like _x?
喜好类题目 我们首先要给出考官direct answer,也就是你的倾向。请同学注意,回答问题一定要紧扣词汇评分标准,use less common expression. 我们可以用I'm a big fan of sth 来加强自己的喜爱程度。 用the last thing I would do is sth 来表示自己不喜欢的东西。
第二题: How often _x? 频率题
同学们同样可以秀出自己的idiomatic expressions 如 do something on a regular basis 以固定频率做某事; regular 可以替换为daily/ weekly basis 表示以天或周为频率做某事
第三题: Do you think _x? 观点类题目
学习啦在线学习网同学们可以用I suppose 或personally I think 来表明自己的观点。接着我们就需要解释"good" 这个词儿了。 跑步是一项很好的有氧运动(aerobic exercise)可以帮我们减脂(burn up calories/curbs)提高心肺(improve the function of heart and lung); 我们也可以和其他的运动做比较,突出running 没有场地限制,不需要器材等的优势。
学习啦在线学习网Do you like running?
学习啦在线学习网Yeah. I'm a big fan of running and it always puts me in a good mood after running 5 kilometers on the treadmill.
学习啦在线学习网Honestly, no. The last thing I would do is running. You know It's so exhausting plus I can't stand the feeling of getting wet with sweat.
How often do you run?
I jog on a regular basis, pretty much three times a week. The place I often go is the fitness center which is just within walking distance from my place. Jogging can always put me in a good mood.
学习啦在线学习网Do you think running is a good exercise?
I suppose so. first of all, it's a great aerobic exercise that can help us burn up carbs and improve the function of heart and lung. Plus, compared with other sports like swimming, it's much more convenient to do. I mean, all we need is a pair of comfortable shoes then we can get started.
Key words:
学习啦在线学习网骑自行车 go cycling
健身 keep fit
减肥 lose some weight
增强力量 build up one’s muscle/strength
免疫力 immunity
耐力 endurance
集中精力 focus on
动作 movement
学习啦在线学习网身体部位 body parts
这样一来 in this way / so that
学习啦在线学习网烦人的 annoying
慢跑 jogging / go jogging
学习啦在线学习网每隔一天 every other day
学习啦在线学习网很少做... hardly ever
感冒 get a cold
玩的很开心 have a lot of fun / have a blast
散步 take a walk
野餐 have a picnic
跳水、潜水 go diving
在我眼中 in my eyes
冲浪 go surfing
捡贝壳 pick up some shells
沙子城堡 sand castle
生存技巧 survival skill
(意外)落水 fall into water (accidentally)
学习啦在线学习网保持平衡 keep balance
结果不怎么好 it didn’t end very well
学习啦在线学习网总之、无论如何、反正 anyway
不对我的胃口 ...is not my cup of tea
轻而易举 ...is just a piece of cake
学习啦在线学习网天赋 talent 有天赋的 talented / gifted
忙于... be busy with / be bust doing sth.
非我所长 ...is not my thing
学习啦在线学习网做...长达一个小时 do sth. for an hour
让sb.能够做... enable/allow sb. to do sth. 在周末 at weekends
平静放松 ease one’s mind/lighten up 玩乐休息kick back and relax
学习啦在线学习网发泄减压 let off steam 释放某种感情 let it out
健身器材 fitness equipment 跑步机 treadmill
学习啦在线学习网坚持健身计划 stick to the fitness plan 负重训练 lift weights
学习啦在线学习网燃烧脂肪 burn some fat 做瑜伽 practice yoga
学习啦在线学习网伸展胳膊和腿 stretch arms and legs 肌肉 muscle
肢体语言 body language 表达自我 express myself
学习啦在线学习网感觉棒棒哒 it feels great 跟上(音乐)的节奏 follow the rhythm
压力山大 stressful 按时吃饭 eat on time
害羞尴尬 bashful/shy/embarrassed/awkward 舞蹈动作 moves of dancing
学习啦在线学习网当我在海边玩耍的时候,我会去游泳 / 潜水 / 冲浪 / 捡一些好看的贝壳或者干脆建一个沙子城堡。
学习啦在线学习网我不喜欢运动,我知道运动有利于健康,但我就是太懒。我对此不是很骄傲,我也尝试过去做一些运动,如......, 但运动依然非我所长。
学习啦在线学习网参考适用题目:Outdoor Activities / Walking / Swimming / Cycling / Activity Near Water / Gym / Health / Dancing
学习啦在线学习网What do you like to do in your spare time? / What do you like to do when it is a sunny day?
学习啦在线学习网Do you like outdoor activities? / Do you like to walk? / Do you like swimming?
Why do some people like water sports?
How often do you do outdoor activities?
Is it difficult to learn how to swim? / Is cycling difficult to learn?
What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?
Why do some people like water sports?
Do you think it’s important for children to learn how to swim?
Do you often go to the gym to work out?
学习啦在线学习网What do you like do in the gym?
Why do some people suffer from poor health?
学习啦在线学习网Do you love dancing? / Do you often dance? / How do you feel about dancing?
学习啦在线学习网How to perform a dance well?