学习啦在线学习网 托福口语严格来说,考察的不只是表达,也包括了阅读和听力能力。而且不仅看考生发音是否标准、语调是否优秀,同时也在考查应试者的逻辑、语言组织能力、理解能力和应用能力。因为新托福口语允许做笔记,所以能否在自己的笔记中最大限度且全面地记录listening中的关键信息,就直接地关系到得分情况,下面小编就为大家来分析一下。
学习啦在线学习网 如何才能更好更成功的做笔记呢?
学习啦在线学习网 如果你真的属于基本口语都说不好或者不知道怎么说的。那直接做OG或者是TPO上的题肯定没用,只会觉得迷茫。所以根据你的考试时间,可以先基础训练再强化。基础训练,建议你用新概念英语1-4. 基本上从2开始就行。建议这套书是因为有这么一个说法:如果会上面所有的对话和句式,那和老外沟通基本无障碍。
学习啦在线学习网 如果你的基础还可以,那说不出来的原因就是逻辑还完全在中文思维。唯一的建议就是多说多练,英语就是这样没有别的窍门。你把题目先练一下,可以录下听听你自己真实的声音和语调。然后争取把所有的题都说几遍,有一个大概的印象。再循序渐进的开始计时。
题目回忆:女生论文选择了American landscape作为论文话题,但和别人重了。她可以坚持自己的话题,因为她很了解又喜欢,但是如果话题重复presentation的时候大家会觉得有点无聊。也可以换成folk art这个话题,老师本来也希望大家学习新的东西,但是所有内容都要重做。
学习啦在线学习网 The woman’s problem is that she chose American landscape as the topic of her presentation, unfortunately someone else chose the exactly same topic. There are two possible solutions. The first solution is to stick to this topic. And the second solution is to change her topic to folk art. If I were in her shoes, I would choose the first solution. Because as she mentions in the conversation, she’s really interested in American landscape and she knows a lot about it, so even if someone chose the same topic, I’m sure she will still be able to do a great job. I personally don’t recommend the other solution, because choosing a different topic means that she will have to do everything about the presentation from scratch, it’s too much work and a lot of time will be wasted. That’s why in this case, I think the first solution is a better option.
学习啦在线学习网 托福口语真题Task1 - What do you think could be done to offset air-pollution?
学习啦在线学习网 Response tips:
①reduce construction sites and private car use?the cause of nowadays smog in China
②plant trees: trees can freshen air by taking in CO2 and releasing O2; plus trees consolidate soil, freshen the air thus there’ll be less dust and dirt, and the air will be moist and more breathable
③use cleaner energy: instead of coal and petroleum, governments should invest more in developing wind or water energy, thus less harmful gas will be produced
★ 托福口语高分经验
