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Conversation 1



参考听力TPO6C1 Questions about Career Fair

学习啦在线学习网Conversation 2



学习啦在线学习网参考听力TPO7C1 Volunteering for a Retirement Party

Conversation 3


学习啦在线学习网内容回忆学生向parking administrator 抱怨自己 parking的困难:自己有parking permit。但有时没位置,然后有时还会被收费。因为哪在维修,而且她这个学期是早上的课车位紧张,管理员说可以停出去(不太确定)还可以骑单车,甚至走路上学。

参考听力TPO16C1 Complaining about the Choir Rehearsal Space

Lecture 1



参考听力TPO43L2 Approximate Number Sense

Lecture 2



1. 维持稳定的气温


2. 水是一个很好的溶剂


学习啦在线学习网参考听力TPO34L2 APS Digestion和TPO33L2 Colorado's Water

Lecture 3



参考听力TPO33L3 Adaptation to Environment(Notothenioids)

Lecture 4



参考听力TPO33L1 the Great Pyramids

Lecture 5


内容回忆sea snakes drink salt water?eaperiments表明,sea snake drink fresh water,然后有两种陆地蛇与它类似,讲了sea snack依靠一种lens在sea water里存活,sea snake 虽然有过滤salt water的gland 但是更喜欢fresh water

参考听力TPO21L3 Snakes-Evolution Theory

Lecture 6


学习啦在线学习网内容回忆美国电影从它作为group activity 角度开始的默片(short, silent film) 很多人看,包括家庭,移民,不同阶层的人们也会一起看;到后来有了声音,人们能够说话,也有音乐,更长了,但是看的人少了,因为需要有语言能力才能看。

参考听力TPO22L4 Musicians and Film Industry



考题回忆What do you think can improve your local community and make it a better place to live?


学习啦在线学习网解题思路本道题虽然说的是community,但是其实直接可以用比如说the place I will move to 的一个characteristic来进行作答,比如交通便利。那如何做就可以是perfect the transport system.而后面就可以从两方面来进行说明为什么这样做能够让它变成一个更宜居的地方。1 more convenient to go to school, go to work and so on. 2 beneficial to keep old friends.

参考范文学习啦在线学习网From my perspective of view, perfecting the transport system can improve the local community and make it a better place to live. There are a couple of reasons to name.

To begin with ,it will make it more convenient for the residents to go to school, go to work, go out shopping and things like that. Because of an excellent transport system, we don’t have to walk very long to get on a bus or take a subway, which will help greatly reduce the inconvenience in going out.

学习啦在线学习网Moreover, it can help keep old friends and it will be more likely that we can hold parties more often. Perfect transport system means traveling there can’t be easier and the old friends will be more willing to attend the parties so that the relationship will be enhanced.


Task 2

考题回忆Some people like to make decision based on their own experience while other people prefer to ask others for help such as family and friends. Which do you prefer and why?


解题思路本题其实跟some people prefer to express their opinion first while other people prefer to listen to others and then express their own opinion这道题差不多,这种题目不管是选择前者还是选择后者,都是说这样做的两个优点就可以了。比如选择前者就可以说:1 develop critical thinking 2 锻炼independent living的能力

学习啦在线学习网参考范文As far as I’m concerned, I would prefer to make decision on my own. There are a couple of reasons to name.

Firstly, it contributes to the development of critical thinking. Making decision on one’s own requires a comprehensive idea of what’s happening and a great balance of the advantages and disadvantages of the very choice. Having undergone this kind of dilemma helps master critical thinking.

Secondly, it does good to the mastery of independent living. We should be able to bear the risks of the decision. There may be role models in our life but that will not always happen and it is necessary to judge based on our own experience. Thus when problem comes, we do not have to rely too much on other people and live independently.


Task 3

学习啦在线学习网考题回忆阅读部分The Museum plans to offer an audio tour

学习啦在线学习网1 learn about the museum every day not only on Friday when human guide is on duty.

学习啦在线学习网2 good chance for students to take part in the program and enrich their experience

听力部分The woman agrees

1 a majority of the students have to work or study on Friday and have little time to visit the museum in the flesh

2 she is looking for a job and those experiences will be quite valuable


解题思路首先本题是一个announcement,在作答的过程中先说学校的museum plans to offer an audio tour to students,然后简要说明清楚两点理由是1 learn about the museum every day not only on Friday when human guide is on duty.2 good chance for students to take part in the program and enrich their experience,紧接着就是表述听力对话中的女主角对于阅读材料的意思是赞同的,后面分两点阐述赞同的理由,这里面赞同的理由上会相比较于阅读材料的而言更加具体充分一些, 1 a majority of the students have to work or study on Friday and have little time to visit the museum in the flesh 2 she is looking for a job and those experiences will be quite valuable

参考范文The university museum is planning to offer an audio tour to students. And two reasons are given. Firstly, they can learn about the museum every day not only on Friday when human guide is on duty and secondly, it is a good chance for them to take part in the program and enrich their experience.

And the woman in the conversation agrees with this and gives some reasons to support her opinion. Firstly of all, the majority of the students have to work or study on Friday so that it is unlikely that they will have time to visit the museum in the flesh. What’s more, right now she is looking for a job and those experiences will be quite valuable and may help her find a suitable one.


Task 4

考题回忆阅读部分Title: ambiguity effect

学习啦在线学习网Definition: ambiguity effect is a tendency that people prefer the well-known choice even if its chances of winning are small.

Because the choice that has little information about its risks prevents people from choosing it.

听力部分The professor gives an example of his own. When he was young, he had a chance to take part in a tennis competition. But he didn’t know which one to sign up for. One was in the town he lived in while the other is unknown to him. As he knew there are many excellent players in his town, it may not be so easy for him to stand out in the game. But he had few ideas of what level the players in the other town was like. Finally, he chose to compete in his own town but didn’t win any awards and he felt a little bit regretful.


解题思路首先说阅读的部分,先说the reading is about an academic topic known as ambiguity effect, 然后加上它的定义,是一个怎样的tendency. 而后就开始听力部分的复述,由于听力部分只有35秒以内的时间,所以在复述听力的时候要注意抓住这个概念的构成要素,即其中两个竞赛,一个获胜概率已知,并且有可能很低,另一个风险未知,选择了已知概率的竞赛,并且说明取得了一个怎样的结果,以及描述之后的想法即可。

学习啦在线学习网参考范文The reading is about an academic topic known as ambiguity effect which refers to a tendency that people prefer the well-known choice even if its chances of winning are small.

学习啦在线学习网And the professor explains this by giving an example in the lecture. According to the lecture, When the professor was young, he had a chance to take part in a tennis competition. But he didn’t know which one to sign up for. One was in the town he lived in while the other is unknown to him. As he knew there are many excellent players in his town, it may not be so easy for him to stand out in the game. But he had few ideas of what level the players in the other town was like. Finally, he chose to compete in his own town but didn’t win any awards and he felt a little bit regretful.


Task 5

考题回忆Woman’s problem: she will have a few days off with a paper due soon so she is considering staying at school or going home.

Solution one: stay at school writing the paper

学习啦在线学习网Advantage1: more concentrated on finishing the paper

Disadvantage1: family members will not be happy because she doesn’t go home often.

Solution two: take the paper home

学习啦在线学习网Advantage2: able to stay with family members

学习啦在线学习网Disadvantage2: disturbed by sisters and brothers when writing the paper


学习啦在线学习网解题思路作答第一部,先简洁扼要地说明女生的问题是什么,要注意这里要说明清楚问题的形成,这样后面的两个解决方案也不会过于突兀。 而后简要说明两个解决方案分别是怎么做的,再说一下会推荐哪一个解决方案,像这题可以推荐第二个解决方案,然后说推荐理由,第一个可以先说这个方案的优点,而第二点理由就可以说它的缺点可以通过什么样的方式解决。

参考范文The woman’s problem is that she will have a few days off with a paper due soon so she is considering staying at school or going home. There are two possible solutions. The first one is to stay at school writing the paper while the second one is to go back home and write the paper.

If I were her, I would choose the second solution for two reasons. Firstly, since she doesn’t go back home often, it would allow her to have a reunion and stay with family members for several days. Although her sisters and brothers may be a little bit annoying, she can make full use of her time at night and lock herself in a quiet room to finish the paper in time. So this will benefit both sides.


Task 6

考题回忆Explain two ways animals defend themselves by giving an example of the octopus.

1 camouflage, change their appearances and to blend in the environment so that the predator can find them. E.g. the octopus will change the color and textural characteristics of its body when approaching the coral reef and they won’t be found or threatened

2 spraying ink, an internal organ to secrete ink and store it inside and spray the ink when necessary. E.g. the octopus has an specially modified internal organ, and it will secrete enough ink and store it in a bladder. When the octopus feels endangered by a predator, it will spray much ink to play a important role as a screen in its escape from the predator.



参考范文 In the lecture, the professor uses the example of octopus to explain two ways animals defend themselves.

学习啦在线学习网The first one is camouflage. Those animals can change their appearances to blend in the environment so that the predator can not find them and they will be safe. For example, the octopus will change the color and textural characteristics of its body when approaching the coral reef, consequently, they won’t be found or threatened by their predators or enemies.

The second one is spraying ink. Those animals have an internal organ to secrete ink and store it inside and spray the ink when necessary. For example, the octopus has a specially modified internal organ, and it will secrete enough ink and store it in a bladder. When the octopus feels endangered by a predator, it will spray much ink to play an important role as a screen in its escape from the predator.


Passage one学科分类题目

生物类Giant Water Bug with Eggs on the Male Bug’s Back





词汇题: guard = protect


参考阅读TPO32 Distribution of Tropical Bee Colonies

学习啦在线学习网Passage two学科分类题目

考古类Did Clovis People Eat Plant as Main Source of Food?

内容回忆一些考古学发现指出,Clovis人有可能食用植物为主要的食物来源。 这些考古发现包括:用来研磨谷物的大石头,谷物的外壳残留以及磨损严重的牙齿。





学习啦在线学习网参考阅读TPO14 Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia

TPO24 Moving into Pueblos

Passage three学科分类题目

考古 商业How Did Shipping Cost Reduce?






2: Meager=partly

学习啦在线学习网3: incorporate=contain

参考阅读TPO6 Powering the Industrial Revolution

TPO26 Energy and the Industrial Revolution






guard = protect





学习啦在线学习网考题回忆总论点Reading material: There were evidences indicating that Brendan and his clews arrived North America.

学习啦在线学习网The lecture: These evidences provided by the reading material were unpersuasive or inadequate.

阅读部分1. A story recording the journey of Brendan referred Faroe Island and Iceland, which were islands in the course of the journey to North America.

2. The ship-making technology was already advanced enough to support Brendan’s journey.

3. There were evidences found in some places of NA proving that Brendan lived there.

学习啦在线学习网听力部分1. Islands referred in story were not necessarily Faroe Island and Iceland.

学习啦在线学习网2. Curragh designed by then researchers are different from the ship of Brendan.

3. The signs found in NA could be left by native people of NA.



学习啦在线学习网The reading material hold the argument that there were evidences indicating that Brendan and his clews arrived North America. However, in the lecture, the professor believes that these evidences provided by the reading material were unpersuasive or inadequate.

Firstly, the reading passage cites a story recording the journey of Brendan, referring Faroe Island, and Iceland which were islands in the course of the journey to North America. In contrast, the professor refutes the theory of the reading material, and he regards that islands referred in story were not necessarily Faroe Island and Iceland. These islands could be other places.

Secondly, the reading passage provides another evidence that the ship-making technology was already advanced enough to support Brendan’s journey. On the contrary, the professor in the lecture argues that Curragh designed by then researchers are different from the ship of Brendan. Though Curragh was able to finish a journey to NA, Brendan’s ship cannot achieve the long distance expenditure to NA.

At last, the reading material describes evidences found in some places of NA proving that Brendan lived there. However, the professor also gives an opposite opinion. He insists that native people of NA could leave these signs. Some of these signs were similar to the alphabets of Irish, but most of these signs were images like suns and praying hands.



学习啦在线学习网考题回忆Which one of the reason is most important in helping students to study in colleges and universities?

A、Having access to the university tutors who can provide individual instruction for the students who have difficulty in study.

B、Having the help and encouragement from the family and friends.

C、Having excellent teachers in high-school who can help the students before the university.





1. 高中生的三观未定,容易受到外界影响,好的老师能够引领他们为将来做准备;

2. 高中时期接受的教育是一个人未来学术与职业生涯的基础;

学习啦在线学习网3. 重视高中教育,能够 让高中生不浪费他们的大学时光,也能够受益更多年轻人。


As the cradle of learning, schools play a central role in cultivating the new pillars of society. Thus, a sound and well-maintained educational system will boost the further development of a nation. Such a system encompasses different components, including preschool education, basic education, higher education and continuing education. In order to enable colleges and universities to benefit more students, I have a notion that excellent teachers in high school can help students before they attend colleges and universities.

学习啦在线学习网To begin with, high school students who are full of curiosities about the money-oriented world are supposed to be instructed by wise teachers. It is during this special period of life that one's values are easily affected and primarily formed. Thus, in order to adopt a correct attitude toward wealth, they should be required to comprehend the most fundamental theories about this world. Under the overpowering influences of the information age, young people severely lack the common sense and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Witnessing the varied conducts of adults, they would instinctively wonder about the truth hidden inside. Thereafter, they might receive some misleading and be negatively influence. Misunderstandings, misconceptions and misjudgments should be the greatest hazard to the innocent minds of teenagers. Obviously, all these concerns can be saved if more excellent teachers are hired to educate these teenagers in high schools.

学习啦在线学习网In addition, the education a person receives in high school is the foundation of his future academic and career life. Teenagers start a brand new stage of their life since the first day of their high school study. If the foundation of a skyscraper is unstable, how could it endure the overwhelming weight and height of its superstructure? A poorly-guided high school student will hardly get the opportunity to be enrolled by a promising university. It is during these critical years of learning that a high school student's potential begins to show and learning structure is established. It is wise decision on the part of high school teachers to help teenagers make early preparations for the further college and university life.

学习啦在线学习网Last but not least, everyone cannot ignore the truth that number of high school students is larger than that of college and university students. Laying emphasis on the education of high school students by hiring excellent high school teachers will bring substantial benefits to society in whole. According to the statistics from UNESCO, number of high school students in China amounts to quadruple of young people having the chance to receive advanced education. In other words, giving high school students superb education not only helps these future college and university students but also benefits the majority of young people.

All in all, emphasizing the importance of high school teachers will help young people cherish their time in college and university and obtain more achievements.







  • 2018年2月4日托福真题回忆及解析


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