学习啦在线学习网 为了帮助大家备考托福,小编为大家整理的内容是关于2019年2月23日托福口语真题与答案解析一文,希望能够帮助每一位正在备考的托福考生们,希望考生们一定要多加练习托福口语,想要了解更多托福资讯,就一定要及时关注学习啦!
Which of the following background do you think is most needed to be a government leader?
Please include details and examples in your response
In my opinion, a government leader had better have the legal background, because in this way we can be offered a well-rounded environment to live in. For example, nowadays most of the cities are suffering from the traffic problems, since there are so many private cars. The waste gas emitted by the cars also has worsened the air pollution. However, the individual citizens could do almost nothing to help reverse this situation because just choosing to take the public transportation could do just a little help. In this case, a government leader with legal background will be in a better position to protect the environment, for the government can put laws into effect to increase tax on private cars, or to put traffic restrictions based on even- and odd- numbered license plates. These kinds of measures made by the government leader would be the most helpful one to help offer a harmonious environment to the citizens.
Task 2
There is a policy that parents should not be allowed to see children's grades without their permission. Do you agree or disagree?
学习啦在线学习网 I don’t think parents should be allowed to see children’s grades without their permission, because it will probably violate children’s privacy, making children become uneasy about it and even more likely to go against the parents. For example, my niece is a seven-year-old student in the primary school. Although she is good at almost every other subject, she is really poor at math at the very beginning. Every time after taking the exams, she will become a little bit worried and can’t sleep well for several days. When her parents knew about her moth score at school without her permission, she became really irritated and a little bit ashamed. From then on, she was not willing to talk with her parents any more, not even about the fields she is good at or something interesting in school. It is really not worth it.
Task 3
标题: Bring back the bell
原因1:symbols to inspire students' pride
原因2:will not be late when hearing the bell
学习啦在线学习网 态度:The woman disagrees
原因1 : There are other symbols such as T-shirt
原因2:will not serve its purpose because students have cellphone or watch, use money to do other useful things such as buying chairs and desks
学习啦在线学习网 Task3学校计划
The university announces … because … and ….
学习啦在线学习网 The woman in the conversation disagrees with the announcement, because first,…. Second, ….
学习啦在线学习网 The university announces to bring back the bell because it can serve as a symbol to inspire students' pride and it can help students not be late when hearing the bell.
学习啦在线学习网 The woman in the conversation disagrees with the announcement, because first there are other ways to inspire students’ pride, like the T-shirt. It can be more acceptable to the students. Second, maybe, the bell can not serve its purpose because students have cellphones or watches to remind themselves of time. We can use the money to do other useful things such as buying chairs and desk, which can be more benoficial.
Task 4
学习啦在线学习网 标题:passive territorial defense
学习啦在线学习网 定义:use other effective symbols to defend rather than physical means。
例子: The professor uses a panda to illustrate, saying that the panda spend a lot of time eating and roaming around instead of fighting. They rub against tree trunk to have their smell on it. When other animals walk around the tree, they recognize the smell belongs to other species, and walk away.
学习啦在线学习网 Task4生命科学
学习啦在线学习网 The reading passage is mainly about… which means…
学习啦在线学习网 The professor offered an example to illustrate it.
The reading passage is mainly about passive territorial defense, which means using other effective symbols to defend their territory rather than using physical means.
The professor offered an example to illustrate it. Pandas spend a lot of time eating and roaming around instead of fighting. They rub against the tree trunk to leave their smell on it. In this way, when other animals walk around the trees, they can recognize that the smell belongs to other species. Then they will walk away. This is how the pandas use the smell to defend their territory.
Task 5
time conflict between seeing her mother and practicing the band performance
take her to the school garden instead of practicing
优点1:The garden is beatiful, and his mother has not seen it before
缺点1:There is the upcoming performance, and they could not use the time to practice
practice the band performance
学习啦在线学习网 优点2:Her mother will support this
学习啦在线学习网 缺点2:Her mother may not like the music they play
学习啦在线学习网 Task5人际关系/利益冲突
学习啦在线学习网 The woman has a problem that… There are two possible solutions. The first one is to… The second one is to…
I think the first one is better for her, because …
The woman has a problem that there is a time conflict for her between seeing her mother and practicing the band performance. There are two possible solutions. The first one is to take her mother to the school garden instead of practicing. The second one is to practice for the band performance.
I think the first one is better for her, because the garden is beautiful, and his mother has not seen it before. It will definitely make her mom pretty happy. However, if she takes the other solution, maybe her mom doesn’t like the music they play and the girl doesn’t want her to know about it. In this way, explaining to her mom would be more time-consuming. Also, when her mom leaves, she can spend more time practicing to make up for it.
Task 6
Return migration
People from big cities come back and will encourage the development of their hometown
例子1: A person living in New York came back home and improves the advanced bus systems he had seen in NY
Help to increase the population and economy of the hometown
例子2: That same person came home and found the housing price was low and affordable. He told his friends about it, and thereby his friends came to the hometown.
学习啦在线学习网 Task6社会科学
学习啦在线学习网 The professor talks about two ways that …
The first is to … For example …
The second is to… For example…
学习啦在线学习网 The professor talks about two ways that return migration can benefit the hometown.
The first is that when people from big cities come back to their hometown, they will encourage the development of their hometown. For example, when a person living in New York comes back home, he can help improve the existing transportation system in his hometown due to the advanced bus systems he has seen in New York.
The second is they can help increase the population and economy of the hometown. For example, after the same person comes home and finds the housing price is very low and affordable, he will tell his friends about it, and thereby his friends will also come to the hometown, helping boosting the economy there.
低分的现状主要是由练习量少和方法学习啦在线学习网不得当所导致,很多中国学生对于口语练习有误区,片面追求发音,却长期忽略表达内容的逻辑和语法词汇的重要性。与之对比的是另一个亚洲国家的托福考生,印度。这是个神奇的国度,发音彪悍的印度学生的托福口语平均分自2006年ETS(托福主考机构)在全球开展托福口语机考以来,一直稳定保持23分。这足以证明,托福口语真正考察的是学生语言实际使用能力,换而言之,是信息传递(get message across )的能力。
随着教学经验的逐渐丰富,我慢慢发现,托福口语的提升并不是培训界的斯芬达克斯之谜。针对每位学员的不同情况,设定学习进度和内容,对薄弱环节进行刻意练习(deliberate practice),在培训后,具有正常英文水平的中国学生,很容易达到23-24分。培训内容包括较充分的独立话题(Task 1 )语料准备,以及综合题环节(Task2-4)记笔记和复述策略(由于我获得人事部二级口译资格认证,有效记录笔记和筛选信息是课堂教学的主要内容)。而如果学生本身就善于模仿,声音条件佳,平时就喜欢口语交流,以听英文歌、看美剧,和老外交流为享受,语音语调比较地道、漂亮,再加上老师的引导和完善做题理念的学习,冲刺27加,也司空见惯。所以,高分没有捷径,只有方法。只要方法得当,口语达标和高分其实并不难。
回想到我自己选择教授托福口语的初心,或者说通过我的工作,更希望达到的是教学目标是,学生能基于口语备考和申请单科分数线达标的压力,爱上口语,将口语练习做为输出自己思维和观点,向世界传达中国学生声音的工具,改变哑巴英文、无法和native speaker(说母语者)对较深入话题进行探讨和沟通、无法有效表达真实想法、甚至为了45秒独立题的fluency (流利度) 被迫在考试中over-simply(过度简单化)自己观点。而口语蒙混过关的后果是,就算勉强出了国,在美国的课堂上不敢张嘴,不仅会影响你的学分(课堂发言占到期末成绩的30%,比期中考试还多),被老师认为你的学习态度不端正;课下无法和同学积极互动,迷之沉默,也很容易陷入到被同学们逐渐边缘化的的尴尬窘境。
从大方向上看,托福口语的四道题可以分为独立和综合两个类型(Task 1为独立题,Task 234为综合题)。在评分时,考生的答题录音会在经过数码降噪处理后被自动分为三组,即独立任务(第一组)、校园任务(第二组)和学术任务(第三组);再由经过认证的评分人分别对考生三组任务的录音进行评测,每道题的评分等级由低到高分别用weak,limited,fair和good来标识,最后六道题的总分将被转换为0~30分的标准分,而考生三组题目的最终得分等级,也会标示在电子成绩单上(score report)。
学习啦在线学习网 关于评分,托福官方指南OG里面明确指出,托福口语6大任务的3项评分准则包括:delivery, language use and topic development, 简单的说,即综合考察考生的表述能力、语言使用能力和话题展开能力,这三项考核并无优先等级,各占三分之一的比重。所以,尽量做到扬长避短,避重就轻就很重要。比如,你的发音不够完美,可以用话题展开和语法、词汇来弥补,而如果你的语法差,但语音语调好,只需要充分发挥这方面优势,并注意逻辑,细节和话题拓展,也同样可以达到不错的分值。