4篇 GRE 短阅读文章,所谓短阅读文章,也就是每篇文章字数在150~180左右。而每篇阅读题目数量也多为3道-2道-2道-2道这种组合模式,总的题目数量为9道,此时逻辑题为1道。
学习啦在线学习网3篇 GRE 阅读文章,其中有1篇为长阅读文章,也就是字数长度约为400~500字,而这一片阅读的题目数为4道,另外2篇依旧是短阅读,短阅读的题目数分别为1道和3道,总共题目数为8道,此时逻辑题为2道。
整体上来看,GRE 阅读的难度近几年来都保持比较稳定的水平。不仅注重对文章具体段落和词汇的理解掌握的考查,也兼顾对逻辑思维学习啦在线学习网能力的摸索和文章主题的分析。
学习啦在线学习网Human impacts on the natural environment during the later part of the Holocene (beginning about 4,000 years ago) complicate investigations into environmental change during that period because the signals produced by human-and climate-induced change are sometimes difficult to separate. For example, in the later Holocene, one indicator of increased aridity due to climate change is an increase in pollen from grasses, as forest vegetation gives way to grassland. Such a change in vegetation could alternatively be attributed to human impact in the form of agricultural development. Examples of such human impact from 4,000 years ago would be small-scale, however, since the broad ecosystem changes brought about by the widespread adoption of agricultural technologies occurred later.
1. Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?
学习啦在线学习网A. It provides an example of the kind of problems that often complicate investigations into environmental change.
B. It call into question the reliability of the established dates for later Holocene agricultural development.
C. It describes the nature of localized agricultural developments during the later Holocene.
D. It outlines a hypothesis that draws on evidence discussed earlier in the passage.
学习啦在线学习网E. It limits the scope of a particular complication mentioned earlier in the passage.
2. According to the passage, which of the following is true regarding environmental changes 4,000 years ago?
学习啦在线学习网A. No localized increases in grass pollen were caused by agricultural development.
B. Increases in grass pollen were at least sometimes a reflection of an increase in aridity.
学习啦在线学习网C. Wholesale ecosystem changes probably resulted from agricultural development.
学习啦在线学习网D. Any small-scale changes occurring then would not be detectable now.
学习啦在线学习网E. Environmental change helped induce the adoption of agricultural technologies.
Human impacts on the natural environment during the later part of the Holocene (beginning about 4,000 years ago) complicate investigations into environmental change during that period because the signals produced by human- and climate-induced change are sometimes difficult to separate.
学习啦在线学习网全新世晚期(开始于约 4000 年前)人类对自然环境的影响,让关于当时环境改变的研究变得复杂,因为人类引起的改变和气候引起的改变,有时难以区分。
学习啦在线学习网全新世 [Holocene epoch]
旧称最新世(Recent epoch)
For example, in the later Holocene, one indicator of increased aridity due to climate change is an increase in pollen from grasses, as forest vegetation gives way to grassland.
学习啦在线学习网例如,全新世晚期,因气候改变而导致干旱加剧的一种指标,是禾本植物的划分增多,因为 森林植被 被草原取代。
Such a change in vegetation could alternatively be attributed to human impact in the form of agricultural development.
学习啦在线学习网Examples of such human impact from 4,000 years ago would be small-scale, however, since the broad ecosystem changes brought about by the widespread adoption of agricultural technologies occurred later.
4000 年前,这类人类影响的例子可能是小规模的,然而,因农业技术的广泛传播而产生的大范围生态系统改变,随后就发生了。
(现在来看,since 句是个病句,要么把 since 划掉,否则只能认为材料截取原文时漏掉了一些内容,使 since 作为一个连词,引导了一个无意义的分句)
1. Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as a whole?
A. It provides an example of the kind of problems that often complicate investigations into environmental change.
学习啦在线学习网B. It call into question the reliability of the established dates for later Holocene agricultural development.
C. It describes the nature of localized agricultural developments during the later Holocene.
学习啦在线学习网D. It outlines a hypothesis that draws on evidence discussed earlier in the passage.
学习啦在线学习网E. It limits the scope of a particular complication mentioned earlier in the passage.
选 E
学习啦在线学习网全新世后期,约 4000 年前开始,人们在研究环境改变的课题时,遇到了问题,环境改变可能是因为人类的原因,也可能是因为气候的原因,二者难以区分,或算出明确的比例。比如禾本植物的花粉增多,意味着干旱,但科学家们无法确认,是因为气候干旱,树枯死了草开始生长,还是人类的农业活动伐木垦田导致的。所谓 complication 指的就是这种说不清。
学习啦在线学习网高亮句说,开始人类活动是小规模的,后来蔓延开来。可以认为是限定了 complication 程度,小规模意味着比较容易分辨,还勉强说得清,考察其他没有人类影响的地区就好,但后来人类活动范围变大了,就说不清了。
所以选 E。
2. According to the passage, which of the following is true regarding environmental changes 4,000 years ago?
学习啦在线学习网A. No localized increases in grass pollen were caused by agricultural development.
学习啦在线学习网B. Increases in grass pollen were at least sometimes a reflection of an increase in aridity.
学习啦在线学习网C. Wholesale ecosystem changes probably resulted from agricultural development.
D. Any small-scale changes occurring then would not be detectable now.
E. Environmental change helped induce the adoption of agricultural technologies.
选 B
A 错。如果跟农业发展一点关系都没有,根本不可能 difficult to seprate 。
C 错。也可能有气候因素。
D 错。未知信息。
E 错。因果关系说反了,是农业推广加速了环境改变,人种地不会意识到最近一千年越来越干旱了,终于适合种地了,古人不可能有这种意识。
Many theorists now doubt that heat loss from Earth’s core and radioactive decay are sufficient by themselves to produce all the energy driving the tectonic plates whose movements have helped shaped Earth’s surface. This leaves a loose end in current geological theory. Herbert Shaw argues that because scientists have underestimated the input of substantial amounts of energy from extraterrestrial impactors (asteroids and comets striking Earth), they have difficulty accounting for the difference between the quantity of energy produced from sources intrinsic to Earth and that involved in plate tectonics. Whereas most geologists have treated the addition of energy through the bombardment of Earth’s surface by such impactors as a process separate and independent from the movement of Earth’s tectonic plates, Shaw asserts that these processes are indivisible. Shaw’s revolutionary “open-system” view recognizes a continuum between terrestrial and extraterrestrial dynamics, whereas modern plate tectonic theory, like the classical geology developed during the nineteenth century, is founded on the view that Earth’s geological features have changed through gradual, regular processes intrinsic to Earth, without reference to unique catastrophic events. Classical geology borrowed a decisive, if unspoken, premise from Newton—the independence of Earth’s processes from any astronomical context.
学习啦在线学习网1. The author’s primary purpose is to
学习啦在线学习网A. identify the influences informing a particular geological theory about the processes that have shaped Earth’s surface
B. identify differences between two views of the extraterrestrial impactors and argues that the phenomenon has influenced the development of plate tectonic theory
C. argue that an explanation is based on a dubious evidence and propose an alternative explanation
学习啦在线学习网D. discuss an explanation and place that explanation under theoretical context
E. suggest that apparent discrepancy poses a serious problem for a particular theory that many have believed
2. The author of the passage mentions the “continuum” in order to
学习啦在线学习网A. point out a relationship between plate tectonics and the nineteenth-century geology
学习啦在线学习网B. explain how a theory of Newton’s could influence geology and plate tectonic theory.
C. distinguish between two sources of energy that contributed to the development of Earth’s surface.
D. point out a similarity between the surface of impactors and the surface of Earth.
学习啦在线学习网E. identify a feature of Shaw’s view that deviates from current scientific theories.
学习啦在线学习网3. The passage suggests which of the following about tectonic theory?
A. It has led scientists to overlook an important contribution to classical geologists from Newton.
学习啦在线学习网B. It has been more successful than was classical geology in accounting for heat loss from.
学习啦在线学习网C. It is based on premise about Earth’s processes discerned in Newton’s thought.
D. It has correctly explained the effects of extraterrestrial impactors on Earth’s surface.
E. It corrects a fundamental flaw in classical geology.
Many theorists now doubt that heat loss from Earth’s core and radioactive decay are sufficient by themselves to produce all the energy driving the tectonic plates whose movements have helped shaped Earth’s surface.
This leaves a loose end in current geological theory.
学习啦在线学习网(loose end 未能解决的小问题或小困难,某事彻底解决前的最后障碍或细节,比如 “ _ 岛的归属问题,是两国边界划定的 loose end ”)
学习啦在线学习网Herbert Shaw argues that because scientists have underestimated the input of substantial amounts of energy from extraterrestrial impactors (asteroids and comets striking Earth), they have difficulty accounting for the difference between the quantity of energy produced from sources intrinsic to Earth and that involved in plate tectonics.
H S 认为,由于科学家们一直以来低估了来自地球以外的撞击者(撞击地球的小行星和彗星)携带的巨大能量,所以他们难以解释来自地球地球内部的能量,与板块构造学所涉及的能量,性质上有什么不同。
(account for 解释。它的主语可以是人,即(某人)解释(某事或某过程);主语也可以是非人,即(某物)作为(某事或某过程的)原因。文中取第一种理解。)
学习啦在线学习网Whereas most geologists have treated the addition of energy through the bombardment of Earth’s surface by such impactors as a process separate and independent from the movement of Earth’s tectonic plates, Shaw asserts that these processes are indivisible.
学习啦在线学习网尽管多数地质学家把地球表面遭到此类撞击所接收的能量,视为独立于地壳板块运动的过程,但 S 坚持认为这些过程不是独立的。
(bombardment 炮击,轰炸,一连串的攻击、诘问
再讲一次 whereas 我保证以后不讲了 you have my word
学习啦在线学习网2)while at the same time
3)while on the contrary
学习啦在线学习网4)in view of the fact that / since / taking into consideration the fact that
回到句子,盖住 whereas,我们能够明确判断的是 most geologists 和 S 的观点相反,如果你认为这是一种对比关系,可以把 whereas 理解为 while 或 while on the contrary;如果你认为作者更偏重强调 S 的看法,可以认为 whereas 相当于 although 。两种效果差不多,我的翻译取了后一种。
下一句中也出现了 whereas,不妨先忽略翻译,试着自己判断一下该对应哪种解释。)
Shaw’s revolutionary “open-system” view recognizes a continuum between terrestrial and extraterrestrial dynamics, whereas modern plate tectonic theory, like the classical geology developed during the nineteenth century, is founded on the view that Earth’s geological features have changed through gradual, regular processes intrinsic to Earth, without reference to unique catastrophic events.
S 提出的革命性的 “ 开放系统 ” 观点认为,内在的与外来的动力构成了一个连续统一系统,而近代板块地质理论,比如十九世纪发展出的古典地质学,建立在这种观点的基础上,即地球的地质特征随不断的,有规律的地球内部运动过程而改变,与特殊的灾变事件无关。
Classical geology borrowed a decisive, if unspoken, premise from Newton — the independence of Earth’s processes from any astronomical context.
1. The author’s primary purpose is to
A. identify the influences informing a particular geological theory about the processes that have shaped Earth’s surface
B. identify differences between two views of the extraterrestrial impactors and argues that the phenomenon has influenced the development of plate tectonic theory
学习啦在线学习网C. argue that an explanation is based on a dubious evidence and propose an alternative explanation
D. discuss an explanation and place that explanation under theoretical context
E. suggest that apparent discrepancy poses a serious problem for a particular theory that many have believed
选 B
学习啦在线学习网影响了理论发展表现为,十九世纪的古典地质学不考虑外力撞击的影响(句 5),现在 many theorists 怀疑有影响(句 1)。
2. The author of the passage mentions the “continuum” in order to
A. point out a relationship between plate tectonics and the nineteenth-century geology
学习啦在线学习网B. explain how a theory of Newton’s could influence geology and plate tectonic theory.
C. distinguish between two sources of energy that contributed to the development of Earth’s surface.
学习啦在线学习网D. point out a similarity between the surface of impactors and the surface of Earth.
学习啦在线学习网E. identify a feature of Shaw’s view that deviates from current scientific theories.
选 E
首先看句 1:
Many theorists now doubt that heat loss from Earth’s core and radioactive decay are sufficient by themselves to produce all the energy driving the tectonic plates whose movements have helped shaped Earth’s surface.
句 3 告诉我们 H S 是质疑派学者的一个代表。
再看句 4:
Whereas most geologists have treated the addition of energy through the bombardment of Earth’s surface by such impactors as a process separate and independent from the movement of Earth’s tectonic plates, Shaw asserts that these processes are indivisible.
学习啦在线学习网现在请大家思考,目前(作者写此文时所处的时空)到底哪种看法是地质学在这个问题上的主流?句 1 的 many theorists(包括 S)还是句 4 的 most geologists?
最终还是 most 比 many 大,但文章写成这样,的确难免在快速阅读学习啦在线学习网中给人造成错觉。many 改成 some 就没这种误会了。希望 ETS 越来越严谨。
学习啦在线学习网回到题目,选 E,current scientific theories 指的就是 most geologists 的看法。
学习啦在线学习网3. The passage suggests which of the following about tectonic theory?
学习啦在线学习网A. It has led scientists to overlook an important contribution to classical geologists from Newton.
学习啦在线学习网B. It has been more successful than was classical geology in accounting for heat loss from.
C. It is based on premise about Earth’s processes discerned in Newton’s thought.
D. It has correctly explained the effects of extraterrestrial impactors on Earth’s surface.
E. It corrects a fundamental flaw in classical geology.
选 C
关于地球表面的塑形过程,地壳理论基于牛顿所理论的想法(独立过程),根据句 6 。