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  口语水平的提高需要一段很长时间积累的过程,所以找对口语范文学习啦在线学习网很关键。下面小编给大家带来最新雅思口语Part2范文:Describe an interesting neighbour。

  最新雅思口语Part2范文:Describe an interesting neighbour

学习啦在线学习网  you should say:

学习啦在线学习网  Who this person is

  How you know this person

  What this person likes to do

  And explain why you think this neighbor is interesting

学习啦在线学习网  雅思名师雅思口语高分范文:

  I'd like to talk about a peculiarly interesting neighbor of mine who has lived across the street for more than ten years. We call him Uncle Bean His family name is Xiong, which means “bear” in Chinese. 1 still remembered the first time I met him when I was just 5 years old. He was in thirties, and looked so gigantic with his thick and muscular arms, well, just like a fierce bean I felt a little bit scared and hided myself behind my mother when he forwardly greet us. Then he gave me a tiny cat made of wood. Here you are,he said, if you want a dog91 can also make it for you. I found he seemed not to be so terrible when smiling to me in a soft voice, which was really different from his rugged look. And the little cat was so cute and lifelike that I couldn’t help refusing it So I ignored his rough appearance and gradually admired him. Actually, he is a P.E. teacher in the primary school instead of carpenter, but he is able to make different kinds of wooden toys, like various animals, cars, castles and even figure sculptures. Children like him so much and beg him for these little toys, and he never says no. He likes to stay with children, make toys for them and tell them some interesting stories. But when he talks with adults, it is pretty funny that he stammers badly. You cannot imagine that such a big guy behaves like a shy boy. He is the most interesting man Pve ever seen who is so different between his internal and external character. And I like Uncle Bear because he has a gentle and calm disposition under his leathery exterior

  雅思口语-A Neighbor You Helped

  Describe a neighbor you helped.

  You know that I live in school dormitory so most of my neighbors are also my classmates. Back to the topic, the neighbor that I want to share with you is called _X, who became my man/bestie since the day he/she moved in my next door.

  Speaking of his/her appearance, _X is an amusing boy/girl with round face and a pair of glasses. The most interesting thing is that he/she almost has no eyebrows. But I personally think that it doesn’t influence his/her beauty.

  I can still remember the day we met each other. _X is from the city of _X, which is renowned for its gorgeous _X. He/She came to our A-level study centre one month later after the new semester beginning with a heavy briefcase and two backpacks. I helped nim/her carry the briefcase to the third floor where we lived, as well as cleaned his/her room with him/her. That was how I easily won his/her trust.

  He/She is 15 months younger than me so it is natural for me to take care of his/her life. Last spring, he/she had a badly fever and coughed for almost the whole March. As his/her neighbor and his/her best friend, I was the one who was closest to him/her. Hence I brought take-away Chinese food to him/her dormitory every noon after class, and this lasted for a week, during which he/she didn’t show up in class.

  When he/she was well completely, he/she wanted to do something in return but I told him/her he/she didn’t need to. All I desired was just his/her everlasting friendship. Girl like me, who is a little bit weird and sometimes acts like a geek is really rare to care about someone unless I feel that he or she is worth to be traded in this way. Even if one day, we are not neighbors at all, I hope that we can still support each other. _X was moved by me words, and we became much closer than ever.



学习啦在线学习网  问:如果在考试的过程中,说话有停顿会不会影响得分?

学习啦在线学习网  答:在雅思口语考试中,特别是在第三部分,由于一些问题比较难,考生需要一些时间边考虑边作答。在这种情况下,出现适当的停顿,是完全正常的。即便是我们在回答别人提出的中文问题时,一般也是需要一些时间来整理思路和语言的。然而,如果回答问题过程中出现过长和过于频繁的停顿,肯定反映出考生的对问题的分析理解能力和语言表达能力的欠缺,这些的确会对考生的考试结果造成负面影响。

  雅思考试 (IELTS - International English Language Testing System, 国际英语语言测试系统)是一种较全面地针对听说读写四项能力的、为打算到英语国家学习、工作或定居的人们设置的英语水平考试。








学习啦在线学习网  让我们看看口语考生最经常出现的一些错误,以加深对于时态运用错误的认识。考生经常犯的错误就是,刚开始对话时,他们运用时态是比较准确的,例如:“When I was a child…”,可是接下来却不再继续使用同样的时态了,例如:“…I often play outside with my friends.”。这些考生似乎意识到他们需要使用过去时,但却不能保持足够的注意,因此不能在整个口语流程中连贯地使用同样的时态。

  还有就是考生常常过分依赖熟悉的、易于使用的结构,例如用“will”造句的一般将来时。他们将这种结构用来讨论各种不同的时段,例如,“I am college student. Every day I will have many classes.”。从考官的角度看,这表明考生在语法运用上缺乏多样性或灵活性,因此这样的考生往往得到的分数并不高。

学习啦在线学习网  还有一大部分考生常常出现这种情况:他们能够熟练地运用各种复杂的结构和句式,但是在将它们组合在一起的时候却出现许多低级错误。这类考生会这样造句:“If I had the chance, I would prefer to visit the beach”,但是接下来就是:“because in my hometown there have many mountain.”。这表明考生没有驾驭基本规则的能力,也导致其无法充分挖掘自身潜能。

学习啦在线学习网  面对这么多的错误,学习者对于英语语法带来的大量挑战可能会产生气馁的情绪,不过考生完全没有必要过度担心。对于大多数考生而言,不需要学习新知识就可以轻而易举地纠正上面所提到的所有错误。其实,关键还是要牢记已经学过的知识,并且能够正确地运用。窍门在于培养自我意识,注意自己的口语,发现弱点,然后逐个击破。

学习啦在线学习网  有几个方法可以尝试。首先,正确认识问题是最为重要的。考生可以在日常口语练习中录下自己的讲话。重复听自己的录音能够让我们挑出自己所犯的错误,从而确定需要加强练习的地方。当和别人进行对话练习时,也可以轮流互相注意检查对方的讲话,记录下最为常见的顽固性错误。这样做还可以锻炼听力,并且有助于培养把握细节、边听边写的听力技巧。

学习啦在线学习网  一旦找到自己的弱点,就应该进行有针对性的练习,针对特定方面逐步地提高自己的能力。与重复练习动词形式和固定词句的做法相比,在注意语法结构的基础上灵活回答问题的做法更为奏效。比如,可以进行一个两分钟左右的“Part 2”练习,在整个练习过程中集中精神注意恰当地使用语法形态。




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口语水平的提高需要一段很长时间积累的过程,所以找对口语范文很关键。下面小编给大家带来最新雅思口语Part2范文:Describe an interesting neighbour。 最新雅思口语Part2范文:Describe an
