口语水平的提高需要一段很长时间积累的过程,所以找对口语范文很关键。下面小编给大家带来雅思口语part2超高频 A film you like/dislike。
雅思口语part2超高频 A film you like/dislike
A film you dislike
The most recent disappointing movie would be The Monuments Men, an action drama based on the true story in history. It’s a World War II drama about an unlikely team consisting of seven art historians tasked with rescuing artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves. The film is directed by George Clooney and starting the first-class actors including Matt Damon. However, it isn't impressive at all.
学习啦在线学习网There is a lot of switching back and forth between the teams but too little time is spent to any of them for the characters to grow and the story to cohere. In many cases, I didn't know the characters' names. It's a bad sign when the film doesn't draw you in sufficiently and stars like George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Cate Blanchett are all disappeared into their characters. There's simply too much going on to cram into two hours and the end result is a feeling that the movie needs another two hours to make sense.
However, the story told by The Monuments Men is worth telling. The movie does a good job of illustrating why protecting art from the Nazi monsters was important. It does not only effectively capture the look of wartime Europe, but also reflects the feel of some of the war films made during the 1960s and 1970s. The most stirring moment is provided by Bill Murray. While taking a shower, he hears the voice of his daughter singing a Christmas carol/song. It's a lovely, moving scene - the kind of thing The Monuments Men needs more of.
Frankly speaking,(to be frank)
In my opinion
学习啦在线学习网In my point of view
As far as I am corcerned,…..
As for me……
学习啦在线学习网Attitude towards it varies a lot,I think….
To be honest
To tell the truth….
学习啦在线学习网I agree with ….
I side with those people who……
I think(don’t)think…
It depends,different people have different …..
Yes I think so.(no,I don’t think so)……..
学习啦在线学习网Of course,……
Oh.it is difficult.for me to make a choice(tell the diffrences),you know……(on one hand…….on the other hand…….)
Well,it is an interesting(tough)question ,(because….),let me think,en……..
学习啦在线学习网You know,I am not much of a …….,so I know little about….but I guess……
学习啦在线学习网话题1. What kind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between China and the UK?
学习啦在线学习网话题2. What effect do you think your studies will have on your career when you get back to China?
话题3. What do you intend to do after you graduate?
学习啦在线学习网话题4. What will be some of your challenges you foresee when you come back to China?
学习啦在线学习网话题5. Do you think you'll have any problems adjusting back to life in China?
学习啦在线学习网话题6. What kind of changes will you have to make when you come back to China?
学习啦在线学习网话题7. Do you think there might be a gap between what you learned from your studies and the level of knowledge you will encounter on arrival?
话题8. Are there any special places you want to see in Canada? What are they?
学习啦在线学习网话题9. What kind of things do you particularly want to do in Canada that you can't do here?
学习啦在线学习网话题10. How do you like your life in X X X University?
话题11. What do you think of the training you got in the university?
学习啦在线学习网话题12. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?
学习啦在线学习网话题13. Can you compare American English with British English?
话题14. What sports are played in your country?
话题15. Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country?
话题16. Could you tell me why you chose to study at the University of X?
话题17. What are sporting facilities like in your hometown?
话题18. What are you going to major in?
话题19. Are you going to do your own cooking when you are at university?
话题20. What do you think you will be doing in five years' time?
我们先来普及一下最基本的流程常识。考生进入考试室,根据考官要求递上身份证,考官核对考生身份,之后考试正式开始。第一部分中,考官问,考生答,若干问题后进入第二部分。第二部分中,考官给考生一个题目(cue card)、笔、纸以及一分钟的准备时间,时间到后考生开始就所给题目发表为时2分钟左右的speech/monologue,期间考官不会和考生互动。时间到后,考官会问几个与考生speech紧密关联的问题,然后过渡到第三部分。第三部分中,考官与考生会就考官提出的问题进行讨论,当考官说“This is the end of the test。”的时候,考试结束。整个考试过程总体控制在11至14分钟之间。之后考生起身离开考试室。
大家都知道考官有个录音机(笔),在他/她核对了我们的身份之后,他们会打开录音机,并说一句标明录音内容的话,比如“Interviewee Wu MengQiQi,ID number 123456789011111”,然后他/她就开始第一部分的问答了。其实考官对我们的评估在他/她见到我们的那一刻就开始了,不论是他们开门来招呼坐在门口等的我们,还是我们推门进去问候坐在桌子后面的他们,这见面的第一刹那就是我们雅思口试真正开始的时间!
学习啦在线学习网等待时,度分如年,考试时,时光飞逝。一转眼,听到对面的考官对着他/她的录音设备说“This is the end of the test。”,我们如释重负。可是,亲爱的们,我们在这个时候还是处于考官的视线中,还是必须对考官的各种行为(提问、道别、祝福等)给予反应,所以,直到我们走出考试室,轻轻关上那扇我们之前等待的时候注视许久的门,这一刻,才是考官对我们评价结束的时刻!
雅思口语part2超高频 A film you like/dislike相关文章: