我们都知道备考雅思口语需要在平时积累多一些素材,并且多多参考别人的优秀范文,下面小编给大家带来雅思口语新话题范文Describe a park you visited。
雅思口语新话题范文Describe a park you visited
学习啦在线学习网You should say
Where it is
What kind it is
学习啦在线学习网When you visited it
学习啦在线学习网What people can do there
学习啦在线学习网And explain the reason why you like to visit there
学习啦在线学习网二、雅思口语Describe a park you visited范文
I would like to describe a park which is just five minutes walk from my home. Situated in the center of my community, it is actually a recreation place for all the citizens nearby. If you go around the blocks there, you won’t miss it ‘cause it is always packed with people.
The park, covering just a small area, is thickly wooded, with some trees labelled as many centuries old. It is fascinating that such a ‘tiny’ park accommodated a beautiful lush green meadow where probably is the most refreshing place there. Moreover, the entire park is dotted with historic buildings, including some ancient pagodas, exquisite pavilions and vivid statues.
学习啦在线学习网Since the first day we moved here, my parents and I have made it as our habit to go strolling after dinner in the park every day. Though it seems that more neighbors tend to do the same thing as us, which, to some extents, causes a little crowd, I’d say it’s still appealing to me.
学习啦在线学习网Well, I would say the park shows its charm in different time. In the morning, you might see some retired people doing morning exercise, like tai chi or some streching exercise, like Pilates. The tranquil and peaceful environment really could be a good refresher for your whole day. As dust arrives, with the warm street lights, the air is quite cozy and relaxed. Let paint a picture for you, you stroll along the path, enjoying the moonlight and just having a pleasant chat with your parents or your lovers, which could definitely let your hair down and turn off all those tension and pressure.
I’m not really into going to the parks, but it couldn’t be better to take a walk there after dinner. Just strolling on the garden-like walkways and appreciating the picturesque views in the gentle breeze, sometimes with the gorgeous starry sky is highly enjoyable. The park is rather small, you know, only a few quarters, but it looks really adorable with so many flourishing plants. It looks magnificent at different points of the year, and it surpasses itself in beauty when spring is coming because the blossom of multicolored flowers is just like a magician making the entire park wearing a stunning clothes. How amazing it is!
雅思口语:describe a public park or garden
学习啦在线学习网Park作为一个public facility,真是方便了考生啊,这个季度的口语题目里好多跟facility相关的话题,比如describe a leisure facility (such as cinema, theatre, sports center) you would like to have in your city、describe a park/garden you visited when you were little、describe a public place/facility that you think need improvements或者更general一点儿的describe a place in your city that you often visit with your friends or family都可以用park话题。
I’d like to talk about the park near my home called Riverside Park, as the name suggests, it’s located near a river, so the views are really gorgeous. Plus, the air in the park is refreshing, because of all the trees and stuff. So I would take a walk in the park when I want to get a breath of fresh air. I have to say, the ecological environment is awesome, I mean, in the city, well, at least in my hometown, it’s hard to see small wild animals, but here in the park, I can always spot a squirrel, a harmless snake or a frog.
学习啦在线学习网The park offers various facilities. In the summer, there’s a water park in the center, which is a paradise for children during summer vacation. And in winter, the water park would be turned into an ice rink where people could go skating. Besides, all kinds of public workout facilities are available here.
学习啦在线学习网The best thing is, the park is open to the public for free, and it has become a favorite hangout for citizens.
学习啦在线学习网But in my opinion, there’s still room for improvement.
For starters, I think it would be a good idea to build several drinking fountains in the park. I remember once, when I was hanging out with my friends, I was super thirsty, but I looked around and didn’t find any convenient stores. So you see, if they had this kind of devices, it would be really convenient for visitors in the park.
学习啦在线学习网Besides, they should build more public washrooms, I say this from my own experience. You can’t imagine how desperate I was when I want to answer the call of nature but I couldn’t find any washrooms nearby.
Oh, and another thing they could do to improve our experience in the park is to update the entertaining facilities. The current facilities tend to be made for children, it’s not that thrilling for young people like me. So if they could make them more exciting, like make the roller coaster taller and faster, we would love that place even more.
and stuff = used to refer in a general way to things that people do, say, think, etc. 例如:
学习啦在线学习网I like reading and stuff.
They sell stationery and stuff (like that).
a breath of fresh air = clean air breathed in after being indoors or in a dirty atmosphere例如:
We'll get a breath of fresh air at lunchtime.
spot = (not used in the progressive tenses) to see or notice a person or thing, especially suddenly or when it is not easy to do so例如:
I finally spotted my friend in the crowd.
I've just spotted a mistake on the front cover.
Can you spot the difference between these two pictures?
学习啦在线学习网Her modeling career began when she was spotted at the age of 14.
Spotting the disease early can save lives.
学习啦在线学习网Neighbors spotted smoke coming out of the house.
No one spotted that the gun was a fake.
学习啦在线学习网I soon spotted what the mistake was.
学习啦在线学习网rink = a specially prepared flat surface of ice, where you can ice-skate; a building where there is an ice rink
hangout = a place where somebody lives or likes to go often = haunt例如:
This cafe is a popular hang-out for tourists.
drinking fountain = a device that supplies water for drinking in public places
学习啦在线学习网the call of nature = (humorous) the need to go to the toilet
雅思口语满分技巧1. 了解考场状况和考试流程,完全进入状态
学习啦在线学习网雅思口语满分技巧2. 了解最近雅思口语题目的趋势,熟悉考题出现的规律
雅思口语满分技巧3. 灵活应对考试中的疑难话题
雅思口语考试满分技巧4. 重视整个考试的开头和结尾
雅思口语满分技巧6. 提前准备适合自己的口语高分词汇
在备考的时候,准备一些常用的7分词汇和技巧,在适当的时候脱口而出,会给你的考试增光添色,同时要在考前的练习过程中,掌握好 paraphrase的方法,因为在考试的过程中,由于紧张或者是本身词汇的匮乏,在自己不会的单词上面会卡壳,而口语是相对比较灵活的,在这种情况下,需要我们用其他的话去替代那个卡壳的点,这样你的口语就会顺畅、自然。
雅思口语满分技巧7. 调节心理状态,不畏惧,不胆怯
雅思口语新话题范文Describe a park you visited相关文章: