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学习啦在线学习网Part 2 话题精讲:

学习啦在线学习网Describe an advertisement you watched recently

You should say:

学习啦在线学习网Where and when you watched it?

What type of advertisement it is?

学习啦在线学习网What it is about?

How you felt about it and explain why?


学习啦在线学习网1.I'd like to talk about a brilliant commerical I watched recently.I watched it a couple of days ago at my parents' place.After supper,we sat on the couch,watching TV.It's more like a family tradtion.Once a week,I'd stop by their place to spend some time with them.That's when i watched it.

2.It's the latest Toyota's commercial,which is specially made for the father's day.The main purpose is to promote its advanced safey device installed on its vehicles.Normally speaking,I'd change channel.You know,I'm not a guy who'd spend time on advertisments.But this one's an exception.It left me a deep impression.

3.Now ,I'll tell you about it.The short film shows the daily life of a common Japanese family.The father does his best to take care of his daughter.He sends her to school everyday.No matter how busy he is, he never misses his daughter's birthdays and school events.Many years past,he's getting old. Many things have changed,his daughter gets married and becomes a mom herslef.But his love for her stays the same.

4.The father's love touched the deepest place in my heart.It reminds me of those days i spent with my old man,who's done everything to give me a good life. When i was watching it,there're a a few times i almost cried.There's a sense of guilt in me.What i want to say is I should have done better to take care of him.Fortunately,it's not too late.He deserves everything the best.


I'd like to talk about a brilliant commerical i watched not so long ago:高分开头

a couple of days ago:几天前(a couple of 美国人常用的词组)

学习啦在线学习网we sat on the couch,watching TV:(非谓语的使用有加分)

It's the latest Toyota's commercial,which is specially made for the father's day:(commercial 商业广告,加分词,后面的定语从句有加分。)这是丰田特地为了父亲节做的商业广告。

学习啦在线学习网The main purpose is to promote its advanced safey device installed on its vehicles:这个广告的目的是推广丰田车上的安全装置。

You know,I'm not a guy who'd spend time on advertisments:(从句有加分)

学习啦在线学习网this one's an exception:这是一个例外

It left me a deep impression:这个广告给我留下了深刻的印象。

学习啦在线学习网The father's love touched the deepest place in my heart:这个父亲对女儿的爱触动了我心里深处的东西。

学习啦在线学习网It reminds me of those days i spent with my old man,who's done everything to give me a good life:(从句有加分,remind sb of 提醒某人.. 这个广告让我想起了那些和我爸爸相处的日子, 他为了给我好的生活付出了一切。)

学习啦在线学习网When i was watching it,there're a a few times i almost cried:(从句有加分)

There's a sense of guilt in me:我有一种深深的罪恶感。

雅思口语干货 | 描述一个你最近看到的广告

Hello, everyone. This is Chenny from World English, Hudong center. Welcome to my column. Today I’m going talk about an IELTS speaking topic from Part 2.

Describe an advertisement you have seen recently.


When and where you saw it ?

学习啦在线学习网The advertisement I’d like ti talk about is about studying abroad . I watched the advertisement when I was about to complete a degree. My life reached a crossroads: I didn’t know whether it’s necessary to take postgraduate course or search for a job. The advertisement highlighted the benefits of studying overseas, especially in Australia, where there are many renowned institutions.


What was advertised?

学习啦在线学习网The advertisement promoted the service of a company which helped students to apply for the admission to postgraduate courses in Australia. For example, if I wanted to study in the university of Sydney, the company could tell me how to get the offer.


What the contents of the advertisement were?

The advertisement suggested that studying in Australia could help us master a foreign language.We can also have opportunities to experience a different culture. Qualifications gained overseas could improve our job prospects.


How you felt about it?

The advertisement was quite inspiring and informative. It told me a different choice I could make in my career path. It has changed my perception of advertising.

学习啦在线学习网Many advertisements have focused on promoting their services by stressing their strengths, but this advertisement focused on our needs and interests



学习啦在线学习网1.道格拉斯从小就很喜欢模仿迈克杰克逊。Douglas loves to do MJ since he was a little boy.

学习啦在线学习网2.认真工作就是履行自我职责。Hard working is the right way to do one’s duty.

学习啦在线学习网3.他所犯的罪早晚要遭到责罚的。Sooner or later, he will be punished against the crime done by himself.

4.本周末他们要在这里为孩子们演一出戏,莉莉扮演美丽的公主。They are going to do a play for children here this weekend; Lily is going to do the beautiful princess.

学习啦在线学习网5.他只是执行自己的任务而已。He just did his own task.

6.吃过饭通常我都会帮妈妈清洗盘子。I always help my mother to do the dishes after dinner.



学习啦在线学习网1.赚钱越来越不容易了。Making money is becoming harder and harder.

2.这家公司生产汽车。This company makes cars.

学习啦在线学习网3.他的爸爸用捡来的石头砌了一堵墙。His father made a wall with the stone he picked everywhere.(此处,make指修、建、造等)

4.我的女儿为我做了一个很精致的生日礼物。My little daughter made a pretty present for my birthday.

学习啦在线学习网5.我要打个电话给我的妈妈。I will make a telephone call to my mother.


6.上大学的时候,我们组建了一个乐队。We made a band in university.

学习啦在线学习网7.英语角是一个交朋友的好地方。English corner is a good place for making friends.

8.罗斯创作了很多的流行歌曲。Ross has made a great many of popular songs.

9.每一个国家都需要制定自己的法律。Every nation must make its own laws.


学习啦在线学习网1.这个星期天我们准备一起吃晚饭。We will have a dinner this weekend.


2.我们经历了一个糟糕的夏天。We had a difficult time in last summer.

学习啦在线学习网3.那个小男孩懂一点法语。The little boy has a little French.

学习啦在线学习网4.我收到了哥哥的来信。I had a letter from my brother.

5.我想要一瓶啤酒。I will have a bottle of beer.

学习啦在线学习网6.这辆车装载了自动空调系统。This car has an automatic air conditioning.

7.他已经拥有两台笔记本电脑了。He has two laptops.


1.今天太冷了,要多穿一点,否则,你会患上流感的。It is too cold today, you should wear more, otherwise you would probably get the flu.

学习啦在线学习网GET, 我们使用最多的含义是得到和获取,但是,和DO一样,它可以理解成为一个过程,那就是空间上两个分开的物体,从有距离变得零距离接触的过程。拿第一个例子来分析一下,吉姆收到一封来自美国的邮件,本来邮件在美国,吉姆在中国,空间上存在很大的距离。邮件从美国寄出来送到吉姆的手中,空间上变为零距离,而这个过程就是GET。

2.我们花了一天的时间才抵达纽约。It takes us whole day to get New York.

3.给我拿一本书过来。Please get me a book.

4.我们刚刚去超市买了几瓶饮料。We just went to supermarket and got bottles of drink.

5.我们一直到昨天晚上11点钟,才联系上总经理。We didn’t get general manager until 11:00 pm yesterday.

6.妈妈每天下午5点钟才能到家。My mother gets home at 5:00pm everyday.

学习啦在线学习网7.因为堵车,丹尼斯没有赶上飞机。Denies didn’t get his flight due to traffic jam.

8.他在报纸上得知他最好的朋友回国了。He got the news that his best friend is back from newspaper.

9.吉姆收到一封来自美国的邮件。Jim gets a mail for America.


学习啦在线学习网1.这个小孩子得了禽流感。This kid has taken the bird flu.


2.对于大多数人来说,如果有公共汽车我们就不会选择乘坐出租车。As for most of us will not take a taxi if bus is available.

学习啦在线学习网3.生病的时候一定要按时吃药。We must take the medicine on time if we get sick.

4.莉莉离婚了,她直到认识了李先生才接受这个事实。Lily got divorced, she could not take it until she met Mr. Lee.

5.紧紧握住她的手,否则她会离你而去。Take her hands tightly, or she will leave you.

6.按我的要求做,我会承担一切的责任。Do as I requested, and I will take all the responsibility.

学习啦在线学习网7.请帮我把那个杯子拿过来。Please take that cup here for me.


学习啦在线学习网1. 语言的灵活性: 用自然的方式来表达自己的观点。

2.词汇:考官提出很多中国学生倾向于用些大词希望能帮助提分但是忽略了更重要的一点,即某些高分词汇并不适合他使用的句子或语境。 这样一来,我们要如何展现自己词汇上的积累呢?大家不妨尝试使用不同的词汇去解释。

段落联系:需具有逻辑并符合语境。 由于很多考生长期背诵段落引用句子,用得过于机械而造成了失分。说到死记硬背上,考官特别强调:考生切忌背诵各类网传模板,被识破是不会拿到满意的分数的。想投机的学生需注意了。

3. 发音:




学习啦在线学习网谈话中没有明显的错误也是考官看重的一点,这个部分考生要展现自己developing answers的能力,要表现出乐于回答问题而不是拒绝交流的样子。比如通过举例子或者提供原因去拓展回答。






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