学习啦在线学习网如何才能避免托福口语中“黑色”的三秒钟呢?其实要想使我们讲的托福口语听起来连贯通畅,只要我们在出现“黑色三秒钟”的时候迅速使用英语中地道的语气连接词(美国人叫 GAP FILLER)就可以了。这就像我们中国人在演讲忘词儿的时候总要使用“这个这个…”是一个道理。下面小编给大家带来托福口语中的地道连接词。
学习啦在线学习网1.“WELL”美国人最为常用的GAP FILLER莫过于WELL。他们在交流时,当听话者想要让说话者知道自己正在准备说话时,就会先用一个WELL揽过话茬。通常这个词的要用升调。例如:
学习啦在线学习网A:When are you going to take a trip to Italy?
学习啦在线学习网B: Well, I have been preparing for that for a long time and I think it will be in next month。
学习啦在线学习网2. “UHMM”这个词也是美国人超级爱用的语气词。发音时就是发出“啊”的音之后再闭上嘴继续“木”音。通常情况下,这个词用来告诉听话者:“我正在思考你所提出的问题”例如:
A:Are you gonna be available this Sunday afternoon?
B: Uhmmmmm… I am not sure and please let me check my schedule。
学习啦在线学习网3. “YOU KNOW”这个我想大家都非常熟知。虽然表面意思是“你知道的”但是更多时候说话者使用了这个词之后马上就要继续阐述自己的观点。例如:
A:What would you like to have?
学习啦在线学习网B: Well,you know,like always,Orange Chicken!
学习啦在线学习网4. “It‘s like…”美国年轻人超级爱使用这个句式,有时候它被用来打比方但是更多时候是用来打比方同时拖延思考时间。例如:
A:How was the show on Sunday?
B: Uhmm, it‘s like…it‘s like the one we saw together last year。
5. “I mean”这个是我们考托福口语时的杀手锏,因为有很多的考生在回答问题时,说着说着就跑题了无法自圆其说。为了防止这种现象的出现,我们要迅速反应拉回话题。这时候我们就要用“I MEAN”例如:
学习啦在线学习网A: Would you please tell me more about your former university?
B: Oh,yes,sure, I went abroad when I was a junior and came back one year later.I transfered to another school right after I came back. Oh, I am sorry, I mean I do not really know that much of it。
除了这些语气连接词以外,我们还有好多方法学习啦在线学习网拉长我们的语气以赢得更多的思考时间,例如转折词but 和 连词 and,当我们使用它们时,我们完全可以这样发音“butummmm”和 “andummmm”这样我们就可以获得充足的时间进行思考从而完美的说出下面的具体内容。
Which of the following activities should the university give rewards to its high performance? (1). Volunteer service (2).Athletic achievement (3). Academic performance
学习啦在线学习网Well, personally, I would say school should reward students who are active in doing social volunteer work. Actually, university is not merely about sports and academics, and frankly, we have paid too much attention in these areas and it seems like we downplay the importance of volunteering. Voluntary activities should be a big part of university life, one should be compassionate about others, especially the unlucky ones. One will feel like they are needed by the community and having something to offer back to society gives them a sense of purpose.
Which kind of extracurricular activity would you like to attend if you have a chance: writing essays for students’ newspaper, joining a hiking club or working in the dormitory discipline committee?
学习啦在线学习网Personally, I would like to join a hiking club. First off, if I hike in the mountains, I can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and escape from the concrete jungles, busy street and the crowd. I can get close to mother nature, so I can keep myself refreshed. At the same time, I get a chance to breath fresh air and enjoy the breeze out in the wild. Additionally, one can do other interesting activities outdoors, like go fishing, setting up a camp fire and stuff like that. Hiking club can help me to bond with friends and people who have the same interest and hobby.
Some people prefer to make detailed plans for the future. Others prefer to concentrate on present things and don't make any plans at all. Which way do you prefer? Please use specific reasons to support your answer.
Well, personally, I prefer to make plans about things in life. To begin with, if I don't make plans ahead of time, there will be obvious drawbacks. It might throw me off my tight schedule, you know, as a college student, sometimes, I am overwhelmed with all kinds of assignment, like presentations, group projects and stuff. Additionally, if I don't make a plan, things might not work in a way I want it to be. For example, if I just randomly decide to travel together with my friends without careful planning, we might not even have a hotel to live in since it might be booked out. So, we'd better make a plan, book the hotel and figure out the itinerary.
