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  George Gordon Byron (1788-1824), is the British early 19th century great romantic poet, on behalf of works "Childe Harold travel", "Don Juan" and so on, and In his poetry to shape a number of "Byron hero." He is not only a great poet, but also a warrior for the ideal fighting life, positive and courage to join the revolution - participated in the Greek national liberation movement, and become one of the leaders.


  George Gordon Byron: January 22, 1788 was born in London, a rented rude house. Parents are from the fall of the aristocratic family. He is very languid and very sensitive to it. At the age of ten, Byron family of the hereditary title and industry (Newtree monastery is its mansion) fell on him, became Lord Byron sixth. In 1801, in order to match the status and identity of Byron's nobility, the family decided to send him to a prestigious school - Harrow school. This school, founded by John Ryan in 1571, has cultivated many well-known figures in the history of England, where Prime Minister Churchill, who worshiped Byron, was the graduate of the school.

  After graduating from Harlem, 1805-1988 studied literature and history at Cambridge University. He was a hard-working student and rarely studied classes. He read extensively in European and English literature, philosophy and history, and also engaged in shooting, gambling, Drinking, hunting, swimming, boxing and other activities. In March 1909, he entered the aristocracy as a hereditary aristocrat, where he attended the House and spoke not much, but these statements clearly expressed Byron's progressive position of liberalism.

学习啦在线学习网   After graduating from Cambridge University, he served as a member of the House of Lords. The student age is deeply influenced by enlightenment thought. 1809 - 1811 travel to Spain, Greece, Turkey and other countries, by the people of anti-aggression, anti-oppression struggle inspired by the creation of "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" (Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 1809-1818). The representative works are "Chalde Harold Travels" "Don Juan" (Don Juan, 1818-1823) and so on. In his poetry to shape a number of "Byron hero." Byron is not only a great poet, but also a warrior who fought for an ideal life; he actively and bravely joined the revolution, participated in the Greek national liberation movement, and became one of the leaders.

  From 1809 to 1811, Byron traveled abroad for the purpose of "looking at humans, not just reading them on books," and in order to remove "an islander with a narrow prejudice to keep the house harmful as a result of". June 26, 1809, left the United Kingdom, to the East (Southern and West Asia) travel. In the next six months, the first boat to Lisbon, Portugal; and then ride to the south of Spain, Sevilla and Cádiz, by Sardinia, Sicily, Malta to Albania, where the rulers of Ali Pa Summer; December 25 arrived in the Greek city of Athens. Byron traveled abroad, enjoying the natural scenery, observing the social life and political system of the country, and reaching out to all walks of life. He saw the Spanish guerrillas who had dealt a heavy blow to the French invaders, and saw the Greek people who were gathered to fight the liberation struggle under the Turkish cavalry ravages, which also inspired his strong interest in the culture of southern European peoples. These have had a significant impact on his thoughts and creations. In Albania began to write "Childe Harold Travels". The first and second chapters of Chandler Harald's Travels came out in February 1812, sparkling the literary world, making Byron a star in London's social world. However, this did not make him compromise with the British aristocratic bourgeoisie. He knew from the early years that the society and its ruling class were stubborn, hypocritical, evil and prejudiced, and his poem had been a protest against all this.

  1811 - 1816, Byron has been living in a continuous emotional vortex. In his popular social life everywhere, the love of the play is that a young aristocratic poet's romantic affair naturally more talked about. Byron in 1813 to Miss Anna Milbak, and in January 1815 and she married. This is the greatest mistake cast in Byron's life. Lady Byron was a man who had a narrow view of the hypocrisy of his class and could not understand the career and the point of view of Byron. Married a year, with a newborn daughter for more than a month back to his home, refused to live with Byron, so rumors. As an opportunity, the British ruling class of its rebels Byron carried out the most crazy revenge, in order to destroy the dare to politically with its enemies of the poet. The painful feelings of this period also made him write a poem like "Prometheus", expressing his determination to resist his oppressors. In 1816, Byron lived in Switzerland, in Geneva to get to know another exiled poet Shelley, the hatred of the British rulers and the poetry of the same so that they formed a close friend.

  Byron, during his stay abroad, he wrote "The Prisner of Chillon (1816), the tragedy" Manfred "(1816-1817) 1817) long poem "bronze century" (1823) and so on. The masterpiece "Don Juan" is the most important group of poems of Byron, half Zhuang half harmonic, folder Syria set, there are realist content, but also strange, easy and ironic style. The first and second chapters, after an anonymous publication, immediately aroused great repercussions. The United Kingdom maintains a bourgeois decent newspaper and attacked, accusing it of attacking religion and morality, "ridiculing the code of conduct necessary for decent, kind-heartedness and the maintenance of society", "making every normal mind disgusted" and many more.

  1824 Unfortunately, the rain catch cold, a disease can not afford, died on April 19. His death made the Greek people deeply saded that the Greek independent government declared the death of the Byron for the state funeral, the country mourned for three days. On June 29, the coffin arrived in London.



学习啦在线学习网   In his brief life, he left a lot of glorious poems for the world, of which the most famous of the Huanghuang giant long lyrical narrative poem "Chalde Harold travel" and "Don Juan" and so on. In these brilliant works by the world as "lyrical epic", the poet Byron with positive romanticism of the creative techniques, their own personal experience of the European countries into the work of the experience, with an open field of vision and deep strokes, Showing the magnificent picture of the times, to express the lofty poet feelings, expressed a proud and unyielding struggle vow. Byron's "lyrical epic" with the poet's trace of trace, showing a beautiful scenery of the beautiful scenery picture, "from the Mediterranean to the Aegean Sea exotic scenery at a glance, from the rolling hills of Portugal, Spain, the spectacular bullring, To the ruins of the monuments of the monuments of Greece and Rome, and the mountains of Albania, both the beautiful scenery of the banks of the Rhine, the muddle of the lake in Geneva, the St. Peter's Basilica of the Vatican, and the ancient battlefield of Waterloo. Byron devoted his poet's immortality first In the description of the scenery of these countries, the purpose is to inspire the patriotic enthusiasm of the people of these countries to encourage them to fight for the independence of the motherland.Bellen affectionately praised the sun, the moon, the sea, mountains, warmly praise mythical hero, Ancient heroes, historical monuments, cultural treasures, the purpose of which is to summon people's will to fight and fight for determination.Barnen enthusiasm is a multi-interface, Byron's works both sympathy: to suffer the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal The royal family and the ruling class slavery and oppression of the Spanish people His works are also lamenting: deeply sadness of the Greek people in the Turkish iron hooves under the devastated fate of the devastated. His works also celebrate: the ancient art such as the Apollo statue, pull the hole carving, dying The relics of the Gauls, and the relics of the Renaissance giants, and so on. His works are more bold: cherish the glory of the past in Italy, with the high war song to inspire the Italian patriots to rise Resisting, overthrowing the tyranny of the alien invaders.The poet's enthusiasm is ubiquitous and impenetrable in the work, as he admires the vast expanse of the sea:

  Pentium it, your unpredictable indigo sea!

  Tens of millions of ships in your body Chi drive, traces do not stay.

学习啦在线学习网   And as he is full of poetic picture of the moon to describe:

学习啦在线学习网   The moon rises; Oh, it is more lovely night!

  The moonlight flows toward the sea.

  Maybe the girls are upside down for the young love words,

  As for us, and so on the shore and then taste this taste!

  In the Romantic poet Byron's pen, always filled with unrestrained enthusiasm, although the tone of the Byron poetry sometimes high-spirited, and sometimes irony spicy, but whether with pessimism or full of fighting pride, the poem "always soaked The lyrical atmosphere and love and hate deep feelings. " Not only that, the poet is still in poetry, the use of a large number of techniques and techniques, combined with the description of the scene, from the touch of the scene and express their emotions, everywhere to his philosophy of philosophy, society, politics, history, religion and art insight. Therefore, if the Byron lyric narrative poem Zoran extraordinary, not only lies in its vision of open, writing the wonderful, but also lies in its humanistic knowledge of the rich and broad, so, Byron's poem was the world as "lyrical epic "Can be described as well deserved.

学习啦在线学习网   Byron was a passionate poet whose enthusiasm was mainly manifested in his discontent and rebellion against reality. He faced the injustice of the ruling class and the enslavement and oppression of the working class, and made a strong resistance in many poems With the spicy irony, but Byron not only satirical darkness of the society, he will be enthusiastic about fighting cry, he was in a famous war poem "Lutheran song" in the rally:

  So we we woven cloth weaving finished,

学习啦在线学习网   So we weaving shuttle into a sword,

  We will put the cloth

  Threw at the foot of the tyrant

  We will dyed it in his blood.

  As a romantic poet, Byron also incorporates great enthusiasm into the perfect combination of lyricism and narrative techniques, which shows the distinctive artistic features of his poems and the special artistic charm of romantic poems. "The lyrical epic" shows a magnificent picture: Spain is filled with Napoleon war of war smoke, Italy in the Austrian rule under the iron heel trembling, and Greece is moaning under the slavery of Turkey. In the tide of thoughts, Byron mournfully depicts the suffering and sadness of the oppressed people and mercilessly exposes the greed and cruelty of the oppressors and invaders. He bet on the waterloo battlefield, comment Napoleon's merits and demerits. He is in the beautiful scenery of Lake Geneva, in the lakes and mountains among the arrogant singing, praise Rousseau, Voltaire and other enlightenment freedom, equality and lofty ideals. In Greece, the poet exposure to the glorious ancient battlefield, can not help but turbulent, vigorous and intense, the Greek people are suffering from foreign oppression of the fate of deep sympathy, but also they have forgotten the glorious achievements of ancient ancestors expressed dissatisfaction and resentment, He wants to use loud and clear war song to awaken people, change their fate on the motherland indifferent unhappy negative attitude.

学习啦在线学习网   Byron Hero

  In Byron's "Oriental Narrative Poems", there have been a number of chivalrous Roses, who have pirates, pagans, exile, these are mostly arrogant, lonely, stubborn rebels, they are irreconcilable with the evil society Fighting and fate of the struggle, the pursuit of freedom, and finally ended in failure. Byron through their struggle to show the spirit of the community does not compromise against the spirit, while reflecting their own melancholy, lonely and anxious depression. These are the famous "Byron Heroes" in the history of literature. Because these images have the author's own ideological character, it is called "Byron hero."

学习啦在线学习网   "Byron Hero" refers to the nineteenth century British romantic poet Byron works in a class of characters. They are proud of stubborn, both dissatisfied with the reality, asked to rise up against the rebellious character; but at the same time it seems melancholy, lonely, pessimistic, out of the masses, their own way, always find the right way out. For example, the lyric poem "Chalde Harold Travels" in your son Harold, "Oriental narrative poem" one of the "pirates" (The Corsair, 1814) in the hero Conrad, philosophical drama "Man Fred "in the master Manfred and so on.

学习啦在线学习网   The ideology and character of such people are contradictory: on the one hand, they love life, the pursuit of happiness, the passion of passion, strong love, extraordinary character; dare to contempt for the system, and social evil power unswerved, Therefore they are the rebels of the evil society and the Avengers. On the other hand, they are proudly independent, sermonous, and easy to go, their ideological basis is individualism and liberalism, in the struggle single-handedly, away from the masses, and there is no clear goal, and finally ended in failure.

  "Byron hero" is a product of personal and social opposition, the Russian literary critics Berenchi and poet Pushkin have pointed out that "Byron-style hero" there is individualism, liberal ideological weakness. "Byron-style heroes" metaphor is tragic aloof rebels, they have extraordinary talent and strength, but in the corrupt society can not display their feelings for their own inaction, because of their feelings and feelings of consumption despair.

  "Byron Hero" is also the author of the ideological characteristics and weakness of the art of reflection. The image of these characters appeared in Byron, which was of great significance to the British feudal order and the bourgeois philistine society. But their individualism, anarchism and pessimistic feelings, and often will give readers a negative effect. Russian literary critics Belinsky and poet Pushkin have pointed out that the "Byron-style hero" ideological weakness and its dangers.

学习啦在线学习网   Byron in his poetry to shape a number of "Byron-style heroes", they are aloof, fanatical, romantic, but full of resistance to the spirit. They are filled with loneliness and depression, but contempt for small groups. Chalde Harold is the first Byron-style hero in Byron's poem. Bye's poem is the most representative, fighting, but also the most brilliant works, his long poem "Don Juan", the poem depicts the Spanish aristocratic brother Don Juan travel, love and adventure and other romantic stories, exposing the community In the dark, ugly, hypocritical side, played for the freedom, happiness and liberation of the battle song.





