学习啦 > 生活课堂 > 礼仪知识 > 个人礼仪 > 服饰仪容 > 美国的服装礼仪文化


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学习啦在线学习网   在美国旅游、留学、商务,很容易因为自己不了解当地礼仪而失态闹笑话。要融入美国,了解美国的礼仪很重要。下面是学习啦小编为大家整理的美国的服装礼仪文化,希望能够帮到大家哦!


  1、White Tie或者说是Ultra-formal

学习啦在线学习网   这是最最正式的场合,什么授勋仪式、宫廷晚宴之类的。男士要穿燕尾服(tailcoat),配套的是白色马甲,白色衬衫,白色领结。裤子两侧有两道笔直的竖条。裤子不用皮带用吊带。女士要穿大裙摆的长晚礼服。

学习啦在线学习网   2、Black Tie或者说是Formal

  这是最常见的正规着装要求,男士要穿晚礼服(Tuxedo),前襟领子是黑缎面的,配白衬衫,黑领结,黑腰带,黑袜子,黑鞋。裤子两侧夹缝有和领子同面料的黑缎夹条。女士穿晚礼服(Evening gown),低胸露肩的那种,相配的小包和鞋子。项链、耳环等首饰的真假无所谓,但是要闪亮,戴手镯而不是手表。

  3、Black Tie Optional 或者是CreativeBlack Tie,

学习啦在线学习网   男士可以穿Tuxedo或正式的深色圆摆西装,可以不打领结换成打领带,衬衫最好是白色的。女士可以是晚礼服、不拖地的四分之三长礼服或者是考究的晚宴两件套(dressy separates),配备参考Formal。


学习啦在线学习网   男士:深色西服。女士:短礼服、考究的套装



  6、Dressy Casual

学习啦在线学习网   男士:比较讲究一点的便装,像西装上衣配休闲裤,衬衣休闲西裤等。女士:连衣裙,漂亮上衣配裤子,毛衣配裙子等可以自由发挥。

  7、Business Casual

学习啦在线学习网   不少并不太而别正式的职场聚会(扩充人脉的party)和一些不错的餐馆都会要求business casual,这比Dressy Casual 再随便一些,但是不能穿牛仔裤。

  8、Casual 或Informal

学习啦在线学习网   这种说法意味着可以随便穿,但是短裤、凉鞋还是要避免,当然你也不要西装革履的,有时越随便的穿着,越能看出人的品味,不能掉以轻心。女士穿一件质地普通的连衣裙肯定比穿牛仔裤雅致。化淡妆。


学习啦在线学习网   1.When asking for something, say"Please."

学习啦在线学习网   向别人询问事情,说“请”。

  2.When receiving something, say "thankyou."


学习啦在线学习网   3.Don't interrrupt grown-ups who arespeaking with each other unless there is an emergency.They will notice you andrespond when they are finished talking.


  4.If you do need to get somebody's attentionright away, the phrase"excuse me" is the most polite way for you toenter the conversation.


  5.When you have any doubt doing something,ask permission first. It can save you from many hours of grief later.


学习啦在线学习网   6.The world is not interested in what youdislike. Keep negative opinions to yourself,or between you and your friends,and out of earshot of adults.


学习啦在线学习网   7.Don't comment on other people's physicalcharacteristics unless, of cuourse,it's to compliment them, which is alwayswelcome.

学习啦在线学习网   不要评论他人的外表,除非是受人欢迎的好评。

  8.When people ask you how you are, tellthem and then ask them how they are.

学习啦在线学习网   当别人问你可好,回答他们,并问他们可好。

  9.When you have spent time at your friend'shouse, remember to thank his or her parents for having you over and for thegood time you had.

学习啦在线学习网   当你到朋友家玩时,记住对你朋友的父母说谢谢邀请,也谢谢在一起的好时光。

  10.Knock on closed doors and wait to see ifthere's a response before entering.


  11.When you make a phone call, introduceyourself first and then ask if you can speak with the person you are calling.

学习啦在线学习网   当你打电话时,先介绍自己,然后问可否与你要通话的人交谈。

  12.Be appreciative and say “thank you"for any gift you receive. In the age of e-mail, a hand-written thank-you note canhave a powerful effect.

学习啦在线学习网   收到任何礼物,都要感恩,并说“谢谢”。在电子邮件的年代,手写的“感谢卡”价值尤显珍贵。

  13.Never use foul language in front ofadults. Grown-ups already know all those words, and they find them boring andunpleasant.


  14.Don't call people mean names.

学习啦在线学习网   不要给人起卑劣的绰号。

  15.Do not make fun of anyone for anyreason. Teasing shows others you are weak,and ganging up on someone else iscruel.

学习啦在线学习网   不要因任何原因取笑任何人。取笑人表明你很软弱,与别人合伙来欺负人是很残忍的事。

学习啦在线学习网   16.Even if a play or an assembly is boring,sit through it quietly and pretend that you are interested. The performers andpresenters are doing their best.

学习啦在线学习网   即使一场戏剧或集会很乏味,仍然要安静地坐到最后,假装你是感兴趣的,因为表演者和演讲者都在尽全力。

  17.If you bump into somebody, immediatelysay "excuse me."


  18.Cover your mouth when you cough orsneeze, and don't pick your nose in public.

学习啦在线学习网   咳嗽或打喷嚏时,请遮住嘴。不要当众挖鼻孔。

  19.As you walk through a door, look to seeif you can hold it open for some one else.


  20.If you come across a parent, a teacher,or a neighbor working on something, as if you can help. If theysay"yes", do so -- you may learn something new.

学习啦在线学习网   你父母、老师或邻居在做事情时,若你经过,询问是否可以帮助他们,若他们说“可以”,你去帮助他们——你很可能学会做新的事情。

  21.When an adult asks you for a favor, doit without grumbling and with a smile.


学习啦在线学习网   22.When someone helps you, say "thankyou". That person will likely wantto help you again. This is especiallytrue with teachers!

学习啦在线学习网   当别人帮助你时,说“谢谢”。帮助你的人会更愿意再帮助你。尤其是对老师而言。

  23.Use eating utensils properly. If you areunsure how to do so, ask your parents to teach you or watch what adults do.


  24.Keep a napkin on you lap; use it to wipeyour mouth when necessary.


  25.Don't reach for things at the table; askto have them passed.


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