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论 文 名 称 | 中文 | 多元系统论视角下中医名词术语英译规范 | |||||
英文 | On Poly-system Theory in Norms of TCM Terminology Translation | ||||||
学生姓名 | xx | 专业 | 英语 | 年级 | |||
指导教师 | 职称 | 单位 | 人文社科学院 | ||||
毕业论文写作时间 | 年 月 日至 年 月 日 | ||||||
一、选题的意义及相关研究文献综述(选题背景) 1. The importance of TCM terminology translation With the social improvement, human beings are facing lots of threatening diseases. western doctors and experts found that herbs and treatment of TCM, have taken effect on some diseases which were regarded as incurable. many doctors have achieved unexpected effects in integrating TCM and western medicine. Thus, the significant role of TCM and its profound influence on the health care system is being well recognized. However, in western countries, it’s quite slow for ordinary people to accept TCM. Maybe because they know little about TCM, or because the terminology of TCM are confusing and complex. In this case, translating TCM terminology into English, especially good English, is in great urgency. Although translating TCM terminology into English is surely a very difficult task, this process will promote the acceptance of TCM in western world, and contribute to the integration of TCM and western medicine and the cultural exchange between China and other nations of the world. 2. Previous research on Norms of TCM Terminology Translation The unstandardization of TCM terms are more like the obstructions in the raceway. No wonder that some translators think the translation of Chinese medical terms is a question which is still much in the air and lacks deep debate And this problem would also make the Westerners consider the TCM as a social science, not a scientific system. Nowadays, a great deal of literature, philosophy and religion vocabularies is used in TCM translation, which could not be accepted easily by West learners. Therefore, the TCM terms should be standard as soon as possible.Although this problem has been noticed by the related departments, however, beside of the acupuncture terms authorized by WHO, the TCM terms are still in chaos. | |||||||
二、研究的主要内容(研究问题)、预期目标(工作假设)以及可能遇到的困难 主要内容(研究问题): 1. Factors may influence the norms choosing in TCM terminology translation 2. The status changing of TCM in the world medicine system. 3. The trend of norms choosing with the changes of TCM’s status. 4. The effectiveness of using the Polysystem 预期目标(工作假设): 1.The attitudes of translator to TCM , the actual position of TCM and publisher and research organization all of them may have influence on the norms choosing. 2.TCM’s status is raising but still in a bilateral position. 3.TCM terminology translation mainly apply the norm of foreignalization 4. Polysystem can be used to instruct the choosing of norms in TCM terminology translation. 可能遇到的困难: 1、The shortcomings of Polysystem might make difficulties to research 2、The norms and strategies used in TCM terminology translation are complicated and massive 3、Some concepts in translation field are ambiguous | |||||||
三、拟采用的理论框架及/或研究方法、步骤 1. An Overview of Poly-system Theory 2. Key Concepts of the Poly-system Theory 2.1 The Poly-system 2.2 Adequate and acceptable 2.3 Initial norm and preliminary norm and operational norm 3. Method Quantitative research was applied to analyze the texts and find out the relationships between texts and norms used in TCM terminology translation. The texts were collected from published materials including monograph and articles from journals. The research was conducted as following steps: firstly, the changes of TCM’s statuses in world medicine system was studied. Second, the changes of norms used in TCM terminology translation were studied with the changes of TCM’s status by Polysystem. Thirdly, concluding the norms which can be rendered effectively in TCM terminology translation at present status. | |||||||
四、论文提纲、总体时间安排与进度(阶段性完成的任务,以周计算) Outline 1. Introduction 1.1 Significance and Rationale 1.1.1 Significance of TCM Terminology Translation 1.1.2 Significance of Studying on Norms of TCM Terminology Translation Based on Poly-system Theory 1.1.3 Significance of Poly-system Theory 1.2 Research Questions 1.3 Research Methodology and Source of Data 1.4 Organization of the Thesis 2. Literature Review 2.1 Working definition: norms 2.2 Review on TCM Terminology Translation 2.3 Review on Norms of TCM Terminology Translation Based on Poly-system Theory 2.4 Review on Application of Poly-system Theory 2.5 Advancement and Weakness of the Existing Studies 3. Theoretical Framework 3.1 The Overview of Poly-system Theory 3.2 The Core Concepts of Reception Theory 3.2.1 The Poly-system 3.2.2 Adequate and Acceptable 3.2.3 Initial norm and preliminary norm and operational norm 3.3 Summary 4. Case Analysis 4.1 the status of TCM in world medicine system 4.2 the norms in TCM terminology translation 4.2.1 The norm in Classified Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine 4.2.2 The norm in International Standard Chinese-English Basic Nomenclature of Chinese Medicine 4.2.3 The norm in WHO International Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region 4.4 Discussion 5. Conclusion 5.1 Findings of the Research 5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies 总体时间为4个月(2014年2月开始计算) 进度: 2014年3月08日前完成论文初稿; 2014年4月17日前完成论文二稿; 2014年5月8日前完成论文终稿; 2014年5月8日至28日准备并完成论文答辩 | |||||||
五、初期参考文献(≥10,必须包括book及article) 1. 吴小芳, 多元系统理论翻译观浅谈. 重庆科技学院学报. 2012. 4 2. 罗磊, 10年中医英译的研究回顾. 广州中医药大学学报. 2004. 21(5). 3. 陈骥, 基于目的论的中医典籍书目文化词汇之英译. 中西医结合学报 2012. 11(10). 4. 付永霞, 从多元系统论透视中国四次翻译高潮翻译作品文本类型. 2008,09. 5. 洪溪珧, 多元系统论翻译研究的新视野. 湖南科技学院学报. 2009. 30(2). 6. 黄德先.多元系统论释疑佐哈尔访谈录. 中国翻译, 2006. 27(2). 7. 谢天振主编.当代国外翻译理论. 天津:南开大学出版社, 2005.5 8. 麦考尔·雅蒲, 中医英译比照西医原则的分析. 福建中医学院学报. 2003. 13(2). 9. 谭素琴, 从多元系统论看文学转型期的归化异化. 华东交通大学学报. 2007. 26(3). 10. 张玉红, 中医英译的多元文化系统视角探微. 中国中西医结合杂志. 2010. 30(7). | |||||||
六、指导教师意见 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 | |||||||
七、学院论文评审委员会意见 盖章 年 月 日 | |||||||