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  Louis Braille (1809-1852), a French blind teacher, studied different ways of making dots and dashes on paper At last he reached a system in which he used six holes in different positions. Within this space he cOllld make sixty three different combinations. Each combination stands for a letter or a short word. Soon Louis wrote a book using the Braille system.

  路易斯·布莱叶, (1809——1852),是一位法国盲文老师,研究了各种将圆点和符号写到纸上的方法。最后,他发明了一个系统,这个系统使用的方法是将六个洞摆放在不同的位直。根据这种组合方式,他能够组合出 63种不同的组合。每种组合代表一种字母或者一个简短的单词。很快路易斯使用布菜叶系统写了一本书。

学习啦在线学习网   At first people did not believe that the system of Louis Braille was possible or practical. One day a girl who had been blind since she was born played the piano beautifully at a concert. Everybody was pleased. Then the girl got up and said that the people should thank Louis Braille, who had made it possible for her to learn music and to play the plano.

学习啦在线学习网   一开始人们不相信路易斯·布菜叶的系统有可能实现或者有什么实际用处。有一天,一个生来就是盲人的女孩在一场音乐会中弹奏了一支很优美的曲子。每个人都很愉悦。随后,这个女孩站了起来,对人们说大家应该感谢路易斯·布莱叶,因为是他使这个女孩学习音乐并且弹奏钢琴成为了可能。

  Some of Louis' friends went to his home to see him. He was sick in bed. They told him what had happened Louis began to cry. He said, "This is the third time in my life that I have cried. First, when I became blind. Second, when I heard 'night writing', and now because I know that my life has not been a failure."

学习啦在线学习网   路易斯的一些朋友去他家里探望他。当时,他正卧病在床。他们告诉他发生了什么事情。Louis开始哭泣起来,他说:“这是我人生中第三次哭泣。第一次是当我眼瞎的时候;第二次,是在我听说了‘夜书’时;现在这一次我终于知道我的人生不是一个失败。”

学习啦在线学习网   A few days later Louis died. He was only 43 years old.

学习啦在线学习网   几天后,路易斯去世了,当时他只有43岁。


  The ballpoint pen is a very popular thing for writing. But few people know how and when it came into being.

学习啦在线学习网   圆珠笔是一个很流行的书写工具。但是很少有人知道它是怎样以及何时被发明的。

学习啦在线学习网   Early in 1888, John Lawd made a pen with which to write on paper. He called it a ballpoint pen because it was a pen with a very small ball housed in the socket at the tip. But this ballpoint pen leaked and the ball couldn't turn freely in the socket. Thus it was almost of no use.


  Nearly half a century passed, Laszlo J.Biro, a Hungarian living in Argentina made a ballpoint pen. Biro studied John's ballpoint pens carefully and did a lot of experiments to improve them. At last he succeeded in producing the first workable ball pen, which had a much thinner socket and a freely turning ball.


  However, the ballpoint pens we use now were, in fact, improved by Reynold in 1945. They were greatly improved on the balls and ink. Thus ballpoint pens became fitter for us. People like to use ballpoint pens because they don't leak at all; they can hold enough ink to last a long time and the quick-drying ink can't be easily affected by the changes of climate.

学习啦在线学习网   然而,实际上,我们目前使用的圆珠笔是经雷诺在1945年改进后的。它们在顶端的小球和墨水上都有了极大的改进。这样圆珠笔对我们来说更加适合使用。人们喜欢使用圆珠笔是因为它们一点儿都不会泄露;它们可以装足够多的墨水来维持很长一段时间,而且这种快干的墨水不会由于气候变化而轻易发生改变。


  The Wright brothers, namely, Orville Wright (1871—1948) and Wilbur Wright (1867—1912) invented the first safe, successful airplane. But their first flight, on December 17, 1903, was not great news. Nothing appeared in the newspaper on that day. A few days later, short items began to appear in newspapers across the country, but no one seemed very interested or impressed.

  莱特兄弟名为奥维尔·莱特(1871一1948)和威尔伯·莱特(1867-1912)成功友明了第一架安全可靠的飞机。但是他们在1903年12 月17日的首次飞行并不是那么理想。在那天的报纸上没有出现与此有关的任何新闻。几天后,流通全国的报纸上开始出现一些简单的报道,但是没有任何一个看起来是那么有趣或者能够令人印象深刻。

  Orville Wright took the "Flyer I" up in the air and flew it for 12 seconds. Wilbur Wright took turns with his brother flying their airplane. The next two flights lasted twice as long as the first one. On the fourth flight that day, the airplane stayed in the air for 59 seconds. After it landed, a sudden gust of wind tipped the plane over. "Flyer I" was badly damaged. The first successful airplane was never flown again.

学习啦在线学习网   奥维尔·某特驾驶“飞行器1号”在高空中飞行了12秒。威尔伯·莱特和他弟弟轮流驾驶飞机。接下来的两次飞行持续的时间大概是第一次飞行的两倍。那天的第四次飞行,飞机在空中停留了59秒。在它着陆后,一阵突如其来的风吹翻了飞机。“飞行器1号”严重受损。这架第一个成功飞行的飞机从此再也没有飞起来过。

  Louis Bleriot flew across the English Channel in 1909 He flew from France to England in a Bleriot XI monoplane which had only one set of wings. His flight was historic. He proved that people from different countries could now visit each other fairly early.


  The first woman pilot was Baroness de la Roche. She made her flight in 1908. Two years later, she received a pilot's license.
