中英文对照翻译文章篇1:A Sailor's Christmas Gift
William J·Lederer
学习啦在线学习网 威廉·J·莱德勒
学习啦在线学习网 Last year at Christmas time my wife,three boys,and I were in France,on our way from Paristo Nice.For five wretched days ererything had gone wrong.Our hotels were“touristtraps”;our rented car broke down;we were all restless and irritable in the crowded car.OnChristmas Eve,when we checked into a dingy hotel in Nice,there was no Christmas spirit inour hearts.
学习啦在线学习网 去年,在圣诞节期间,我和我的妻子以及我们的三个孩子,从法国踏上由巴黎到尼斯的旅途。由于接连五天的恶劣天气,旅途上一切很不顺心。我们下榻的旅馆尽是些敲诈勒索旅客的“陷阱”;我们租用的那辆汽车老是发生故障,在拥挤不堪的车子上大家个个显得烦躁不安。圣诞节前夕,我们住进了尼斯的一家旅店,这家旅店又脏又暗,我们打心眼里感觉不到丝毫的节日气氛。
学习啦在线学习网 It was raining and cold when we went out to eat.We found a drab littlejoint shoddily decoratedfor the holiday.It smelled greasy.Only five tables in the restaurant were occupied.Therewere two German couples,two French families,and an American sailor,by himself.In thecorner a piano player listlessly played Christmas music.
学习啦在线学习网 我们外出就餐时,天正下着小雨,天气寒冷。我们找到了一家死气沉沉的小餐馆。为点缀一下节日的气氛,这家餐馆刚刚做了番粗劣的装潢。一进门就闻到一股刺鼻的油污气味。整个餐厅只有五张桌子有人就餐:两对德国夫妇,两户法国家庭和一名孑然一身的美国水手。在餐厅的一个角落里,有位钢琴师在无精打采地弹奏着圣诞乐曲。
学习啦在线学习网 I was too stubborn and too tired and miserable to leave.I looked around and noticed thatthe other customers were eating in stony silence.The only person who seemed happy was theAmerican sailor.While eating,he was writing a letter,and a half-smile lighted his face.
Mywife ordered our meal in French.The waiter brought us the wrong thing.I scolded my wifefor being stupid.She began to cry.The boys defended her,
and I felt even worse.
学习啦在线学习网 Then,at the table with the French family on our left,the father slapped one of his children forsome minor infraction,and the boy began to cry.On our right,the German wife beganberating her husband.
学习啦在线学习网 Allof us were interupted by an unpleasant blast of old air.Through the front door came an oldFrench flower woman.She wore a dripping,tattered overcoat,and shuffled in onwet,rundown shoes.Carrying her basket of flowers,she went from one table to the other."
学习啦在线学习网 Flowers,monsieur?Only one franc."
学习啦在线学习网 “买花吗,先生?一束才一个法郎哩。”
No one bought any.
Wearilyshe sat down at a table between the sailor and us.To the waiter she said,"A bowl ofsuop.I haven't sold aflower all afternoon." To the piano player she said hoarsely,"Can youimagine,Joseph,soup on Christmas Eve?"
He pointed to his empty"tipping plate".
The young sailor finished his meal and got up to leave.Putting on his coat,he walked over tothe flower woman's table.
"Happy Christmas," he said,smiling and picking out two orsages."How much are they?"
"Two francs,monsieur.
Pressing one of the small corsages flat,he put it into the letter he had written,then handedthe woman a twentyfranc note."
I don't have change,monsieur," she said."I'll get some from the waiter."
"No,ma'am," said the sailor,leaning over and kissing the ancient cheek."This is myChristmas present to you."
学习啦在线学习网 Straightening up, he came to our table,holding the other corsage in front of him."Sir," he saidto me,"may I have permission to present these flowers to your beautiful daughter?"In onequick motion he gave my wife the corsage,wished us a Merry Christmas,and departed.
Everyonehad stopped eating.Everyone had been watching the sailor.Everyone was silent.Afew seconds later,Christmas exploded throughout the restaurant like a bomb.The old flowerwoman jumped up, waving the twenty franc note.Hobbling to the middle of the floor she did amerry jig and shouted to the piano player, "Joseph, my Christmas present! And you shall havehalf, so you can have a feast, too."
学习啦在线学习网 人们都放下手中的餐具,个个目不转睛地看着那位水手,整个餐厅悄无声息。几秒钟后,圣诞节日那固有的欢乐激情像枚炸弹似地爆裂开来。卖花老妪腾身站起,挥动着她手中的那张20法郎的钞票。她跌跌绊绊地走到餐厅的中央,欢快地踏起了舞步,冲着钢琴师大声嚷:"约瑟夫,瞧瞧我这份圣诞礼物吧!说什么我也得让你分享其中的一半,让你也能吃上一顿丰盛的圣诞晚餐。"
The piano player began to belt out"Good King Wenceslaus," beating the keys with magic hands,nodding his head in rhythm.
学习啦在线学习网 My wife waved her corsage in time to the music.She was radiant and appeared twenty yearsyounger.The tears had left her eyes, and the corners of her mouth turned up in laughter.Shebegan to sing, and our three sons joined her, bellowing the song with uninhibitedenthusiasm.
学习啦在线学习网 我的妻子也随着音乐的节奏挥动着那束鲜花。她容光焕发,仿佛一下子年轻了20岁。幸福的泪水夺眶而出,嘴角上绽出青春的笑容。她启动歌喉,放声歌唱,我们的三个孩子随声和了起来。他们纵情高歌,没有一丝半缕的拘谨感。
学习啦在线学习网 "Gut! Gut! "shouted the Germans.They jumped on their chairs and began singing the words inGerman. The waiter embraced the flower woman.Waving their arms, they sang inFrench.The Frenchman who had slapped the boy beat rhythm with his fork against abottle.The lad climbed on his lap, singing in a youthful soprano.
TheGermans ordered wine for everyone.They delivered it themselves, hugging the othercustomers.One of the French families called for champagne-made the rounds, kissing each ofus on both cheeks.The owner of the restaurant started "The First Noel," and we all joined in,half of us crying.
学习啦在线学习网 德国人请在场的每个人喝酒。人们自斟自饮,相互拥抱。那家法国人当中的一位要来了香槟---到每张桌上给人敬酒,并吻了每个人的双颊。饭馆老板带头唱起圣诞歌,我们大家都跟着唱,其中有半数人是含着眼泪唱的。
Peoplecrowded in from the street until many customers were standing.The walls shook ashands and feet kept time to the Christmas carols.
学习啦在线学习网 人们络绎不绝地从街上向餐馆涌来,其中一些顾客由于没有空位而只好站在那里。人们和着圣诞歌的节奏手舞足蹈,声音震得餐厅的四壁阵阵发颤。
Themiserable evening in a shoddy restaurant ended up being the very best Christmas Eve wehad ever experienced just because of a young sailor who had Christmas spirit in his soul.Hereleased the love and joy that had been smothered within us by anger anddisappointment.He gave us Christmas.
中英文对照翻译文章篇2:Canadian Eskimo Lithographs
学习啦在线学习网 Hela Goetz
学习啦在线学习网 Since the Eskimos of Cape Dorset began making prints in 1959, their graphics have continuedto delight art lovers around the world. Interest has spread, not only in the south but to Arcticcommunities as well. Currently,four other Eskimo settlements are producing prints.
学习啦在线学习网 Cape Dorset is probably the best known of the printmaking communities. For a dozen years,prints of consistently high quality have been produced; successful experiments with stencils,etchings and engravings have addedvariety and interest; individual artists are receivingrecognition and acclaim. As modern technology encroaches upon these formerly isolatedpeople, the prints have become a record of an earlier life style.
学习啦在线学习网 多塞特角可能是最有名的版画创作之乡了。多年来,这地方不断出有高质量的版画;不论蜡刻、蚀刻、雕刻,都是成果累累,作品丰富多彩,趣味横生;各路艺人都备受重视,为人赞许。现代技术逐渐渗入这些昔日与世隔绝的人们中间,这些版画也就成了他们早期生括方式的写照。
学习啦在线学习网 When one considers the limited means available to these artists, both in obtaining materialsand being exposed to print-making techniques, their success is indeed phenomenal. Graphicimages had been made by Eskimo artists prior to the advent of printmaking in the Arctic,usually in the form of incised figures and designs on ivory carvings, but the idea of reproducingan image many times on paper was totally new. James Houston, then Northern AffairsAdministrator at Cape Dorset, and himself an artist, guided the Eskimo artists in their firstexperiment, and gradually a cooperative print shop was established.
学习啦在线学习网 Carving of the image on to a flat stone block was a natural step for artists accustomed toproducing stone carvings; drawing the images to be repro-duced was more radical. Many ofthe women, who were far ouf flumbered as carvers by the men, took readily to the newmedium, and soon drawingsfor possible translation into prints became a major artistic activity.People began to take a great interest in recording everyday activities on paper, realisticallyreproducing the animals and birds which were the objects of the hunt and played such a centralrole in their existence, and drawing images of the spirits and strange creatures which peopledtheir mythology. Economic aspects played an important part, too, in the development of thisnew medium of artistic expression. For a people entering a new phase of civilization, it becamean absolute necessity to replace the older hunting economy with a new form of subsistence.The sale of carvings had, for thepast ten years, been an increasing source of income; thedevelopment of print-making techniques promised another means to survive economically.
学习啦在线学习网 把图像刻在平石板上,是制作石雕的艺术家习以为常的一个步骤:把图像描画下来,再复制出来,就非同寻常了。拿雕刻师来说,男人的数量本来远远超过妇女,但这时许多妇女也欣然从事这种新的工艺,于是描图制版很快成为一种主要的艺术活动。大家都开始热衷于把日常的活动记录在纸上:他们逼真地再现了各种飞禽走兽,这些都是猎物,在他们的生活中起着简直是核心的作用;他们还画出了许多精灵鬼怪的形象,这些又都是栖息在他们神话里的生灵。在这种新的艺术表现手段的发展过程中,经济方面也起了重要的作用。一个民族在进入文明的一个新阶段时,势必要用一种新的生存方式来取代旧的狩猎经济。在过去的十年中,出售雕刻品一直是增加收入的一个财源;发展制版工艺,提供了又一种赖以生存的经济手段。
The possibility of recording the old ways of life and the world of the spirits appealed especiallyto the older generation.
学习啦在线学习网 老一代人特别感兴趣的是如今可以把古老的生活方式和鬼怪世界记录下来了。
The recurring theme of monsters and spirits is not entirely the choice of theartiststhemselves. They have been encouraged to draw the old ways andto let their imagination runfree in conjuring up spirits, as these subjects areintensely interesting to southerners. Still, theidea of these fantastic crea-tures is a very real part of the Eskimo's spiritual heritage, andthey are asmuch a part of the old ways as was the nomadic existence in igloos andsHn tents.
学习啦在线学习网 精灵鬼怪的主题反复出现,并非完全出自艺术家本人的选择。。南方人”对这类题材极有兴趣,艺术家因而也受到鼓舞,情愿画。古老的方式”,任凭自己的想像力呼风唤雨,自由驰骋。不过,构思出这批稀奇古怪的生灵,正是爱斯基摩人精神生活中的一个极为真实的传统,它们构成了“古老的方式”的一个部分,犹如圆顶茅屋和兽皮帐篷体现了游牧生活一样。
Strange species of birds are another favourite subject of the Cape Dorsetartists.
学习啦在线学习网 One of the marvellous things about carving and print maHng activities inthe Arctic is the numberof artists who take part-from young children tothe very old.
学习啦在线学习网 The old ways are all but gone, but the community spirit remains, support-ing new ideas andwelcoming new art forms without forgetting the heritageof the past.
学习啦在线学习网 “古老的方式”已经消失殆尽,但他们那种群体精神今犹长存,它不断支持新的思想,迎来新的艺术形式,而又保住往昔的传统,并不忘本。
中英文对照翻译文章篇3:A Visit with the Folks
学习啦在线学习网 periodically i go back to a churchyard cemetery on the side of an Appalachian hill in northernVirginia to call on family elders. it slows the juices down something marvelous.
弗吉尼亚北部阿巴拉契亚山脉的一个小山坡上, 有一处教堂墓地。每隔一段日子,我都要回到那里探望先辈们。这种 探访有一种奇妙的力量,能让人的心境归于平静。
they are all situated right behind an imposing brick church with a tall square brick bell-towerbest described as honest but not flossy. some of the family elders did construction repair workon that church and some of them, the real old timer, may even have helped build it ,but icounldn't swear to that because it's been there a long, long time.
The view, especially in early summer, is so pleasing that it’s a pity they can’t enjoy it. Wildroses blooming on fieldstone fences, fields white with daisies, that soft languorous air turningthe mountains pastel blue out toward the West.
The tombstones are not much to look at. Tombstones never are in my book, but they do helpin keeping track of the family and, unlike a family, they have the virtue of never chafing at you.
学习啦在线学习网 This is not to say they don’t talk after a fashion. Every time I pass Uncle Lewis’s I can hear itsay, “Come around to the barber shop, boy, and I’ll cut that hair.” Uncle Lewis was a barber. Heleft up here for a while and went to the city. Baltimore. But he came back after the end. Almostall of them came back finally, those that left, but most stayed right here all along.
学习啦在线学习网 Well, not right here in the churchyard, but out there over the fields, two, three, four milesaway. Grandmother was born just over that rolling field out there near the woods the year theCivil War ended, lived most of her life about three miles out the other way there near themountain, and has been right here near this old shade tree for the past 50 years.
学习啦在线学习网 We weren’t people who went very far. Uncle Harry, her second child, is right beside her. Acarpenter. He lived 87 years in these parts without ever complaining about not seeing Paris. Toget Uncle Harry to say anything, you have to ask for directions.
学习啦在线学习网 “Which way is the schoolhouse?” I ask, though not aloud of course.
“Up the road that way a right good piece,” he replies, still the master of indefinite navigationwhom I remember from my boyhood.
学习啦在线学习网 It’s good to call on Uncle Lewis, grandmother and Uncle Harry like this. It improves yourperspective to commune with people who are not alarmed about the condition of NATO orwhining about the flabbiness of the dollar.
学习啦在线学习网 The elders take the long view. Of course, you don’t want to indulge too extensively in thatlong a view, but it’s useful to absorb it in short doses. It corrects the blood pressure and putsthings in a more sensible light.
After a healthy dose of it, you realize that having your shins kicked in the subway is not thegravest insult to dignity ever suffered by common humanity.
学习啦在线学习网 学会适当地把目光放开一点之后,你就会明白,在地铁里被人踹了一脚并不算是普通人所受的什么奇耻大辱。
学习啦在线学习网 Somewhere in the vicinity is my great-grandfather who used to live back there against themountain and make guns, but I could never find him. He was born out that way in 1817—JamesMonroe was President then—and I’d like to find him to commune a bit with somebody of bloodkin who was around when Andrew Jackson was in his heyday.
学习啦在线学习网 After Jackson and Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War, he would probably not be very impressedabout much that goes on nowadays, and I would like to get a few resonances off histombstone, a cool frisson of contempt maybe for a great-grandchild who had missed all thereally perilous times.
Unfortunately, I am never able to find him, but there is Uncle Irvey, grandmother’s oldest boy.An unabashed Hoover Republican. “Eat all those string beans, boy,” I hear as I nod at histombstone.
And here is a surprise: Uncle Edgar. He has been here for years, but I have never bumped intohim before. I don’t dare disturb him, for he is an important man, the manager of the baseballteam, and his two pitchers, my Uncle Harold and my Cousin-in-law Howard, have both beenshelled on the mound and Uncle Edgar has to decide whether to ask the shortstop if he knowsanything about pitching.
My great-grandfather who made guns is again not to be found, but on the way out I pass thetombstone of another great-grandfather whose distinction was that he left an estate of.87. It is the first time I have passed this way since I learned of this, and I smile his way, butsomething says, “In the long run, boy, we all end up as rich as Rockefeller,” and I get into thecar and drive out onto the main road, gliding through fields white with daisies, past fencesperfumed with roses, and am rather more content with the world.
学习啦在线学习网 造枪的曾祖父的墓还是没找到,但离开墓地的时候我却发现了另一个曾祖父的墓。他的与众不同之处就是只留下了3.87美元的遗产,这是我听说这桩事后第一次从这儿经过,我笑他的寒酸,却听见有个声音在说:“从长远看,孩子,到最后我们都会跟洛克菲勒一样有钱的。”于是我钻进汽车,穿过被雏菊染白的田野,经过蔷薇飘香的石栅篱,把车开到大路上。此刻,这对这个世界又多了几许满足。
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