学习啦在线学习网 英语散文的发展历程十分曲折,散文大家风格多变,兼之中英语言个性殊异,若要成功地把英语散文大家的作品翻译到中文,既须了解英语散文发展的概况,又须注意保证气韵逻辑通畅,文气沛然,才能传神译出,曲尽其妙,令汉语读者获得相同或相近的审美感受。下面学习啦小编为大家带来经典英语散文中英对照,希望大家喜欢!
学习啦在线学习网 Now as a best-selling author of picture books,Jimmy continues to assert control over his life. Heworks only on projects that inspire him and refusesto let fame limit his freedom. However, as sure asJimmy is of his own path, he is sensitive that forothers, freedom presents its own problems. In aworld of infinite possibilities, choice can seemoverwhelming.
学习啦在线学习网 身为当今的畅销漫画作家,几米依然坚持要掌握自己的人生。他只接能够启发他灵感的工作,并且不让名气限制他的自由。然而,尽管几米拥有自己的人生道路,他仍敏锐地感受到,对其他人来说,自由也有自由的问题。在这个充满无限可能的世界里,选择似乎也会令人难以承受。
学习啦在线学习网 This idea is represented in Jimmy‘s books,somewhere the small scale of his charactersexpresses the powerlessness they feel when facing choices. The message contained in thebrief explanations that accompany Jimmy‘s drawings, however, is hopeful: Though the worldmay make us feel small, we must be brave. Everything will be all right for us—as it is forthe"small people"in Jimmy‘s books—if we make appropriate choices.
Despite his newfound fame and wealth, Jimmy prefers working quietly at home with his wifeand daughter. He spends his mornings drawing, and his afternoons doing chi-gong. To Jimmy,the freedom to live his life as he chooses means much more than money and attention evercould.
学习啦在线学习网 尽管几米近来名利双收,但他还是喜欢静静呆在家里创作,陪伴妻女。他早上画画,下午练气功。对几米来说,能够过着自己想要的生活,远比金钱和名声要重要得多。
I was always a little in awe of GREat-aunt StephinaRoos. Indeed, as children we were all frankly terrifiedof her. the fact that she did not live with the family,preferring her tiny cottage and solitude to thecomfortable but rather noisy household where wewere brought up-added to the respectful fear inwhich she was held.
We used to take it in turn to carry small delicacies which my mother had made down from thebig house to the little cottage where Aunt Stephia and an old colored maid spent their days. OldTnate Sanna would open the door to the rather frightened little messenger and would usherhim-or her - into the dark voor-kamer, where the shutters were always closed to keep out theheat and the flies. There we would wait, in trembling but not altogether unpleasant.
She was a tiny little woman to inspire so much veneration. She was always dressed in black,and her dark clothes melted into the shadows of the voor-kamer and made her look smallerthan ever. But you felt. The moment she entered. That something vital and strong andsomehow indestructible had come in with her, although she moved slowly, and her voice wassweet and soft.
学习啦在线学习网 一个像她那样身材纤细的女人居然能赢得我们如此尊敬。她总是身穿黑色衣服,与客厅里的阴暗背景融成一体,将她的身材衬托得更加娇小。但她一进门,我们就感到有一种说不清道不明、充满活力和刚强的气氛,尽管她的步子慢悠、声调甜柔。
She never embraced us. She would GREet us and take out hot little hands in her own beautifulcool one, with blue veins standing out on the back of it, as though the white skin were almosttoo delicate to contain them.
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