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学习啦在线学习网   如何学好英文语法?这是困扰初高中、四六级、考研等各阶段英语学习者的问题,。没有这种事!小编在这里为大家整理了两种不同的的英语与法方法,快来学习学习吧!


学习啦在线学习网   What do you think of when you hear the word 'grammar'? Does it make you think of complicated textbooks, difficult exercises and boring lessons?


学习啦在线学习网   For many English learners, the answer is 'yes'.

学习啦在线学习网   对许多英语学习者来说,答案是“是”。

  Some English learners even tell me "I don't need grammar," or "I don't want to study grammar."

学习啦在线学习网   一些英语学习者甚至告诉我“我不需要语法”,或者“我不想学语法”。

  In this lesson, you're going to see first of all what grammar really is and why you need it. Then, I'll share some advice to make it easier for you to learn and use English grammar.


学习啦在线学习网   What is grammar, and why do you need it?

学习啦在线学习网   什么是语法,你为什么需要它?

  Grammar is how you organise words into a sentence. Every time you put two or more words together, you are using grammar.

学习啦在线学习网   语法就是你如何把单词组织成一个句子。每次你把两个或两个以上的单词加在一起,你就在使用语法。

  Every time you listen to someone speak, your brain uses grammar to understand the meaning.

学习啦在线学习网   每次你听别人说话,你的大脑就会用语法来理解这个意思。

  From these examples, I hope you can see that grammar is not something abstract or complicated.


  We all use grammar, all day, every day, every time we speak to someone. There's no way to learn a language without thinking about grammar.


  Learning grammar: form vs. Function

学习啦在线学习网   学习语法: 形式与功能

  To use a grammar point (for example, the present simple verb tense), what do you need to know? In general, to use any grammar correctly, you need to know two things:

学习啦在线学习网   要运用语法点(例如,一般现在时动词时态),你需要知道什么?一般来说,要正确地使用任何语法,你需要知道两件事:

学习啦在线学习网   • The form: how to use the words in a sentence

  • The function: what meaning(s) the grammar expresses

学习啦在线学习网   形式:如何在句子中使用这些词?


  For example, to form the present simple, you need to know several things:


  • How to make positive sentences for different persons (I, you, he, we, etc.)

  • When to add 's' or 'es' to the verb

  • How to make negative sentences

  • How to make questions



学习啦在线学习网   ③如何造否定句;

学习啦在线学习网   ④如何提出问题。

  However, forming the grammar doesn't tell you how to use it.


学习啦在线学习网   You also need to think about the function of a grammar point: what meanings can it express? The present simple can be used to express many different meanings, including regular actions, facts, or future events on a timetable.


学习啦在线学习网   Learning grammar: theory vs. Practice

学习啦在线学习网   学习语法: 理论与实践

学习啦在线学习网   When studying grammar, you also need a balance between theory and practice. You need to understand the rules, but you also need to spend time practising them and using them.


  For example, studying rules, reading about grammar, or doing simple exercises are theoretical.


学习啦在线学习网   Making your own sentences using a grammar point, doing more complicated exercises, or using a grammar point in a conversation or written English are practical.


学习啦在线学习网   Learning grammar: the full picture


  Now we can see the full picture: you need to understand the form and the function of a grammar point in theory, and you also need to practise both, by doing exercises, making your own sentences, speaking and so on.


学习啦在线学习网   This might seem simple, but the reason why many English learners find grammar difficult is that they focus too much on one area, and not enough on others.


学习啦在线学习网   Practical advice


学习啦在线学习网   Finally, let's look at some simple, practical suggestions you can use when studying grammar:

学习啦在线学习网   最后,让我们来看看一些简单实用的建议,你可以在学习语法时使用。

学习啦在线学习网   • Always try to find real-life examples of what you are studying. Don't just read notes in a grammar book—the practical side of grammar is very important.

学习啦在线学习网   总是试着找到你正在学习的真实的例子。不要只是在语法书里读注释,语法的实际作用是非常重要的。

  • Remember: understanding a grammar point and being able to use it are separate things. Just because you understand some grammar rules and can do some simple exercises, this doesn't mean you 'know' the grammar point.


  • Try to make your grammar study as practical as possible. Writing your own sentence is better than reading a sentence which someone else wrote. Using grammar in conversation is better than doing an exercise in a textbook, and so on.

学习啦在线学习网   尽量使你的语法学习尽可能的实用。写自己的句子比读别人写的句子要好。在交谈中使用语法比在教科书中做练习要好,诸如此类。

学习啦在线学习网   • If you have difficulties with a grammar point, think about your mistakes. Are you making mistakes with the form, with the function, or with both? This can help you to study more effectively and correct your mistakes.

学习啦在线学习网   如果你在语法知识点学习上有困难,那就想想自己的错误。你是在形式或者作用上犯错,还是两者都犯了错误?这可以帮助你更有效地学习和纠正你的错误。

  • When you study grammar, don't stop thinking about it when you close the textbook or leave the classroom. You don't learn grammar so that you can do exercises in a book, do you?


学习啦在线学习网   你认为只需在作业中练习,不必在课余时学习语法,是吗?

学习啦在线学习网   I hope not-you should learn grammar so that you can use it in real life. That means you also need to think about it in real life, when you're speaking or writing in English.



  一提起语法,最容易联想到的应该就是“规则”了,你的脑海中此时可能出现了“现在完成进行时应该用 have been doing, 情态动词后面应该用动词原形”这样的规则。长久以来,很多人学语法都只停留在记住规则的层面上,死记硬背将一堆语法规则记住,然后用来应付考试。这样导致的结果是,只记住了规则,但并不知道怎么应用规则,导致英语学得很死板(这也是很多中国学生虽然做了不少语法题,但在写作和口语中还是用不好语法的原因)。

学习啦在线学习网   要真正学好语法,仅仅记忆语法规则,会考试会做题还不够,还要将语法放到语境中,这样才能对语法有更深的理解。

学习啦在线学习网   举个例子,有这样一个场景,主人公对着来家里帮忙的工人说:

  Will you be starting work on the room today? You see, I hope to use it for a meeting tomorrow.

  你一定学过一般将来时和将来进行时,知道一般将来时可以用 will 来引导,将来进行时的形式是 will be doing ,那么有没有想过它们之间的区别?为什么这里是 "Will you be starting work on the room today?" 而不是 "Will you start work on the room today?"

学习啦在线学习网   因为 will be doing 有一个应用场合是用来表示礼貌地询问他人的计划,安排等 (You can use the future continuous rather than will to sound particularly polite when you ask about people's plan),再结合对话场景可以发现,主人公用"Will you be doing... "是为了更加礼貌地要求工人去干活。

学习啦在线学习网   我们平时所说的语法,其实包含了两个方面:形式以及意义。形式就是上文提到的语法规则,比如现在完成进行时应该用 have been doing,情态动词后面应该用动词原形。在熟悉语法规则的基础上,更加重要的是掌握每个规则的含义和使用语境(比如 will be doing 用来表示礼貌地询问他人的计划),这样才能真正理解并使用它。



  关于语法书籍我以前在公众号上介绍过一些,比如:荐书 | 剑桥英语语法以及荐书 | 怎样提升英语语法功底?

学习啦在线学习网   在语法规则之外,更重要的是掌握语法在具体语境中的含义。这个过程可以通过阅读来完成。在阅读中能够不断重现语法点,并且阅读提供了一个很具体的语境,这样才能理解和应用。

学习啦在线学习网   也就是说,语法学习的具体思路是:看语法书学习基本的语法规则 -》 在阅读中重现语法规则,结合语境理解规则的含义-》回顾语法规则,查缺补漏-》在阅读中加强对语法规则的理解……


学习啦在线学习网   语法学习中,比起学习规则,更重要的是理解规则的含义。这些是书本教不了你的,只能靠自己多思考和多练习。

学习啦在线学习网   多思考说白了就是要多问几个“为什么”,要保持语法意识,在阅读中碰到不常见的用法,要多问几个“为什么”,并且通过查语法书或者上网寻找答案。

学习啦在线学习网   多练习并不是指为了应付考试而做的大量阅读练习或者单项选择练习,而是包含在日常的英语使用中,比如写作就是一种很好的方式。作为一种语言输出活动,你在写作过程中需要确定每个语法规则的正确使用,需要不断查证,质询,比较,通过这个过程让语法应用水平不断提升。