摘要: 事实上,如果遵守这项定律,会替我们带来无数的朋友,和永久的快乐。可是如果违反了那项定律,我们就会遭遇到无数的困难。这项定律是.永远使别人感觉重要.
学习啦在线学习网 我在纽约的三十三号街第八号路的邮局里,依次排列等着要发一封挂号信,我发现里面那个邮务员,对他的工作显得很苦恼………。秤情的重量,递出邮票,找给零钱,分发收据,这样单调的工作,一年接一年的下去。
I was waiting in line to register a letter in the post officeat Thirty-third Street and Eighth Avenue in New York. Inoticed that the clerk appeared to be bored with the job-weighing envelopes, handing out stamps, making change, issuing receipts - the same monotonous grindyear after year. So I said to myself: "I am going to try tomake that clerk like me. Obviously, to make him likeme, I must say something nice, not about myself, butabout him. So I asked myself, ‘What is there about himthat I can honestly admire?’ " That is sometimes a hardquestion to answer, especially with strangers; but, inthis case, it happened to be easy. I instantly saw somethingI admired no end.
So while he was weighing my envelope, I remarkedwith enthusiasm: "I certainly wish I had your head ofhair.”
学习啦在线学习网 当他秤我的信时,我很热忱的说:「我真希望有你这样一头好头发!」
学习啦在线学习网 He looked up, half-startled, his face beaming withsmiles. "Well, it isn’t as good as it used to be,” he saidmodestly. I assured him that although it might have lostsome of its pristine glory, nevertheless it was still magnificent.He was immensely pleased. We carried on apleasant little conversation and the last thing he said tome was: “Many people have admired my hair.”
I’ll bet that person went out to lunch that day walkingon air. I’ll bet he went home that night and told his wifeabout it. I’ll bet he looked in the mirror and said: “It is abeautiful head of hair.”
学习啦在线学习网 我敢打赌,那位邮务员中午下班去吃午饭的时候,他脚步就像腾云驾雾般的轻松。晚上回去家里,他会跟太太提到这事,而且还会对着镜子说:「嗯,我的头发确实不错。」
I told this story once in public and a man asked meafterwards: “‘What did you want to get out of him?”
学习啦在线学习网 What was I trying to get out of him!!! What was I tryingto get out of him!!!
If we are so contemptibly selfish that we can’t radiatea little happiness and pass on a bit of honest appreciationwithout trying to get something out of the other personin return - if our souls are no bigger than sour crab apples,we shall meet with the failure we so richly deserve.Oh yes, I did want something out of that chap. Iwanted something priceless. And I got it. I got the feelingthat I had done something for him without his beingable to do anything whatever in return for me. That is afeeling that flows and sings in your memory lung afterthe incident is past.
学习啦在线学习网 如果我们是那样的卑贱自私,不从别人身上得到什么,就不愿意分给别人一点快乐,假如我们的气量比一个酸苹果还小,那我们所要遭遇到的,也绝对是失败。
学习啦在线学习网 There is one all-important law of human conduct. If we obey that law, we shall almost never get into trouble.In fact, that law, if obeyed, will bring us countlessfriends and constant happiness. But the very instant webreak the law, we shall get into endless trouble. The lawis this: Always make the other person feel important.John Dewey, as we have already noted, said that thedesire to be important is the deepest urge in humannature; and William James said: “The deepest principlein human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” As Ihave already pointed out, it is this urge that differentiatesus from the animals. It is this urge that has beenresponsible for civilization itself.
学习啦在线学习网 Philosophers have been speculating on the rules ofhuman relationships for thousands of years, and out ofall that speculation, there has evolved only one importantprecept. It is not new. It is as old as history. Zoroastertaught it to his followers in Persia twenty-fivehundred years ago. Confucius preached it in Chinatwenty-four centuries ago. Lao-tse, the founder ofTaoism, taught it to his disciples in the Valley of theHan. Buddha preached it on the bank of the HolyGanges five hundred years before Christ. The sacredbooks of Hinduism taught it a thousand years beforethat. Jesus taught it among the stony hills of Judea nineteencenturies ago. Jesus summed it up in one thought-probably the most important rule in the world: “Dounto others as you would have others do unto you.”
学习啦在线学习网 人们的行为,有一项绝对重要的定律,如果我们遵守这项定律,差不多永远不会遇到烦忧。
学习啦在线学习网 You want the approval of those with whom you comein contact. You want recognition of your true worth. Youwant a feeling that you are important in your little world.You don’t want to listen to cheap, insincere flattery, butyou do crave sincere appreciation. You want your friendsand associates to be, as Charles Schwab put it, “heartyin their approbation and lavish in their praise.” All of uswant that.
学习啦在线学习网 事实上,如果遵守这项定律,会替我们带来无数的朋友,和永久的快乐。可是如果违反了那项定律,我们就会遭遇到无数的困难。这项定律是.永远使别人感觉重要.
学习啦在线学习网 So let’s obey the Golden Rule, and give unto otherswhat we would have others give unto us,How? When? Where? The answer is: All the time,everywhere.
学习啦在线学习网 社威教授曾这样说过:「自重的欲望,是人们天性中最急切的要求。」贾姆斯博士说:「人们天性的至深本质,是渴求为人所重视。」我曾经说过,人与动物相异之处,就在于自重感的有与无,而人类的文化也由此而起的。
David G. Smith of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, told one ofour classes how he handled a delicate situation when hewas asked to take charge of the refreshment booth at a charity concert,“The night of the concert I arrived at the park andfound two elderly ladies in a very bad humor standingnext to the refreshment stand. Apparently each thoughtthat she was in charge of this project. As I stood therepondering what to do, me of the members of the sponsoringcommittee appeared and handed me a cashbox and thanked me for taking over the project. Sheintroduced Rose and Jane as my helpers and then ranoff.
学习啦在线学习网 "A great silence ensued. Realizing that the cash boxwas a symbol of authority (of sorts), I gave the box toRose and explained that I might not be able to keep themoney straight and that if she took care of it I would feelbetter. I then suggested to Jane that she show two teenagerswho had been assigned to refreshments how tooperate the soda machine, and I asked her to be responsiblefor that part of the project.
“The evening was very enjoyable with Rose happilycounting the money, Jane supervising the teenagers, andme enjoying the concert.”
学习啦在线学习网 你想要跟你接触的人都赞同你,你想要别人承认你的价值,你想要在你的小世界里,有一种自重感。你不希望受到没有价值、不真诚的阿谀,你渴求真诚的赞赏。你希望你的朋友,就像司华伯所说的,「诚于嘉许,宽于称道」。所有的人都需要这些。
You don’t have to wait until you are ambassador toFrance or chairman of the Clambake Committee of yourlodge before you use this philosophy of appreciation.You can work magic with it almost every day.
If, for example, the waitress brings us mashed potatoeswhen we have ordered French fried, let’s say: “I’m sorryto trouble you, but I prefer French fried.” She’ll probablyreply, “No trouble at all” and will be glad to changethe potatoes, because we have shown respect for her.
学习啦在线学习网 Little phrases such as “I’m sorry to trouble you,”“Would you be so kind as to ----? " "Won't youplease?” " Would you mind?” “Thank you” - little courtesieslike these oil the cogs of the monotonous grind ofeveryday life- and, incidentally, they are the hallmarkof good breeding.
Let’s take another illustration. Hall Caine’s novels-TheChristian, The Deemster, The Manxman, amongthem - were all best-sellers in the early part of this century.
学习啦在线学习网 我走向电梯,想了想,接着又走了回来,向那个询问员说:「你回答问题的方法很漂亮,很清楚、恰当,你像一个艺术家,实在不简单。」
Millions of people read his novels, countless millions.He was the son of a blacksmith. He never hadmore than eight years’ schooling in his life; yet when hedied he was the richest literary man of his time.
学习啦在线学习网 The story goes like this: Hall Caine loved sonnets andballads; so he devoured all of Dante Gabriel Rossetti’spoetry. He even wrote a lecture chanting the praises ofRossetti’s artistic achievement-and sent a copy to Rossettihimself. Rossetti was delighted. “Any young manwho has such an exalted opinion of my ability,” Rossettiprobably said to himself, “must be brilliant,” So Rossettiinvited this blacksmith’s son to come to London and actas his secretary. That was the turning point in HallCaine’s life; for, in his new position, he met the literaryartists of the day. Profiting by their advice and inspiredby their encouragement, he launched upon a career thatemblazoned his name across the sky.
His home, Greeba Castle, on the Isle of Man, becamea Mecca for tourists from the far corners of the world,and he left a multimillion dollar estate. Yet - who knows- he might have died poor and unknown had he notwritten an essay expressing his admiration for a famousman.
学习啦在线学习网 譬如:我们要一客法式的煎马铃薯,而那个女服务生替你端来了煮的马铃薯,在那时候,我们就不妨这样说:「对不起,要麻烦妳了--我喜欢的是法式的煎马铃薯。」她会回答一点也不麻烦」,并且很乐意的替你去更换,因为你先尊重了她。
学习啦在线学习网 Such is the power, the stupendous power, of sincere,heartfelt appreciation.
学习啦在线学习网 平时客气的话,像「对不起,麻烦你,请你,你会介意吗..谢谢你!」这些简短的话,可以减少人与人之间的纠纷,同时也自然地表现出高贵的人格来。
学习啦在线学习网 Rossetti considered himself important. That is notstrange, Almost everyone considers himself important,very important.
学习啦在线学习网 让我们再举个例子:美国著名小说家「柯恩」,是个铁匠的儿子,他一生没有受过八年以上的教育,可是在他去世的时候,是世界上一位最富有的文人。
The life of many a person could probably be changedif only someone would make him feel important. RonaldJ. Rowland, who is one of the instructors of our coursein California, is also a teacher of arts and crafts. He wroteto us about a student named Chris in his beginningcrafts class:
Chris was a very quiet, shy boy lacking in self-confidence,the kind of student that often does not receive theattention he deserves. I also teach an advanced class thathad grown to be somewhat of a status symbol and a privilegefor a student to have earned the right to be in it.On Wednesday, Chris was diligently working at his desk.
I really felt there was a hidden fire deep inside him. I askedChris if he would like to be in the advanced class. How Iwish I could express the look in Chris’s face, the emotionsin that shy fourteen-year-old boy, trying to hold back histears.
“Who me, Mr. Rowland? Am I good enough?”
“Yes, Chris, you are good enough.”
学习啦在线学习网 罗赛迪认为他自己重要,那并不稀奇,几乎每个人都认为自己是最重要的一个国家也是如此。
I had to leave at that point because tears were coming tomy eyes. As Chris walked out of class that day, seeminglytwo inches taller, he looked at me with bright blue eyes andsaid in a positive voice, “Thank you, Mr. Rowland.”
Chris taught me a lesson I will never forget-our deepdesire to feel important. To help me never forget this rule,I made a sign which reads “YOU ARE IMPORTANT." Thissign hangs in the front of the classroom for all to see and toremind me that each student I face is equally important.
The unvarnished truth is that almost all the peopleyou meet feel themselves superior to you in some way,and a sure way to their hearts is to let them realize insome subtle way that you recognize their importance,and recognize it sincerely.
Remember what Emerson said: “Every man I meet ismy superior in some way. In that, I learn of him.”
学习啦在线学习网 每一个国家都觉得比别的国家优越,这样就产生了爱国主义和战争。
And the pathetic part of it is that frequently those whohave the least justification for a feeling of achievementbolster up their egos by a show of tumult and conceitwhich is truly nauseating. As Shakespeare put it: ". . .man, proud man,/Drest in a little brief authority,/ . . .Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven/As makethe angels weep.”
学习啦在线学习网 I am going to tell you how business people in my owncourses have applied these principles with remarkableresults. Let’s take the case of a Connecticut attorney (becauseof his relatives he prefers not to have his namementioned).
Shortly after joining the course, Mr. R----- drove toLong Island with his wife to visit some of her relatives.
学习啦在线学习网 有些人刚刚觉得自己有若干的成就,就感到自满,结果引起别人的反感和憎厌。
学习啦在线学习网 She left him to chat with an old aunt of hers and therrushed off by herself to visit some of the younger relatives.Since he soon had to give a speech professionallyon how he applied the principles of appreciation, hethought he would gain some worthwhile experiencetalking with the-elderly lady. So he looked around thehouse to see what he could honestly admire.
“This house was built about 1890, wasn’t it?” he inquired.
“Yes,” she replied, “that is precisely the year it wasbuilt.”
学习啦在线学习网 “It reminds me of the house I was born in,” he said.“It’s beautiful. Well built. Roomy. You know, they don’tbuild houses like this anymore.”
学习啦在线学习网 “You’re right,” the old lady agreed. “The young folksnowadays don’t care for beautiful homes. All they wantis a small apartment, and then they go off gadding aboutin their automobiles.
学习啦在线学习网 「是的,」老姑妈回答:「正是那年造的。」
“This is a dream house,” she said in a voice vibratingwith tender memories. “This house was built with love.My husband and I dreamed about it for years before webuilt it. We didn’t have an architect. We planned it allourselves."
学习啦在线学习网 他又说:这使我想起,我出生的那栋房子--非常美丽,建筑也好。现在的人都不讲究这些了。」
She showed Mr. R----- about the house, and he expressedhis hearty admiration for the beautiful treasuresshe had picked up in her travels and cherished over alifetime - paisley shawls, an old English tea set, Wedgwoodchina, French beds and chairs, Italian paintings,and silk draperies that had once hung in a French chateau.
学习啦在线学习网 「是的,」老姑妈点点头:「现在年轻人,已不讲究住好看的房子,他们只需要一所小公寓,和一座电冰箱,再有就是一部汽车而已。」
学习啦在线学习网 After showing Mr. R----- through the house, she tookhim out to the garage. There, jacked up on blocks, was aPackard car - in mint condition.
"My husband bought that car for me shortly before hepassed on,” she said softly. “I have never ridden in itsince his death. . . . You appreciate nice things, and I’mgoing to give this car to you.”
学习啦在线学习网 “Why, aunty,” he said, “you overwhelm me. I appreciateyour generosity, of course; but I couldn’t possibly
学习啦在线学习网 R先生接着又说:「老姑妈带我参观房间过后,她又带我去车库,里面停着一辆很新的「派凯特」牌的汽车。」
学习啦在线学习网 accept it. I’m not even a relative of yours. I have a newcar, and you have many relatives that would like to havethat Packard.”
学习啦在线学习网 她轻轻说:这部车子,是我丈夫去世前不久买的--自从他去世后,我就再也没有坐
学习啦在线学习网 “Relatives!” she exclaimed. “Yes, I have relatives whoare just waiting till I die so they can get that car. Butthey are not going to get it.”
“If you don’t want to give it to them, you can veryeasily sell it to a secondhand dealer,” he told her.
学习啦在线学习网 “Sell it!” she cried. “Do you think I would sell thiscar? Do you think I could stand to see strangers ridingup and down the street in that car - that car that myhusband bought for me? I wouldn’t dream of selling it.I’m going to give it to you. You appreciate beautifulthings."
学习啦在线学习网 He tried to get out of accepting the car, but he couldn’twithout hurting her feelings.
This lady, left all alone in a big house with her paisleyshawls, her French antiques, and her memories, wasstarving for a little recognition, She had once beenyoung and beautiful and sought after She had once builta house warm with love and had collected things fromall over Europe to make it beautiful. Now, in the isolatedloneliness of old age, she craved a little human warmth,a little genuine appreciation - and no one gave it to her.And when she found it, like a spring in the desert, hergratitude couldn’t adequately express itself with anythingless than the gift of her cherished Packard.
学习啦在线学习网 「卖掉!.」老姑妈叫了起来:「你看我会卖掉这部车子?你想我会忍心看着陌生人驾着这部车子行驶在街上?这是我丈夫特地替我买的,我做梦也不会想卖我愿意交给你,因为你懂得如何欣赏一件美丽的东西!」
学习啦在线学习网 Let’s take another case: Donald M. McMahon, whowas superintendent of Lewis and Valentine, nurserymenand landscape architects in Rye, New York, relatedthis incident:
学习啦在线学习网 R君婉转的辞谢,不愿接受她的赠予,可是他不能刺伤了老姑妈的感情。
“Shortly after I attended the talk on ‘How to WinFriends and Influence People,’ I was landscaping theestate of a famous attorney. The owner came out to giveme a few instructions about where he wished to plant amass of rhododendrons and azaleas.
学习啦在线学习网 “I said, ‘Judge, you have a lovely hobby. I've beenadmiring your beautiful dogs. I understand you win a lot
学习啦在线学习网 现在这位老姑妈,风烟残年,孤零零的一个人,她渴望着能获得一点人间的温暖,一点出于真心的赞美--可是,却没有一个人给她。于是当她发现她找到的时候,就像沙漠中涌出一泓泉水来,使她心底激动而感谢,甚至愿意把这部「派凯特」牌的汽车相赠。
of blue ribbons every year at the show in MadisonSquare Garden.’
学习啦在线学习网 让我再举一个例子!这是纽约一位园兹设计家「麦克乌霍」,所说的经过情形:
“The effect of this little expression of appreciation wasstriking.
学习啦在线学习网 「在我听了『如何交友和影响他人」的演讲后不久,我替一位著名的司法官设计园景。那位司法官出来提出他的建议,在什么地方该栽种些什么花。
学习啦在线学习网 " ‘Yes,’ the judge replied, ‘I do have a lot of fun withmy dogs. Would you like to see my kennel?’
学习啦在线学习网 我说:『法官,你有很好的业余嗜好--你那几条狗都很可爱,我听说你曾得过很多次,赛狗会中的蓝丝带优等奖状。」
“He spent almost an hour showing me his dogs andthe prizes they had won. He even brought out theirpedigrees and explained about the bloodlines responsiblefor such beauty and intelligence.
学习啦在线学习网 我这句话果然出现了效果,那位司法官说:
“Finally, turning to me, he asked: ‘Do you have anysmall children?’
学习啦在线学习网 『是的,我对于养狗很感到兴趣,你要不要参观我的狗舍.」
学习啦在线学习网 " ‘Yes, I do,’ I replied, ‘I have a son.’
" ‘Well, wouldn’t he like a puppy?’ the judge inquired.
学习啦在线学习网 最后他问我:『你有没有小男孩?」
学习啦在线学习网 " ‘Oh, yes, he’d be tickled pink.’
学习啦在线学习网 " ‘All right, I’m going to give him one,' the . judge announced.
学习啦在线学习网 他接着问我:『你孩子会不会喜欢小狗?」
学习啦在线学习网 He started to tell me how to feed the puppy. Then hepaused. ‘You’ll forget it if I tell you. I’ll write it out.’ Sothe judge went in the house, typed out the pedigree andfeeding instructions, and gave me a puppy worth severalhundred dollars and one hour and fifteen minutes of hisvaluable time largely because I had expressed my honestadmiration for his hobby and achievements.”
学习啦在线学习网 我说:『嗯,是的,我相信他一定会喜欢的。」
George Eastman, of Kodak fame, invented the transparentfilm that made motion pictures possible, amasseda fortune of a hundred million dollars, and made himselfone of the most famous businessmen on earth. Yet inspite of all these tremendous accomplishments, hecraved little recognitions even as you and I.
To illustrate: When Eastman was building the EastmanSchool of Music and also Kilbourn Hall in Rochester,James Adamson, then president of the SuperiorSeating Company of New York, wanted to get the orderto supply the theater chairs for these buildings. Phoningthe architect, Mr. Adamson made an appointment to see Mr. Eastman in Rochester.
When Adamson arrived, the architect said: "I knowyou want to get this order, but I can tell you right nowthat you won’t stand a ghost of a show if you take morethan five minutes of George Eastman’s time. He is astrict disciplinarian. He is very busy. So tell your storyquickly and get out.”
学习啦在线学习网 贵的时间。那是我对他的嗜好和成就,表示真挚的赞赏所获得的结果。」
学习啦在线学习网 Adamson was prepared to do just that.
When he was ushered into the room he saw Mr. Eastmanbending over a pile of papers at his desk. Presently,Mr. Eastman looked up, removed his glasses, andwalked toward the architect and Mr. Adamson, saying:“Good morning, gentlemen, what can I do for you?”
The architect introduced them, and then Mr. Adamsonsaid: “While we’ve been waiting for you, Mr. Eastman,I’ve been admiring your office. I wouldn’t mind workingin a room like this myself. I’m in the interior-woodworkingbusiness, and I never saw a more beautiful office inall my life.”
George Eastman replied: “You remind me of somethingI had almost forgotten. It is beautiful, isn’t it? Ienjoyed it a great deal when it was first built. But I comedown here now with a lot of other things on my mindand sometimes don’t even see the room for weeks at atime ."
学习啦在线学习网 爱达森听后,就准备那样做。
Adamson walked over and rubbed his hand across apanel. “This is English oak, isn’t it? A little differenttexture from Italian oak.”
学习啦在线学习网 他被引进一间办公室,看到伊斯曼正理首工作,在处理桌上一堆文件。伊斯曼见有人进来,抬起头摘下眼镜,向建筑师和爱达森说:「两位早,有何见教?」
“Yes,” Eastman replied. “Imported English oak. Itwas selected for me by a friend who specializes in finewoods ."
Then Eastman showed him about the room, commentingon the proportions, the coloring, the hand carvingand other effects he had helped to plan and execute.
While drifting about the room, admiring the wood-work,they paused before a window, and George Eastman,in his modest, soft-spoken way, pointed out some of the institutions through which he was trying to helphumanity: the University of Rochester, the General Hospital,the Homeopathic Hospital, the Friendly Home,the Children’s Hospital. Mr. Adamson congratulatedhim warmly on the idealistic way he was using hiswealth to alleviate the sufferings of humanity. Presently,George Eastman unlocked a glass case and pulled outthe first camera he had ever owned - an invention hehad bought from an Englishman.
学习啦在线学习网 Adamson questioned him at length about his earlystruggles to get started in business, and Mr. Eastmanspoke with real feeling about the poverty of his childhood,telling how his widowed mother had kept a boardinghousewhile he clerked in an insurance office. Theterror of poverty haunted him day and night, and heresolved to make enough money so that his motherwouldn’t have to work, Mr. Adamson drew him out withfurther questions and listened, absorbed, while he relatedthe story of his experiments with dry photographicplates. He told how he had worked in an office all day,and sometimes experimented all night, taking only briefnaps while the chemicals were working, sometimesworking and sleeping in his clothes for seventy-twohours at a stretch.
学习啦在线学习网 「谢谢你提醒了我已差点忘了的事,这间办公室很漂亮是不是?当初这间办公室布置完成后,我确实非常喜欢可是现在,由于我工作太忙,有时甚至于接连数星期,不会注意到这上面了。」
James Adamson had been ushered into Eastman’s officeat ten-fifteen and had been warned that he must nottake more than five minutes; but an hour had passed,then two hours passed. And they were still talking.Finally, George Eastman turned to Adamson and said,“The last time I was in Japan I bought some chairs,brought them home, and put them in my sun porch. Butthe sun peeled the paint, so I went downtown the otherday and bought some paint and painted the chairs myself.Would you like to see what sort of a job I can dopainting chairs? All right. Come up to my home and havelunch with me and I’ll show you.”
After lunch, Mr. Eastman showed Adamson the chairshe had brought from Japan. They weren’t worth morethan a few dollars, but George Eastman, now a multimillionaire,was proud of them because he himself hadpainted them.
学习啦在线学习网 伊斯曼回答说:「是的,这是进口的英国橡木,是一位专门研究细木的朋友,替我特别挑选的。」
The order for the seats amounted to ,000. Who do you suppose got the order - James Adamson or one ofhis competitors?
学习啦在线学习网 接着,伊斯曼陪同他,参观自己设计的室内陈设,包括木门,油漆色彩,和雕刻工等。
From the time of this story until Mr. Eastman’s death,he and James Adamson were close friends.
Claude Marais, a restaurant owner in Rouen, France,used this principle and saved his restaurant the loss of akey employee. This woman had been in his employ forfive years and was a vital link between M. Marais andhis staff of twenty-one people. He was shocked to receivea registered letter from her advising him of herresignation.
爱达森问他,当初如何开始他商业上的挣扎和奋斗的?伊斯曼感慨的叙述他幼年时候的贫苦情景--他守寡的母亲,开了一家出租 小公寓。他自己则在一家保险公司做小职员,每天只赚五毛钱。他由于受到饥寒所困,所以立志要刻苦奋斗,免得母亲辛劳至死。
M. Marais reported: "I was very surprised and, evenmore, disappointed, because I was under the impressionthat I had been fair to her and receptive to her needs.Inasmuch as she was a friend as well as an employee, Iprobably had taken her too much for granted and maybewas even more demanding of her than of other employees.
"I could not, of course, accept this resignation withoutsome explanation. I took her aside and said, ‘Paulette,you must understand that I cannot accept your resignationYou mean a great deal to me and to this company,and you are as important to the success of this restaurantas I am.’ I repeated this in front of the entire staff, and Iinvited her to my home and reiterated my confidence inher with my family present.
学习啦在线学习网 爱达森是上午十点十五分进伊斯曼办公室的,当时那位建筑师曾劝告他,最多只能耽留五分钟,可是,一小时,两小时都过去了,他们仍然在谈着。
“Paulette withdrew her resignation, and today I canrely on her as never before. I frequently reinforce thisby expressing my appreciation for what she does andshowing her how important she is to me and to the restaurant.”
“Talk to people about themselves,” said Disraeli, oneof the shrewdest men who ever ruled the British Empire.“Talk to people about themselves and they willlisten for hours ."
学习啦在线学习网 PRINCIPLE 6Make the other person feel important-anddo it sincerely.
学习啦在线学习网 你我该从什么地方开始,实施这种奇妙的试金石?为什么不由你自己的家庭开始呢?我不知道还有任何其它地方更为需要或是更能忽略。我相信你太太一定有她的长处,至少曾经有过,不然你不会娶她做妻子的。可是,你已经有多久没有赞赏她的美丽了?多久了?有多久了?
学习啦在线学习网 她的建议是:「不会甜言蜜语的别结婚,结婚前赞美女人,似乎已是必然的事;可是在结婚以后给她赞美,那也是一种必需具备的职事,婚姻不只是讲诚实还需要有外交的手腕」。
反过来说,你应该赞美她治家有方。而且还要有这样的表示,认为自己很幸运,才得到了一位贤内助。如果她把饭菜做坏了,几乎使你无法入口,你也别抱怨,不妨作这样的暗示,今天的饭菜,没有过去那样可口。你太太有你这样的暗示,她一定不顾 辛劳,直到使你满意为止。」
学习啦在线学习网 不妨今晚,或是明天晚上,替她买一束鲜花,或是一盒糖果--不要只是嘴上这样说:「是的,我应该这样做的。」还需要你实际的去做--给她一个温柔的微笑,加上几句甜蜜的话。如果做丈夫的,跟做太太的都能这样做,我不相信每六对的夫妇中,有一对会要闹离婚。
学习啦在线学习网 有一次,这位狄克斯女士,去访问一位已成为新闻人物的「重婚者」。这人曾经获得二十三个女人的芳心,和她们银行里的存款(这里需附带说明的是,狄克斯女士是在监狱访问他的。)当狄克斯女士问,他获得女人爱情的方法--他说并没有什么诡计,你只要对女人谈论她自己就行了。
学习啦在线学习网 所以,你要使别人喜欢你,第六项规则是: