摘要:目前,科学家最新研制出一种太阳能充电手机屏幕,能够使手机随时随地保持充电状态 。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
学习啦在线学习网 It sounds too good to be true but that's the idea behind a revolutionary technology called Wysips light-powered screen that converts energy from both artificial light and sunshine into electricity that can be used to keep your mobile alive.
学习啦在线学习网 It uses light-collecting crystals that can be fitted beneath or on top of the screens of phones, tablets and even smartwatches, and early prototypes have been able to convert 10 minutes of light exposure into four minutes of extra battery life.
学习啦在线学习网 名为“Wysips光能屏”的革命性技术即将面世,该技术能将人工光源和自然太阳光转换为电能,让手机续航无极限。这实在是太让人惊叹了。
学习啦在线学习网 光能屏技术把采光晶体安置在手机、平板电脑甚至是智能手表屏幕的底下或表面。早期的原型机在光线下暴露10分钟,就可使电池使用时间延长4分钟。
文中的“light-powered screen”就是“光能屏”的意思。light-powered是个合成词,解释为利用光线作为能源,充当形容词使用。类似的用法还有sun-powered 太阳能的;wind-powered 风能的;nuclear-powered 核能的;water-powered 水力的等等。
另外,文中出现的Wysips技术全称是“What You See Is Photovoltaic Surface”,直译为“所见即为光电层”。
