学习啦在线学习网 The operator of Shanghai's subway Line 10 admitted Wednesday that human error played a role in Tuesday's train crash that left 284 people injured.
According to an initial investigation, a sudden loss of power caused the signal system to fail, forcing the trains to be operated manually, Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Company said in a statement.
Personnel failed to follow relevant management rules, which led to the accident, said the statement, without elaborating.
学习啦在线学习网 上海地铁10号线运营方周三表示,发生在周二的地铁追尾事故确有人为因素,该追尾事故已造成284人受伤。
学习啦在线学习网 上海申通地铁集团公司在一次声明中称,根据初步排查,电力突然中断致使地铁运营信号系统失灵,导致不得不对列车实行人工调度。
继7•23甬温线动车追尾事件之后,又一起列车追尾事故。“地铁追尾”英文可以用“subway train crash”表示,强调“追尾”这个动作用“rear-end”这个动词。这两起事故都是由signal failure(信号失灵)造成。此外,“人工调度”英文可以表示为“manual operation”。