霸主[bà zhǔ ]
(封建首领地位的诸候) a powerful chief of the princes of the Spring and Autumn Period; hegemon; overlord
网 络overlord;Hegemon;The Overlord;bavu
学习啦在线学习网 降低成本,是丰田能够登上霸主地位的另一个关键因素。
Another key point of ascending on dominator is decreasing cost.
学习啦在线学习网 我的直觉告诉我,得到他,米兰就会成为世界霸主,事实果然证明了这点!
学习啦在线学习网 I instantly knew that acquiring him would make us world beaters again and it did!
学习啦在线学习网 This supremacy had little to do with a national passion for wooden paddles and plastic balls.
学习啦在线学习网 美国作为经济霸主的时代是否即将终结?
学习啦在线学习网 Is the era of American economic dominance coming to an end?
学习啦在线学习网 有大量的理由让人怀疑美元会失去霸主地位。
学习啦在线学习网 There are plenty of reasons to doubt the dollar's dethronement.
Anor hoped to strike back at Overlord Shimrra in revenge for his misfortune.
学习啦在线学习网 Office overlord:One of your little friends mastered an office career.
学习啦在线学习网 步入21世纪,美国将不再是全球霸主国家。
学习啦在线学习网 In the 21st century, the U.S. will no longer be the Big Dog.
学习啦在线学习网 China plans to take over from Britain in ruling the Olympic waves.
1.Spain once dominated the seas. 西班牙曾经是海上霸主.
2. Awesome ! I for one welcome our new overlords ---- AcoRS. 哦,不错,欢迎我们的新霸主.
3. Hitler the 20 th century century hegemony the man of the world around. 希特勒,20世纪的世纪霸主,驰骋天下的风云人物.
4. Equally formidable is Microsoft, cutting its impressive swath through thesoftware world. 另一个巨人是微软, 它是软件业的霸主.
5. But experts say China is still away from challenging U. 专家认为,中国要挑战美军霸主地位尚需时日.
6. RIM in the mobile email market dominance is not unshakable. RIM在手机邮件市场上的霸主地位并非是不可动摇的.
7. Does the position of the United States after war return existence? 冷战后美国的霸主地位还存在 吗 ?
8. They predominated Asian volleyball field for a long time. 在亚洲排坛,中国男排则长期居于霸主地位.
9. Creative slogans throughout the years have kept Coca - Cola " king of hill . " 历年充满创意的口号使 可口可乐 一直保持 霸主 地位.
10. China already has dominant performers in table tennis, diving, badmintonand weightlifting. 中国目前在乒乓球, 跳水, 羽毛球,举重等项目上具有霸主地位.
学习啦在线学习网 11. The Overlord does not take kindly to having his property stolen. 霸主可不能容忍他的财产被偷取.
学习啦在线学习网 12. TOYOTA becomes the new dominator in global automobile industryimpetuous development. 丰田正以凶猛的声势成为全球汽车业新一轮的霸主.
13. Carthage strove to keep hegemony in the Mediterranean. 迦太基此时已是地中海强国,力图保持在地中海的霸主地位.
学习啦在线学习网 14. For a short time, China had ruled seas. 短期内, 中国成为海上霸主.
15. America, the sporting superpower as been defeated. 美国, 这个体坛超级霸主被击败了.
学习啦在线学习网 16. Old big ears is back ! Campioni Liverpool! 老的霸主又回来了! 冠军利物浦!
17. Perhaps the jellyfish is indeed nature's perfect beast. 也许水母真的是自然界中真正的霸主.
18. Watching Franky Rijkaard continue the Tradition in Vienna. 弗兰克.里杰卡尔德在维也纳的进球最终决定冠军归属,米兰成功卫冕,红黑军团延续着自己在欧洲的霸主地位.
学习啦在线学习网 19. PHOENIX: Can the floor - bound , lane - clogging Shaq and the high - flyingAmare Stoudemire really work well together? 菲尼斯太阳队: 地板上的霸主,禁区里的高山鲨鱼的确能和高飞的小斯配合无间么?
20. And they all have one target – knocking the US dollar off its perch. 所有这些举措都只有一个目标:终结美元的霸主地位.