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学习啦在线学习网   feeling,

学习啦在线学习网   impression,


学习啦在线学习网   opinion。


  State control is a very un-American notion.

学习啦在线学习网   实行国家控制是根本违背美国观念的。

  They want a system based on the notions of personal equality and liberty.

学习啦在线学习网   他们想要基于人的平等﹑ 自由等概念的制度。

学习啦在线学习网   We had a notion that he was telling a lie.


学习啦在线学习网   Your head is full of silly notions.

学习啦在线学习网   你满脑子都是糊涂思想。


学习啦在线学习网   It bolstered my belief.

学习啦在线学习网   这增强了我的信念。

  He acted in accordance with his beliefs.


  His belief of communism is immovable.


  His firmness on his belief supported him in difficulties.


  There was a happy chime of belief and practice in everything she said.


学习啦在线学习网   He has lost his belief in God.


  The story of his miseries is beyond my belief.


  He holds right this belief. 他就持有这种信念。

学习啦在线学习网   They apostatized from their belief. 他们放弃了自己的信仰。

学习啦在线学习网   The chairman premised his speech on the belief that the rich want to help the poor.主席的讲话是基于富人愿意帮助穷人这样一种信念。

学习啦在线学习网   I presume that none of you have that belief. 我假定你们中没有人有那个信念。

学习啦在线学习网   But we made progress because of our belief in those core principles, which haveserved as our compass through the darkest of storms. 但是我们对这些核心原则的信念我们取得的进展,在最黑暗的风暴当中是作为我们的指南针。

  But we made progress because of our belief in those core principles, which haveserved as our compass through the darkest of storms. 但是我们对这些核心原则的信念使我们取得了进展,在最黑暗的风暴当中作为我们的指南针。

学习啦在线学习网   Without it, your belief and passion are not enough. 没有它,你就不会有足够的信念和热情。

  This is a part of our belief and our religion. 这是我们的信仰和我们的宗教的一部分。

  But there’s no reason for the rest of us to share that belief. 但是我们其余的人没有理由与他们分享这一信仰。

学习啦在线学习网   While there is some basis for this belief, it is certainly an oversimplification. 虽然这种信念有一些基础,也确实太过于简单化了。

  I have to confess I acquired this belief from the book Guinness World Records. 我得说我是从《吉尼斯世界纪录》这本书里找到了这一信仰。

  But, lo and behold, she falls for him, and while the rest of the world waits for theother shoe to drop , he plows forward in the resolute belief that nothing matters except her. 你瞧,当她开始倾心于他,剩下的全世界都在期盼另一只鞋子赶快落下(结束悬念的意思),他开始抱着坚定信念努力前进,除了她再也没有什么可以难住他。

  The attraction of this approach is that it does not reduce religion to any singledoctrine or belief, or suggest that all religious believers have one thing in common. 这一解答的迷人之处在于,它没有将宗教简化为任何一项教义或信仰,也没有暗示所有的宗教信徒都具有某一共通之处。

  We believe that these core principles are rooted in the belief that cloudcomputing should be as open as all other IT technologies. 我们相信这些核心准则是基于一个信念:那就是云技术应该象所有其他的IT技术一样开放。

学习啦在线学习网   But it’s important to also realize that it’s not 100 percent of the variances that has explained, by hope, or by belief, or by optimism, as many of the self-help bookswould have us believe. 但是,同样重要的是要认识到那不是解释了100%的变化是由于希望、或是由于信念、或是由于乐观,正如许多自立书使我们相信的那样。而这也是一部分成功的等式。

  In the belief battlefield, he maintains at the life the charge posture. 在信仰的战场上,他把生命保持在冲锋的姿态。

  Consider the following: every society which we know operates within the mediumof belief or faith of some kind. 考虑下例所提:每一个社会,已知的社会,运作的媒介,多少都含有一些信念或信仰。

  Core belief – because without this foundation there is nothing to build yourbalance upon. 核心信念—如果没有这个基础你就无处建立你的平衡。

  He had, in fact, planned to organize an army of slaves to fight for their freedom.He acted in the belief that slaves throughout the south would rise up against theirowners and join him. 事实上,他打算组织一支奴隶军队去为他们的自由而战,他根据整个南方的奴隶应该起来反对他们的主人并加入他的组织这样一个信念而采取行动的。

  C. You have an emotional reaction to the belief. 你对这种信念产生一种情感反应。