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  I should pack for the trip.

学习啦在线学习网   他们回到各自的卧室打包。

学习啦在线学习网   They went into their respective bedrooms to pack.


学习啦在线学习网   I sent my luggage home as unaccompanied baggage.


学习啦在线学习网   The machine will be knocked down before being packed for shipment.


学习啦在线学习网   Can you also bring us a doggy bag?


学习啦在线学习网   Could you make sure that your bags are packed before you leave?

学习啦在线学习网   开发脱机portlet的最后一步便是打包和部署了。

  The last step in developing your offline portlet is packaging and deployment.

学习啦在线学习网   定义和解释数据打包中的五个转换步骤。

学习啦在线学习网   Define and explain the five conversion steps of data encapsulation.

学习啦在线学习网   他决定把晚餐打包而不是在饭店里吃。

学习啦在线学习网   He decided to carry his dinner out rather than eat in the restaurant.


学习啦在线学习网   All guests are not allowed to take any food away!

学习啦在线学习网   把行李从阁楼上搬下来打包。

  The baggage was brought from the attic for packing.


  Please pack the dish in a doggie bag.

学习啦在线学习网   我没有时间好好打包了&胡乱拾掇了几件东西就立即动身。

学习啦在线学习网   I haven't time to pack properly& i'll just chuck a few things together and set off straight away.


  Quite the contrary is true: It is very powerful to package models as assets for others to reuse.

学习啦在线学习网   预先打包及预先集成的数据库服务器、消息服务器及目录服务器

  Prepackaged and preintegrated database, messaging, and directory servers


  also in the Google pipeline: a chrome laptop with a “ student package ” price of$ 20 a month.


学习啦在线学习网   Framework support is provided for events, packaging, CSS-based querying, animations, JSON handling, and more.


  A publisher typically interfaces to external information and event sources and packages the pertinent event in a notification message.


学习啦在线学习网   In addition, you can package use cases into a top-level package that can be characterized using the stereotype.


  You had everyintention of packing well and light, and at some point in the process. But the voice set in.“What if I spill red wine all over my one nice dress and I have nothing else to wear to the Russian ballet?”Add another dress.“What if the weather turns unseasonably cold and it snows when I have my walking tour?” Boots, hat, gloves. That little “What-If” voice can do some serious damage to well-thought-out packing lists. So what’s my advice for those suffering from the “What-If” packing affliction? Read on, and calm that inner worried mother who isfrantic at the possibility of you leaving home with wet hair.

学习啦在线学习网   打包行李准备出门时,你肯定想把箱子整理的又好又轻。但是总会冒出这样的声音:“万一我在俄罗斯舞会上出现红酒洒到裙子上的情况,而我又没裙子换该怎么办?”(于是你又加带了一条裙子);“万一我在散步的时候气温骤降怎么办?”(于是你又加带了靴子、帽子、手套)。而正是这些所谓的“万一”让你想要把行李打包得又好又轻的计划泡汤了。那么对于如何应对这种令人痛苦的“万一”,我又有什么建议呢?读下去,让我帮你减轻这种疯狂的妈妈式担忧,让你不再焦头烂额的出门吧。

  1. Remind yourself that people live where you’re going. Unless you’re traveling to theArctic or the middle of the jungle, you’ll most likely be able to get what you’re missing, or something similar, on arrival.


学习啦在线学习网   2. Know that re-wearing an outfit is not the end of the world.Granted you have clean undies of course! Just hand-wash as you go.

学习啦在线学习网   要知道旅行在外一件外套多穿几天并没有什么大不了的,只要确保内衣是干净的就足够了。所以,做个“空手掌柜”出门吧。

学习啦在线学习网   3. Look at plausibility before adding extra items to your luggage.How likely is it that the weather will drop to unseasonably cold temperatures in the middle of May at your destination? Do some research in advance.How often do you tend to drink red wine while on holiday? Are you really going to spill it all over you if you tend to favor gin and tonicsinstead?Is lounging with a book actually your preferred method of relaxation, or do you tend to forgo the book? Chances are if you’re not a reader in normal life, you might not be so much on holiday either.


学习啦在线学习网   4. Go back to the beginning. Check blogs and websites to reaffirm your previously decided packing-list.

学习啦在线学习网   重新确认。看看博客和网站,对照你之前的打包清单,再次确认是否是有必要带上那些东西。

  5. Point out contingency plans.Smart packing is really knowing how to make the most of what you have. For example, if it does happen to get unseasonably cold on your trip, do you have a handful of layerable items that you can wear all at once to provide the proper warmth for a short time? Do you have a pashmina or scarf that can be wrapped around your head in place of a hat?


学习啦在线学习网   6. Ask yourself, “Will my trip be ruined if I don’t have this, that or this?”And when you verify that is not the case, you can bypass the last-minute toss-ins and keep your luggage light light light!

学习啦在线学习网   问问自己,“如果我不带某件物品,我的旅行就会被毁了吗?”如果并非如此,那你完全可以在打包好之前将其统统扔出行李箱,确保你的行李轻便、轻便、更轻便!










打包,可以是收拾行李的、食物外带等意思,那么你知道打包用英语怎么说吗?下面跟学习啦小编一起来学习关于打包的英语知识吧。 打包英语说法 pack package 打包的英语例句 我该打包上路了。 I should pack for the trip. 他们回到各自的