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学习啦在线学习网   在托福考试中,托福口语第一题的重点还是15秒准备时间中。那么 ,对于我们正在备考的学生来说,应该怎样应对好这样的托福口语第一题考前15秒呢?下面是小编给大家带来的托福口语第一题考试时间如何分配,希望能帮到大家!



学习啦在线学习网   首先。我们要明确一下"细节"或"例子"所指的是什么。《官方指南》明确要求在第一题中,"You should include specific details and/or examples"(p. 167)去支撑理由,而具体怎么操作,《官方指南》也给出了范例,比如167页的例题:"Choose a teacher you admire and explain why you admire him or her. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation."在针对这道题的分析当中,《官方指南》指出在说原因时可以说是这位教师表现出了很独特的个人品质,而后面的细节就应该是对此进行描述或者提出相关证据:"occasions when you noticed it, the effect it had on you, and so forth"(p. 168)。由此看来,考生在提供具体细节时不一定是要讲一个故事,也可以是具体的现象、场合或影响。根据官方的这种要求,一般可以用两种方法迅速扩展细节:分层法和列举法。


  对于托福口语第一题考试时间分配来说,分层法是最为普通也是最为有效的方法。分层法是指先将理由信息缩小到一个更具体的范围,然后再迅速给出细节的方法,这些常用的具体范围可包括"学习"、"生活"、"思想"三方面。一般来讲,理由信息越是抽象越是不容易给出细节。比如说之前2012年1月14日那道人物题--要求考生描述最喜欢花时间相处的人,我们用之前的方法已经很快可以确定对象和理由,但关于人物特征的理由往往会比较抽象,比如有考生会回答这个人是"my father",原因之一是"He is open-minded"。在这里open-minded的细节如何给出会让考生感到头疼。那么我们先把open-minded这个词分层,比如将其范围缩小到"学习"上,什么样的现象可以证明在"学习"方面是open-mined的呢?这时很多同学就会立即想到"不会因为孩子一次考试不好就责备孩子"这样的实例,而大学生往往也会想到"尊重孩子对自己学习专业的选择"等具体情况。如果将这个词范围缩小到"生活"上,又会有同学马上想到"尊重孩子的兴趣爱好和生活习惯"等等可以举例的角度。照此看来,所谓"思想"上的open-minded也不难猜测了,一般定是与尊重孩子的某一想法有关。同学们在这项练习中往往会发现一个神奇的事实:先分层次,例子竟会如泉水般从头脑中涌出。

学习啦在线学习网   学会使用列举法阐述

学习啦在线学习网   列举法则是直接列举出具体的体现,对于托福口语第一题考试时间也是很有帮助的。比如要证明"My father is very talented", 则可以直接摆出以下事实:"He read a lot of classical literature works in his youth and he can play three kinds of music instruments"。 如要证明"My father is forward-looking",也可以直接陈述以下事例:"My father thought it was a smart move to send me to study abroad, so he taught me English when I was little"。列举的事实可以成为分层后的实例,也可以单独使用。两种方法如果都能够熟练掌握或者融会贯通,势必会帮助考生在黄金15秒之内完成基本的准备工作。


学习啦在线学习网   与家庭相关的话题是托福口语考试中经常出现的话题,除此之外,考生也可以在谈论其他话题时灵活的将家庭话题中使用的一些语句运用到其中,因此,掌握家庭话题相关的词汇和句子非常有用,我们将这些词汇和句子整理如下供同学们参考。

学习啦在线学习网   1 家庭成员: great-grandfather, great-grandmother, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, wife, husband, son, daughter, older brother, older sister, young brother, young sister, grandson, granddaughter, etc.

  2 家庭类型: a nuclear / small family核心家庭a big / large/extended family大家庭a single-parent family单亲家庭

  3 亲戚关系: grandaunt姑婆,姨婆;granduncle伯公,叔公,舅公,姑公,姨公; aunt 婶母,伯母,姨母,舅母; uncle 叔父,伯父,姑父,姨父; cousin堂兄弟(姐妹),表兄弟(姐妹); cousin-in-law堂姐(妹)夫,堂嫂,堂弟媳,表姐(妹)夫,表嫂,表弟媳; brother-in-law 姐夫,妹夫; sister-in-law姑,姨,嫂,弟媳; son-in-law女婿; daughter-in-law儿媳; nephew 侄儿,外甥; niece侄女,外甥女; grandnephew甥(外)孙,侄(外)孙; grandniece甥(外)孙女,侄(外)孙女; grandson-in-law孙女婿;granddaughter-in-law孙媳妇;etc.

学习啦在线学习网   4 常用短语: feed / raise / support a family抚养家庭; found / start a family 建立家庭;family property家产; family financial situation家境; family history家史; family tree家谱;family origin家庭出身; family responsibilities家庭责任; family function 家庭功能; family relationship 家庭关系; family planning 家庭计划; family education 家庭教育; family structure 家庭结构; family ethics 家庭伦理; family consumption 家庭消费;etc.

学习啦在线学习网   5 常用句型: 1. What do you want to say about your family? 2. How many people are there in your family? 3. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 4. Are you the oldest/youngest in your family?5. What do your parents do? 6. I grew up in a very close, loving family.7. I keep in touch with my family regularly. 8. I miss my family very much.



学习啦在线学习网   Now first listen to a conversation about the family and say something about Brian’s family. Please Listen Carefully. Lin: Brian, what’s up? You look unhappy. Brian: Oh, nothing particular, Lin. Just that I miss my family terribly. Lin: Me too. How many people are there in your family? Brian: Four. My parents, my elder sister and I. Lin: What do they do? Brian: My father works in a computer company, and my mother is a nurse. My older sister studies in Beijing, and we email each other fairly often. Lin: Are your parents strict with you? Brian: Yes, I think so. When I was at home, I had to clean my own room, help with house chores, finish my homework before dinner time, get back home no later than 9:00 in the evening, and so no. Lin: That’s good for you. Do you get along well with your family? Brian: Sure. I’m lucky to live in a strict yet loving family. I love them. Narrator:

  You may begin to prepare your response after the beep.

  2 seconds beep] Preparation time: 15 seconds

学习啦在线学习网   Response time: 45 seconds

学习啦在线学习网   Narrator:

  Please begin speaking after the beep.

  2 seconds beep] Suggested Answer:

学习啦在线学习网   There are four members in Brian’s family, his father, his mother, the elder sister and him. His father works in a computer company, and his mother is a nurse in a hospital. His older sister studies in Beijing, and they get in touch with each other by email. His parents are strict with him. When he was at home, he had to clean his own room, help with house chores, finish his homework before dinner time and get back home before 9:00. In short, Brian lives in a strict yet loving family.

学习啦在线学习网   词汇与解析: WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS

  1. be strict with: 严厉的,严格的

学习啦在线学习网   2. house chores: 家务事,家务活

  3. get along with: 进展(情况);生活地,(友好地)与……相处

  4. get in touch with 保持联系 答案解析:

  这是两名学生在讨论家庭的一篇对话。这篇对话传递了三个信息。我们首先了解了Brian的家庭成员(Brian: Four. My parents, my elder sister and I.);其次,了解了Brian父母亲的职业 (My father works in a computer company, and my mother is a nurse.),他的父亲在一家计算机公司工作,母亲是护士。最后,我们从对话中得知,Brian的父母亲对他要求很严格:Brian在家的时候,他得自己打扫房间,帮助父母做家务活,晚饭前必须做完家庭作业,晚上九点之前必须回家。这些具体事例有力地证明了Brian的父母对他的严格要求。
