学习啦在线学习网 坏可以形容物品的破坏,也可以形容品质的好坏,那么你知道坏的用英语怎么说吗,现在跟学习啦小编一起学习关于坏的英语知识吧。
坏掉的 broken ; be broken up ; to be busted ; raddled
坏透的 vile ; villainous ; execrable ; infernal
坏了的 broken ; kaput
变成坏臭的 To become gangrenous.
用坏了的 be worn out ; worn-out
坏了的唱片 broken record
学习啦在线学习网 坏灭的足迹 wake of destruction
1. Our motto is "Plan for the worst and hope for the best".
2. She'll have a heart attack if I tell her.
3. The doctors didn't mince their words, and predicted the worst.
学习啦在线学习网 医生直言相告,并做了最坏的预测。
学习啦在线学习网 4. In the worst-case scenario, you could become a homeless person.
学习啦在线学习网 最坏的情况是你可能会无家可归。
5. I'm a natural pessimist; I usually expect the worst.
学习啦在线学习网 我是天生的悲观主义者。我总是做最坏的打算。
学习啦在线学习网 6. I dis-covered a mutilated cassette stuffed in a waste-basket.
7. All this had an extremely negative effect on the criminal justice system.
学习啦在线学习网 8. "But we might ruin the stove." — "Who cares?"
学习啦在线学习网 “可我们会把炉子弄坏的!”——“我才不在乎呢!”
9. He'll go loopy when he hears!
学习啦在线学习网 他听了会气坏的!
10. The crisis had a negative effect on trade.
11. In the worst-case scenario more than ten thousand people might be affected.
学习啦在线学习网 12. Choose the good apples and reject the bad ones.
13. We must sort out the good apples from the bad ones.
学习啦在线学习网 我们必须把好的苹果与坏的分开.
学习啦在线学习网 14. Two unhappy marriages have left their mark on her.
学习啦在线学习网 两次不幸的婚姻给她留下了极坏的印象.
15. Don't bunch the flowers up so tightly, you'll spoil them.
学习啦在线学习网 别把花束得这么紧, 会弄坏的.
Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. Fast food can also be defined as any food that contributes little or no nutrient value to the diet, but instead provides excess calories and fat. Fast food can be a good way to save time ,but it is not the proper way for nutrition.Some of these foods that are of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar, and calories. Common foods include salted snack foods, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food, and carbonated beverages.Fast food may include chips, hot pies ,pasties, sandwiches, burgers, croissants, kebabs, pizzas, chicken, soups, and salads.It also includes drinks, for instance, milkshakes, and soft drinks.Here we discus some most common disease and other side effects caused by fast food.
Obesity means having too much body fat. It is not the same as being overweight, which means weighing too much. Fast food is high in calories and sugar that contribute to increased-weight gain.Even small amount of fast food can increase your calorie intake considerably. Fast foods also replace healthy eating habits, People who consume fast foods are less likely to eat fruits, vegetables, milk etc. This change in eating habits can easily lead to obesity.
学习啦在线学习网 2.Heart Disease
学习啦在线学习网 People who eat fast-food four or more times a week, up their risk of dying from heart disease by 80 percent. Fast foods create a much higher risk of heart disease because of the high level of saturated or trans fats found in much of the food. Those fats can clog the arteries and, over time, contribute to high cholesterol levels.
3.Type 2 Diabetes
学习啦在线学习网 Fast food has become a way of life for many busy persons seeking a fast and inexpensive alternative to cooking at home. Although they may develop type 2 diabetes, this type of diabetes is often caused by poor lifestyle choices, such as being overweight and not being physically active. There is a side effect to consuming frequent amounts of fast food 'obesity' which can lead to the development of diabetes.
学习啦在线学习网 快餐已经成为许多忙碌的人追寻的一种快速而廉价,并且能够替代在家做饭的生活方式。但是快餐可能导致2型糖尿病,这种类型的糖尿病通常是由不良的生活方式引起的,比如超重和缺乏运动。高频率食用快餐导致的肥胖症会加重糖尿病的病情。
4.Peptic Ulcer
A peptic ulcer, also known as PUD or peptic ulcer disease, is the most common ulcer of an area of the gastrointestinal tract that is usually acidic and thus extremely painful. For almost 100 years, doctors believed that stress, spicy foods, and alcohol caused most ulcers. Fast Foods which may causes Ulcer are Pizzas, Chips, Salted snakes etc.