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  Wellington, New Zealand

  The capital of New Zealand, Wellington is a walkable city nestled between a mountain range and an ocean. The city itself boasts many attractions, including a famous zoo. But many tourists choose to take day trips outside of the city to see the magnificent landscapes where "The Lord of the Rings" was filmed.

  Glacier Bay, Alaska

  Talk about ice fields! Glacier Bay has plenty -- 50, to be exact -- most of which are eons old. A must-see stop on any adventurous traveler's itinerary, a trip from Anchorage to Glacier Bay on Carnival Alaska will include sightings of numerous seabirds, otters, bears and even humpback whales. It will also feature forays out into the 3.2-million-acre national park where you'll have a chance to trek across a receding glacier.

  Sydney, Australia

  The site of the first British colony in Australia, Sydney has evolved into a cosmopolitan melting pot. Attractions include the iconic Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge as well as Bondi Beach, a mecca for serious surfers. Cultural lovers will find plenty to do here, whether they want to museum hop or catch a performance at one of the city's many theaters.


  Located in the midst of the balmy water of the Gulf Stream, this archipelago of 138 inlets has three qualities that make for a perfect tropical vacation: turquoise waters, white sand and coconut groves. Add on glass-bottomed boat tours, swimming with dolphins, treks into the luscious green hills and a happening nightlife scene and you have the perfect vacation.


  惠灵顿是新西兰的首都,是坐落于山脉和海洋之间的一个适合步行的城市。城市本身有很多景点,包括著名的动物园。但是很多旅行者选择市外一日游,去看 “指环王”拍摄地那蔚为壮观的景色。

学习啦在线学习网   阿拉斯加的冰川湾

学习啦在线学习网   谈到冰原,不得不提冰川湾。冰川湾有许多冰原(确切的说是50个),大部分都有上亿年的历史了。冰川湾是喜欢冒险的旅客必须要去的地方。从安克雷奇到冰川湾的旅途中,你可以看到无数的海鸟、水獭、熊、甚至是座头鲸。你还可以去320万英亩的国家公园,在那里你有机会徒步穿越向后倾斜的冰川。



