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学习啦在线学习网   Named by Christopher Columbus after he stumbled upon the island while exploring the New World, Antigua was ruled by the British until 1981, when it became an independent nation. Still, it maintains many English traditions, including the pub room at the Admiral's Inn. Along with coves buffeted by coral reefs, the island boasts pastel houses with wide verandas, bays with calm waters for children and the Saturday Morning Market, where visitors can buy all manner of tropical fruits.

  St. Petersburg, Russia

学习啦在线学习网   Once the seat of Peter the Great, St. Petersburg contains many relics of more decadent times. From czarist cathedrals to the Winter Palace to the Hermitage, one of the most important museums in the world, there's plenty to do in the city for a cultured traveler. Catch a famous Russian ballet at the Mariinsky Theater, or stroll down the Nevsky Prospekt to feel like a 19th century aristocrat. In the winter, the city becomes a crystalline ice dreamscape -- but bundle up; it can be cold.

  Bergen, Norway

  The gateway to Norway's many fjords, which are water channels through cliffs carved by glaciers, Bergen is a classic Nordic fishing village. Whether you're walking down streets full of colorful houses, holding your nose at the fish market, or trekking out into the gorgeous mountains that surround the city, you're sure to become just as bewitched by the place as the Vikings were when they first encountered it 2,000 years ago.

  Messina, Italy

学习啦在线学习网   Founded by the Greeks in the 8th century B.C., the city has since been inhabited by many cultures including the Romans and the Arabs, making for a rich cultural fabric. Chock full of Renaissance cathedrals, museums featuring works by masters like Caravaggio and ancient ruins, Messina is also the gateway to Mount Etna. It is an active volcano -- watch out! -- where many brave souls visit the top to get a glimpse of the churning, red hot lava and the panoramic views of the Sicilian islands below.



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学习啦在线学习网   卑尔根是通往挪威很多峡湾的门户,峡湾是由冰川磨蚀山壁形成的水的通道。此外卑尔根还是一个经典的北欧渔村。无论你是在满是五颜六色房屋的街上行走,还是在鱼市上捂住鼻子,或徒步走到环绕城市的绚烂山脉,你都一定会像2000年前发现这儿的维京人那样对这里着迷的。


学习啦在线学习网   墨西拿是希腊人在公元前8世纪建立的,从那时起,这座城市就有着罗马文化、阿拉伯文化等丰富的文化结构。 不仅如此,这里还有大量文艺复兴时期的大教堂、有珍藏像卡拉瓦乔这样大师级作品的博物馆,还有古遗址博物馆。此外,它还是埃特纳火山的门户。埃特纳火山是一座活火山(要小心哦),那里还有很多勇敢的人爬到顶峰去看火山的翻腾和炽热的熔岩,下面西西里岛屿的全景一览无余。